*The Man I Love*
Part Two
I got in my car, and leaned onto the steering wheel, unable to stop the tears. My whole body shook as i replayed the events that had on ly taken place only hours before. Unsure of where i was going or what i was going to do, I started the car and backed out of the driveway. I drove down the dark streets, hoping to be struck by inspiration as to what to do. But inspiration never came, so i drove to a chepa motel and got a room.

" Just one bed?" The old man asked me.

" Just one," I said quitely, handing him my credit card.

He scanned my card and handed it back to me, along wiht the room key. " 518. Fifth floor, third door on your right,"

I followed his directions, and unlocked my room. I heard someone laughed down the hall, and I glanced in that direction before going inside.I immediately took off my clothes and turned the shower on as hot as it would go. I stepped in the shower and proceeded to scrub myself everywhere Marcus had touched. I slouched down in the corner of hte tub, and just let the hot water cascade down my body.

I stayed in the shower for a couple of hours before i got out. I dried off and put on a clean pair of panties.and a clean shirt before climbing in bed. " Tomorrow," I sighed. " Tomorrow's a new beginning,"

I closed my eyes, but never really got any sleep that night.


A loud crash woke me up frm the light sleep i was having. My eyes snapped open and i sat up, forgetting where i was for a brief moment.I heard the same crash and several girls giggling. I looked over at eh clock and noticed the time. 10:47am.

" Shit!" I said jumping out of bed. I dressed as fast as i could and checked out of the hotel.I climbed into my car and drove to work as fast as i could. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, as i ran down the hall, almost knocking several people down on the way to my desk.

" Woah! Slow down there girlie," Rachel said looking up from her desk. " Don't worry, he's not in his office,"

" He's not? Oh thank god!" I sighed slipping into my seat. " I thought i was gonna be read the riot act or something," I said pulling some files from my desk. " I need to talk to you Rach, k?"

" I'm so glad you diecded to come to work today, Heather," Nick said behind me.

Nick Carter. The one man i despised almost as much as Marcus, only this feeling was very much mutual. It was obvious to anyone who worked there that we didn't like each other. Rachel on the other hand, was head over heels for the man.

He had to be the biggest asshole on the planet. I had typed my resignation more than once only to throw it away minutes later... because i needed a job. And i liked my job. I worked in a law firm downtown. We handled civil cases and things of that nature. I guess you could say that Nick was my boss... but he acted like god. He'd always talk down to me as if i was a child, and often criticized my work... but i didn;t mind that so much. Ever so often he'd show he could be nice, but it wouldn't last and he'd go back to the insults and sarcastic remarks.

On this particualr morning i was in no mood to argue with nick, and my hearht and body weren't up for the challenge. " I apologize for being late Nick-"

" Nevermind that," He interrupted. " Can i see you in my office please? there are some things we need to go over,"

" Sure," I said standing up. I glared at Rachel, who just smiled and went back to work.

I followed Nick into his large office and quickly took a seat. He closed the door and walked around his desk and sat down.He rocked back in his chaor for a few minutes with an indignant look on his face. " I don;t appreciate you taking your job seriously, Heather,"

"I take my job very seriously-"

" Don't interrupt me. Now, I don't know what's going on with you at home, and i don't care, but i expect you to deal with it on your own time. I don;t want o have this conversation with you again. Do you understand?"

" You brought me in here for that?"

" Do you understand?" He repeated harshly.

Yeah, Nick i understand, but you have to understand that i'm not some 8-year old that you can just talk to however you want. I have never given you any reason to doubt my work, and i don;t plan on starting now. And for you to bring me in here and talk to me the way you did is uncalled for. How dare you make conclusions about me or my life. You don;t know anything-"

" You're boyfriend's been calling  here all mornign Heather. Apparently he's worried about you. He said you  left last night and he didn't know where you were,"

" He called here?"

" Many times. I've talked to him twice; Rachel's been takig messages. We are not your personal messaging service, Heather," He said tapping his pen lightly on the desk. " He'll be calling  again soon no doubt. I expect you to handle it,"

"  Can i go now? Or was there something else?"

Nick stared at me for a few moments. " That'll be all for now,"

I stood and left his office, slamming the door behind me.

Part Three

Part One


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