Title: Part 1 in Pain and friendship saga.
Author: Fayth
e-mail: [email protected]
Couple: W/S
Rating: PG all innocent so far.
Distribution: want. Take. Have. Let me know.
Disclaimer: if I owned them I would make Spike forget Buffy and love Wills- oh he would be a lot more naked.
Feedback: Really, I reply to everyone who sends it.
Spoilers: Takes place after Oz leaves Will kinda turns AU.
Summary: Pain and a helping hand
Dedication: To sugarmouse and  Callie and Spiderqueen who does kickass W/S and unknowingly helped me stay sane through my exams with her fics!
Authors notes: Oz left Will after Veruca and they never had sex. Spike is chipped and had little crush on Buffy- I know this messes with The BTVS timeline but don�t care!

She wrapped her arms around her middle as if to protect it from blows and bowed her head against the wind as she made her way through the cemetery. With her dark hair curling around her neck and framing her pale face and the look of pure pain echoing in her eyes there was no doubt that willow was engulfed in a private world of torment and anguish.
He watched her from the shadows, his cigarette a small flicker of light in the darkness. He sighed with unneeded air and followed her fragile form with his eyes.
Around her friends she kept a bright smile and bubbling conversation ready to convince them she was fine. But Spike could tell the smiles rarely reached her eyes and the haunted look never left them.
He had no idea what transpired between Willow and Oz after she had found him the Wolf-bitch but from the way she had appeared afterwards it had not been an amicable break-up.
Strangely Spike had felt drawn to her after that and all thoughts of the slayer had fled. He�d been used and abused by Drusilla in much the same way and felt a kinship with the cute Red-head.  Her stupid pals the scoobies had no clue how the girl felt and probably didn�t care- as long as she wasn�t moaning and they didn�t have to hear about it they could care less. > Bloody Useless- the lot of them! < He stepped out of the shadows but nothing registered to Willow. > Stupid chit will get herself killed if she�s not careful <
�Pet, not a good idea to be out here all alone.� He said. She started at his words but relaxed as it registered who the speaker was.
�Spike.� Not a greeting or question just an acknowledgment that he was there. The sadness in her voice almost broke his unbeating heart. Suddenly she recalled who he was and she struggled to dredge up a smile and unwrapped her arms from around her waist. Taking a deep breathe she tried for casual happiness.
�H-Hey Spike, how�s it going- you with the lurking, you�re a little too good at that.�
Spike smirked �Nice try, pet.�
�What?� she was confused
�That cute babbling thing only works if you don�t look like someone just killed your puppy.�
�I don�t have a puppy.� The smile fell and her voice sounded hollow �I had fish but it ended badly.�
Spike�s heart went out to her �You should get one; treat you better than dog-boy did.�
Willow tensed at Spike�s nickname for Oz and fought not to defend him. �What do you want Spike?�
�I don�t like seeing you unhappy, it�s blooding depressing watching you walk around like someone died.� He knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as his mouth closed.
Tears formed in her eyes �I�m trying!� she bit out in despair.
�I know luv,� he said gently and moved closer to her �I�m trying to say that you shouldn�t have to pretend around real friends, they should comfort you like I know you�ve done for them especially the bleedin� slayer. And you don�t have to pretend around me.� He reached up and wiped an errant tear from her cheek/
�Why?� she sniffed
�I understand, I get the whole suffering thing.� He explained.
�Right, you�ve caused enough.� She looked down at the ground
He grasped her chin with his fingertips and raised her head until she met his eyes
�No.� he replied firmly �Your not the only one who has someone hurt them.� He grinned wryly �I�m the original love�s bitch.�
�Drusilla, oh Spike �m sorry I didn�t even think!� she stroked his arm and once again Spike marvelled at the girls capacity for caring. Here she was swimming in pain and yet she tries to comfort a monster who has tried to kill her on numerous occasions.
Overwhelmed he pulled her into a hug and rested his cheek on top of her head. After a startled moment she returned his embrace. > It feels so good to have someone understand even if it is Spike < she thought and nestled closer. He stroked her hair as they were both comforted by the closeness.
�We�ll be okay you know. We�re both strong and we can deal with it. Sod �em all.� He murmured into her hair and she nodded.
�But it hurts so much Spike.� Closing her eyes she lost herself in the sensation of Spikes hand caressing her head.
�I know but neither of us is alone now, right?� he asked hopefully
�Promise?� her eyes pleaded
He grinned �I promise Red, we�re friends right?�
�Friends.� She agreed the spark returning to her eyes for the first time in weeks.
He held out his hand and she took it.
�C�mon pet, let�s get you home.�
So the Witch and the Vampire walked hand in hand through the dark cemetery united in pain and friendship. And no longer alone. 


