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Issue 3

In this Issue ......

A new wineskin is needed for the new wine

- James Chen
When God wants to move forward, His wine must be new - and stronger and more abundant than before. If this newer, stronger wine were put into that recently "old" wineskin, the old wineskin would not be able to contain it and would break. Both the wine and the wineskin would be lost! Therefore, for God's work in every age, He longs for - and searches to find - a new wineskin. He must find a new wineskin. And when He finds that new wineskin, He will put new wine into it! Be sure, He will do it....

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The Meaning of the House of God

- T. Austin Sparks
"If we go on with God, the cross leads us immediately to the House of God. The cross opens the way to the House of God, and the House of God depends for it's full meaning upon whether the cross has done its work. A great many people think that the church, the House of God - or whatever you may term it - is a doctrine, a part of a system of Christian truth. Have you thought that? Well, let me say you are wrong. What is the House of God? .....

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His Peace and Our Quality Time

- John & Jan McGoram
Time for the Camp! ....

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- John McGoram
With John Beaumont's permission we have taken excerpts from Ch 12 of his book, 'The Church of My Dreams". We have chosen this particular chapter as John shares important revelation in regard to the preparation of God's people as they plan to come together for special occasions....

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Mailbox - Issue 3

Read the mailbox from this issue. To write, use the contact form or email us. Details in the 'Contact' section of this magazine.....

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Calling the Remnant

- Hadyn Olsen
"The call of God." How easy it is to misuse this term. How easy it is to make glib reference to God's calling or God's word without realising the gravity of what we say. There are times when God speaks and when God calls - but He does not always speak and He does not always call. There are times when His word is "rare" and when He is silent. Yet man is always speaking......

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Book Review

Christopher Waldvogel and Jan McGoram review the books 'Isms' by Hadyn Olsen and 'Your life: His Glory' by John Beaumont.....

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