>O.k. so bored< thought Willow as she turned the page of yet another demon volume.
They�d been researching for this damn demon forever and even she, who normally liked the research, was bored to death.
A movement from besides her made her grin as she re-evaluated her last sentence, bored beyond death.
She turned and looked at a restless Spike who was dead and still bored. He noticed her watching and gave her a wry smile.
�Do we have to research this bloody thing until every one else here is dead?� he complained.
�Yes,� replied Buffy irately �I need to know how to kill it.�
�So stake it, cut off its head, pull of its horns. Dismember it and set fire to all the pieces.� He retorted
Willow bit back another grin �That does cover all bases.� She caught Spike�s eye and saw the sparkle of humour as they shared the joke.
Since that night two weeks ago, the two of them had gotten a lot closer and found that they had a lot in common- such as sense of humour. They walked home together talking about everything and nothing until the early hours, they also tried to keep each other amused during research parties. Most of all they supported each other, when one felt down the other would be there to listen, to talk and to offer comfort.
> Funny, Spike probably knows me better than Buffy ever did. < Willow marvelled at this.
Giles rolled his eyes �Yes it certainly does, however we need to be sure what
�Got it,� interrupted Willow as she caught sight of a small engraving on the next page. �It�s a Suncus demon, killed by fire and eewww has a mucus thing you should watch out for Buff.� She handed the book to Giles.
�That�s it good job Willow.�
�Yeah, you go Wills, now can we go?� Xander asked
�Yes we�d like to have sex now.� Said Anya enthusiastically
�Wouldn�t want to cut into that five minutes.� Spike replied causing Willow to giggle.
�Hey dead boy junior, jealous much? The only action you�ll be getting tonight will be of the demon variety.�
There was a pause
�Um Xander,� Willow said helpfully.  �So will you.�
Spike burst out laughing as a chagrined Xander turned to his ex-demon girlfriend �Sorry honey.�
�Me too, but I need you guys to help with slayage; this demon could be anywhere. So no smootchies.� Buffy added regretfully
�Ah Slayer, I�m sure if you asked nicely one of the demons would oblige you,� Spike smirked at his insult and the look on the slayers face �Maybe.�
�Oh wassa matter Spike, missing your loony?� Xander challenged and was rewarded by the tightening of Spike�s jaw.
�Hey.� Shouted Willow coming to Spike�s defence �That was uncalled for, how would you like it if we kept bringing up your ex�s Bug-boy?�
Everyone stared open mouthed at sweet caring Willow insulting her lifelong best friend.
�Will,� Xander tried. �I was just��
�Don�t.� she stated �Those insults arte below the belt and off the repartee ok?�  Silence. �O.k.?� she put on her resolve face.
�Sure Will.� Xander gave in. �No jokes about Ex�s.�
Buffy chuckled �C�mon Will, its just Spike.�
Willow turned on the blonde �Ok so it�ll be alright if everyone brings up Angel and Parker?�
Buffy�s face fell. �No.� she said flatly and glared at Willow. Willow softened as she realised she had gotten through to her friend.
�The lets agree that that topic is off� well off topic!�
Buffy nodded in understanding and smiled back at Willow.
�So time to patrol, lets go guys pick your favourite weapon.�
As they got up t grab weapons Spike took Willow�s hand and pulled her on one side.
�Thanks, pet.� His smile was grateful
�Hey no one messes with my friends, not even my friends.� Her forehead crinkled as she ran over that statement again �Did that�?�
�Came out fine, if a little suggestive.� he finished raising an eyebrow   
At her blush he smirked �Let�s go��
�Weapon up.� She ended and as they moved back to the others a thought hit her > When did we start finishing each others sentences? < 


�No way.� Willow shook her head in denial
�Yup.� Spike took a drag of his cigarette �Honest.�
�Charles Dickens was a demon?� the scepticism raced through her voice
�A half demon, his fathers� side. Stupid he was too, always losing at cards. He blamed that on his demon bits o� course.�
�A demon?� Willow couldn�t believe it
�He looked human most of the time.� Spike added relishing the look on her face.
�I can�t believe you actually met him.�
�Yeah and the poof died owing me money.� He scrunched the cigarette beneath his feet.
After the latest demon hunt he had offered to walk her home- again > He really doesn�t need to offer < she thought > If I said no he�d only follow me anyway. < Like he had done a few weeks ago. He had been fighting with Xander again, and they�d frustrated her so much. She had been trying to do her history assignment and with those two shouting, Buffy talking about her latest boy-toy and Giles asking to be shown to use the �infernal contraption� she couldn�t concentrate and after snapping at them she had left refusing an escort home.
As she had stomped across the park she�d felt him following her. By the time she reached home she had cooled down enough to invite him in. He�d apologised and helped her with her assignment. She�d gotten an A*.
They reached her door and Spike couldn�t resist adding �Remind me to tell you about the Bronte sisters sometime.�
Willow�s eyes widened �Let me guess, they were witches?� she asked hopefully
�No,� replied a mischievous Spike �But Anne was an alcoholic and Emily was wild in bed.�
Willow chuckled as she realised she�d been had� maybe. She reached to open the front door.
Spike suddenly went on red alert and pulled Willow back behind him.
�There�s someone in there, pet. I can hear movement.�
�Oh.� Her voice very small > who�s in my house? < She bit her lip.
�I�ll take care of it.� He reassured and stepped to open the door when a voice filtered through.
�Willow is that you?�
Willow sagged in relief �It�s my mom.�
A figure appeared in the doorway, and looked out at the two figures on the porch. �Hello.� Sheila Rosenberg didn�t recognise the tall, blonde, young man in front of her daughter but she knew so few of Willow�s friends that that wasn�t too surprising.
�Hey mom, I didn�t know you were coming back today.� Willow stepped around Spike �You gave us a scare, I thought we had burglars.�
�Oh.� Sheila gave a little smile �And this is your� boyfriend?�
�Boyfr� no mom this is Spike.� She turned to Spike �This is my mom Sheila Rosenberg.�
�Nice to meet you, finally.� Spike tried to be polite even though he had nothing but disgust for the absent parents of his little red. >MY Red? Where did that come from? <
�Spike- that�s an interesting name.� she replied just as politely
�It�s a nickname,� Willow explained �Spike�s real name is William.�
�And he is?� Sheila encouraged
�Oh Spike�s my best friend.�
�Really?� Spike glowed in pleasure >Her best friend-me wow<
> Her best friend? He looks so much older than she is. < Her mothers instinct, although mostly neglected kicked in. �Well come in William, I�d like to get to know you.�
>Uh-oh. < Willow�s panic instinct also kicked in >Mom showing an interest- not good. <
�I�d love to but I should go.� He remembered something �I have to meet someone later, but I just made sure Red got home safe. All sorts of nasties lurking who�d love to take a bite.�
Dismissing the last sentence Sheila felt marginally better about the boy. �Oh you walk her home?�
�All the time.� Willow grinned �he�s my protector.�
Spike grinned back �Someone has to take care of you pet. If that bloody�excuse me stupid friend of yours gave half a damn about anything but herself��
�Hey, Buffy has a lot on her mind.� Willow responded automatically
�I don�t think that Bunny is a very good influence.� Sheila said
�I agree.� Mischief danced in his eyes.
�Come in for a while.� Urged Sheila, she actually liked the young man.
Willow smiled and twisted his arm. �We have hot chocolate.�
�With Marshmallows?� Spike was already inside.

Spike sipped his hot chocolate and felt a buzz at the sweetness slipping down his throat. He fought the urge to moan. >Yeah Cuz that would make such a good impression. < And for some reason he cared about the kind of impression he was making.
�So William what do you do?� Sheila asked curiously.
�I�m a �� he hesitated > Vampire was really not gonna help here. <
�Student!� Willow jumped in �He�s a student at college with me.� > Phew! <
Spike almost breathed a sigh of relief at Red�s quick thinking
�A student� Sheila smiled �What do you take?�
�History, especially European history of the 18th century.� >Well at least I know something about that. <
�Is that how you two met?�
�Kinda,� Willow�s eyes sparkled as they met Spike�s piercing blue ones �I met William when I was in high school, we saw each other a couple of times- like parent teacher night,� >when he attacked the school to kill Buffy< �And Halloween,� >when he tried to kill 17th century Buffy. < �But we didn�t talk until my senior year when he kidnapped me��
�To help with a project.� Spike cut in shooting a warning at a smirking Willow. �Although we didn�t get close until recently, I don�t remember why though, Red here is pretty amazing.� It was Willow�s turn to look wary, but Spike let her off the hook �She�s damn clever and obviously gets her good looks from her mum.�
Sheila blushed and Spike was amused to see how much she looked like her daughter when she was flustered.
Willow looked at her moms red face and marvelled at how charming Spike could be sometimes.
Spike checked his watch >Damn, time to go meet slutty for patrol. < �Gotta go pet.� He got up and slipped on his leather duster �Thanks for the drink Mrs Rosenberg.�
�Call me Sheila, please.� Spike gave his sexiest grin. �Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night William? I�m sure Ira would like to meet you too.�
Willow was taken aback �Huh?� >ok mom never invites my friends around for dinner. EVER<
�That�d be� neat. I�ll see you tomorrow then.�
�Night Spike.�
�Night Pet.� He flashed a smile and then his coat flowing he walked off into the night.
Willow looked at her Mom. �Dinner?�
�I like that young man. So much better company than that Bunny Summers and so polite. What shall I cook? �
�Steak,� Willow quipped dryly �Very rare and bloody steak.�

Spike stood outside Willow�s house feeling incredibly stupid. He clutched a bottle of wine like a lifebelt and shifted feet. He was 126 for bloody hell�s sakes, why did he feel like an awkward schoolboy?
He�d changed shirts six times. >Bloody idiot! < He chastised himself.
The door opened and Willow stood there biting her lip.
He stared; she wore tight blue jeans and a deep blue tunic top. She looked casual and cool >and damn sexy! <
>Hmmm Spike looks good enough to eat- no no BAD thoughts Will. < �C�mon in Spike.� She let a grin slide into place, �Dinners ready and for once its not me!�
The joke broke the tension Spike had been feeling. He was here with Willow- best friend Willow. �Oh and I was looking forward to finally finishing you off luv.�
�Bite me!�
�Been there, done that, got the migraine.� They burst out laughing and it felt good.
Sheila appeared in the doorway �Glad you�re here William, I was just dishing it out.� Spike presented her with the wine.
�Here I thought this might go well.� She looked at the vintage and raised her eyebrows �Quite you have good taste in wine.� She led them into the dining area.
�What�s for dinner?� Spike asked and Willow covered her mouth with her hand to stop from giggling.
�Steak.� Spike stopped dead and looked very worried. �Willow assured me it�s your favourite.�
Spike turned to the laughing Red-head. �Very funny, pet. Very funny.�

��So there I was standing in the middle of the street, no clothes on and a bright green bowler hat covering me unmentionables when this tourist comes over and asks me the time!�
Sheila wiped her face and tears streamed down it. Willow was holding her sides still shaking from laughter. Dinner had been a huge hit, both her parents adored William. He�d regaled them with tales of his misspent youth- although he didn�t mention that it was over a century ago.
Her father had been charmed by his manners and opinions and her mother had been hit by Spike�s sexy-as-sin grin twice- she was a goner! Willow was just thankful that she was immune to it >Uh-huh! <
�Dinner was fantastic Sheila, I�ve never enjoyed a steak so much.� He glanced at Willow who bit her lip
�Thank you William.�
�We�d best be off Red. Giles�s is expecting us.�
�O.k. lets go. I�ll see you tomorrow Mom.�
�Actually we are leaving early tomorrow for a seminar in Washington.�
�Oh.� Willows voice sounded small and Spike placed a comforting hand at the small of her back
�William, I�m sure we can count on you to take care of our little girl?� Ira said with a manly handshake
�Dad I�m nearly 20� she knew it was useless
�Yes sir.� Spike grinned
�Suck up!� Willow whispered as they got outside
�Jealous pet?� She nodded slightly
�Aw Red, you�ll always have me.� He pulled her into a hug
�Mmmm I�m the luckiest girl in the whole world!�
�Oy watch it sweetheart.�
�Whatcha gonna do lick me to death?� she danced out of his embrace
�Mmm tasty.� he moved to lick her neck as she scampered away shrieking delightedly �come back little girl.� He teased
�Make me old man!�
�Harsh.� He considered �Stupid little chit.�
�Dumbass vampire� he rolled his eyes
�Useless tart.� Will shook her head
�Platinum boy.� He touched his hair
�Virgin� she grinned >not even close<
�Fangless� >ouch direct hit! <


�Did you make the popcorn?� Spike asked shrugging off his duster
�Yeah, sweet and salty so you can pick. Oh and there�s some O pos on the table� called Willow from the kitchen
�Cheers luv.� He sat on the couch and took a sip of the blood. >Aw she heated it for me too, just the way I like it! <
Willow walked in carrying two bowls of popcorn and setting them on the table, and sat next to Spike on the couch.
�So what�s tonight�s movie? Is it another �scary� movie?�
�No you laugh to hard at them.� She scowled at him
�Sorry, pet.� > But you get scared and then Spike gets snuggles<
�Tonight I educate you on the finer points of the romance epic.�
�Aw not a soppy?� he looked disgusted
�Over two thousand people die and you get to see the corpses.� she added
�That�s more like it.� He settled back on the sofa and pulled Willow�s legs onto his lap and began massaging her feet. He loved this, every Wednesday was movie night, Sunday too if there was no demon hunting to do. They went out to the movies or stayed in and watched a video. Afterwards they spent hours dissecting the film together. It was a routine for the past four weeks and he loved it, just spending time in the company of his Red.
Willow felt her boy relax as Spike worked his fingers into her feet, soothing away the tension. This was one of the few times she felt totally at ease, relaxed, happy, content and safe. She watched as Spike read the credits

�Ok who�s the old bint and what is she talking about?� Spike was asking questions again
�Keep watching.� Willow instructed
�Ok but if I get bored, pet�� he left the sentence hanging and raised an eyebrow
�Just call it revenge for House on haunted Hill.� she shuddered remembering the film that grossed her out.
�It was funny!� off her glance he shut up but couldn�t resist adding � I bet I fall asleep.�

�NO, DON�T!� Spike yelled �Rose get back in the damn boat. Stupid. Bloody. Idiot.�
Willow grinned through her tears, Spike was loving it. When Jack forced Rose to get in the boat leaving him behind, Willow�s eyes started streaming and she�d reached for Spike�s hand.
�Oh god, he�s shooting at her. Run!� Spike held her hand tighter as the action played out on the screen. Spike couldn�t believe her ex was shooting at her just because she�d chosen to be with the blonde. He liked Rose, her fire and Spirit reminded him of Red.  He had felt her soft hand slip into his a while back and heard the soft sound of tears. His heart had melted and he wanted to comfort her but didn�t know how so he just held her hand and waited.

�You�re gonna die an old lady warm in her bed, not this night and not like this do you understand me?�
With those words Willow gave up any vestige of control and shifting closer to Spike began to cry in earnest. Spike wrapped his arm around her and pulled her onto his lap �Shh pet, it�ll be ok. They be fine you just watch see.� She looked up at him with tear-rimmed eyes.
>He�s obviously not seen this before. < she focused on the screen, subconsciously clinging to Spike.

�Come back, come back.� Rose called to the boat
Spike hugged Willow closer so she couldn�t see the tears in his eyes. He watched as Rose slipped into the water and swam for the whistle, through the corpses.
Willow, hyper aware of Spike�s body, felt tiny drops fall into her hair and realised he was crying. The big bad was crying over Titanic. She pulled back a little to see his face.
�Oh Spike.� She whispered and softly brushed away the teardrops on his pale cheeks. She kissed his forehead and settled her head back on his shoulder to watch the rest of the movie.

Spike didn�t want to move- ever again. He had his Red curled up on his lap, she�d wiped away his tears and kissed him. No one had ever done that for him, comforted him when he hurt or felt bad. Angelus and Dru had laughed and mocked his feelings calling him weak and soft, yet this little bundle of perfection, *his* bundle of perfection had simply been there. He was overwhelmed and completely head over heels in love. The thought hit him with the force of a freight train. He loved her. Totally.
Willow sat up and flicked on the table lamp
�What did you think?�
What did he think? As in forming a coherent thought? A proper sentence type thought?
�What kind of ending was that?� his brain took pity on him and decided to function.
�You didn�t like?� she asked running her hands over her damp face
�He died and then she goes and throws the worlds most bleeding expensive diamond into the ocean and then suddenly poof she�s back on the ship?� he shook his head in confusion
�She died an old lady, warm in her bed like she promised and then joined Jack in heaven or wherever.�
�And the diamond.� He demanded
�You can�t take it with you.� She grinned at him � besides it was metaphoric, the guy she loved with all her heart belonged to the ocean and so the heart of the ocean was given back�
�Bleeding metaphors. I get it, soppy chick thing but the actual sinking was bloody fantastic!� Spike enthused.
�The effects were good but I just loved the characters best Rose and Jack were so real.� She stretched
�Rose reminds me of you.� He blurted out
�Really?� she sounded surprised �Coz Jack reminded me of you.�
It was Spikes turn to look surprised �Yeah, how come?�
�No you first.�
�She�d got fire and spirit, chit was sick of trying to fit in with the quiet little girl she was supposed to be. Her wild spirit wouldn�t give up and although she looked fragile she had a core of pure steel.�
Willows breathe caught at his poetic words �T-that�s how you see me?�
�That�s you.� He said firmly �so what about me and Jack, �part from the obvious o� course.�
�Being dead.� Willow burst into laughter
�Well, you are both so stubborn, you got that never-give-up, almost stalker thing going on.� She giggled at his face �Fiercely loyal.� She smiled shyly �With a hell of a temper, totally wild and corrupting with a heart of gold, caring, self-sacrificing, funny and sexy as hell.� She blushed at her daring.
> Willow thinks I�m sexy? < he gave her a knowing look and a wolfish grin which sent butterflies into her stomach. �Great choice of film, pet.� > I got cuddles, a kiss and complements; can we watch it again? <
She took the empty popcorn bowls into the kitchen. Spike sat back on the sofa
�So, what have we got planned for Sunday then, love?�

Willow glanced at the clock, just another hour and they could go the cinema. One more hour of Xanders grousing and Buffy doing her nails whilst she and Spike did the actual research.
�I have to go- need to get out before I go crackers.� Spike squeezed her leg under the table before vanishing in a swish of leather duster.
�Does he have to be so dramatic?� Anya asked
�Probably thinks he has appeal.� Buffy snorted
�Its kind of manly and dark, kinda sexy�� Xander said distractedly, the three women stared at him
�Do you need a moment alone?� Buffy asked incredulous and Xander flushed
�Not to me, but to some girls it could be� help me out here Wills.�
Spike and Willow had agreed to keep their friendship a secret, they knew if Buffy and the others would freak if they knew how close they were and how much time they spent together. So they arrived and left separately and were careful not to appear too friendly.
It annoyed them to have to keep it a secret   but neither wanted Spike to be dusted or the inevitable �he�s evil what are you thinking� lecture that was bound to follow.
�It could be construed as manly and sexy- if you were into that sort of thing.� She replied carefully backing up Xander > Which I definitely am.< she added to herself. She looked at the clock again 20 minutes to go.
She was looking forward to the film, she�d wanted to see the Disney film for a while but her friend had dismissed Disney as for kids, (they were quite unaware of the fact that Disney is actually a student�s prerogative!) and so refused to accompany her. When she found that Spike not only shared her love of Disney but also owned every Disney film on video ( hidden artfully within a small tombstone at the back of his crypt- he had a reputation to protect you know!) she was overjoyed. She just hoped his hyperactivity could contain itself long enough to watch the movie without them nearly getting kicked out. No more popcorn fights!
�Thanks Will.� Xander grinned widely at his best friend.
Actually she considered Spike her best friend, they were so alike and yet so different, like strawberry and vanilla ice-cream. Not the same but perfectly complimentary. She loved him. She�d known it for a while but refused to voice it in case it ruined what they had. She would die if he left her or quit being around.
�Will, are you even listening to me?� Buffy asked, Willow snapped out of her reverie.
�Sorry Buff,� she replied sheepishly �I kinda have a headache, I�m gonna go home.� She wanted to go now!
�Do you want me to walk ya?� Buffy asked politely
�No I�m good, see ya tomorrow.� Gathering up her books she left.
Feeling the cool evening breeze on her face she stretched enjoying the feeling of muscles uncramping after hours of inactivity, being hunched over books. She groaned in pleasure.
�Careful love, you never know who�s listening.� She jumped at Spike�s words
�Give me a heart attack!� she admonished putting a hand over her chest
He looked delighted to have scared someone �I could think of plenty of things to give you, pet. A heart attack is not at the top of the list.�
She blushed furiously and he sniggered > Damn! < she tried for casual
�So movie bound?�
�Yup, monsters inc for a monster!�
�You are not a monster, Spike. Just misundersttod and if you get us thrown out again I swear I�ll� I�ll�� she tried to come up with a suitable threat
�Yes pet?� he stepped in close hoping to throw off her concentration
�I�ll get Willy to announce that you wear pink underwear and dance to Westlife!�
�Bunch of Poofs!� he looked disgusted �Alright pet I�ll behave.�
�Good boy.� She patted his arm
�Woof, bloody woof.� 


Buffy stood in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips.
�This demon means business Xander. He�s already killed five girls and we need to stop him!�
�I was just saying that hiding is a time honoured form of defence!� Xander defended himself weakly
Buffy glared at him � And if he goes after Anya?�
Xander relented �Alright so we saddle up, seek and destroy im down with that.�
Giles wandered into the room �Has anyone seen my glasses?� he looked confused �They appear to be missing.�
Spike feigned innocence as Willow pulled her book up to cover her smile.
Last night, over cheesecake, they had decided that research sessions were becoming too boring. And they had challenged each other to make it more interesting. Spike had started by hiding objects in the strangest places because it was funny to see people�s reactions. It had been funny to see Any find her toothbrush in the cash register. It had been bloody hilarious when Buffy discovered her new shoes in the microwave and Spike had nearly wet himself at Giles� face when PLAYBOY fell out of Cruciments demon compendium- of course Xander got the blame for that one.
> Now where to hide the glasses? <
Determined not to be outdone Willow plotted her strategy. As Xander spoke with Buffy, Willow pulled the book he was reading further away with her magic. Spike watched bemused.
�So we patrol?� Xander finished and half stood up to retrieve his book. Using her magic Willow tugged at the chair moving it just out of Xander�s reach, as he sat down he missed the chair completely and landed on the floor.
Spike couldn�t contain his mirth �I knew it, you�re so uncoordinated you get confused sitting down.�
Xanders face turned beet red as he glared at the Vampire. Then he noticed Willow trying not to giggle.
�Aw come on Wills I expect that from Captain Platinum- whose roots need doing by the way. But not from my bestest bud.�
�Sorry Xand, but you looked funny.� She was contrite
�Yeah you did.� Buffy added with amusement but was all business again �We need to patrol for this guy, but no girl goes alone!�
�I�m with Xander.� Anya piped up as Xander rubbed his sore back
�I second that!� Spike demanded, no way was he getting stuck with the sex-obsessed ex- vengeance demon again, he still had nightmares about the stories she told and HE was a demon!
� Ok Anya with Xander, I�ll go with Giles. Sorry Will, that leaves you with blondie. Again.� Buffy apologised
Willow tried to look disappointed �Its ok Buffy.�
Spike grinned inwardly �That�s right don�t ask me what I want, Spike doesn�t get a say in whether he babysits the little chit or not.�
�Hey!� Willow knew he was playing and decided to go along �S�not like I don�t have anything better to do than hang out with the fangless undead.�
He growled � I have fangs pet, wanna see?�
�Huh, I�ve seen scarier fangs in a bad b-movie.�
�Guys!� Buffy interrupted worried �Maybe its not such a good idea to put you two together.� She bit her lip �But we have no choice, Spike you know you can�t hurt Will but i can still stake you so try to be nice or we�ll be cleaning up your dust with a toilet brush!�
�Thanks.� He replied sarcastically
�Or if you want Willow to stake your ass��
�I�ll look forward to it.� Whispered Spike for Wilow�s ears.
After dividing up the town into sections for them to patrol, Buffy took Willow aside.
�I know you get stuck with Spike a lot, but I don�t want to encourage the little fixation he has on me.�
�Huh?� Willow had forgotten that Spike had had a crush on Buffy a while ago �Right, no problem, pesky fixation.�
�Thanks Will.� She turned to face the group �Any questions?�
Giles cleared his throat �Just one a-actually, why is the mummified hand of Askar holding Buffy�s underwear?�  

Willow couldn�t stop laughing. She clung to Spike�s coat trying to breathe.
�I can�t believe you did that!� she managed finally
Spike grinned wolfishly �Couldn�t resist.�
�Where did you get them?� she asked suspiciously
�Mind out of the gutter pet, they fell out of her gym bag.� He lit a cigarette and took a long drag � more to the point how did Giles know they were Buffy�s?� he raised an eyebrow knowingly
�Eww. Eww. Eww. Bad mental picture.� Willow shook her head �That�s gross Spike.�
He leered at her �Thanks love.� He pulled the cigarette to his lips as Willow looked on in distaste
�Smoking kills� she lectured
�Already dead.� He countered
Willow blushed � okay.� >Walked into that one Rosenberg! < Actually she didn�t mind the smoking it made him smell of leather and smoke which was actually a really yummy combination.
Comfortable silence took over as they walked through the park. Spike took an unneeded breath and turned to the red-head.
�Pulling the whelps chair out was a cute move pet, you really coming along with the magic�s.�
Willow�s eyes lit up �Yeah, I�m getting good. I mean I can summon all four elements now, although I wont be doing the fire one on my bed-sheets again� oh and I found this teleportation spell which could come in handy. Im still working on the kinks but just imagine late for class and poof! Or evil scary demon and poof! Bu-bye� she took a breath.
�Just no more spells to make me snog the slayer ok?� Spike shuddered dramatically
�Hey that was like a year ago. And if I recall a few months ago you wanted me to do it again. Buffy still thinks you have a crush on her.� Willow looked at him in askance
�No. the whole forbidden territory was a bit of a turn on and the chit is cute and strong, but after a while of hanging around you get to see the truth.�
�Which is?� she was curious
�She is a spoilt, selfish little brat.�
�That�s not fair.� Willow defended her friend whilst privately agreeing with him
He shrugged � Anyone can see it, anyway like you said that was a while ago.�
�Have we really been friends for only a year?�
�Less pet, about six months.�
�Is that it?� she couldn�t believe it �I can�t imagine not having you in my life.� She blushed as she realised she�d said that out loud
�Aw Red.� He teased but insides he melted with pleasure
�That reminds me, my parents called to say they�re coming back next week for a couple of days and they said to say hi.� She grinned
�Buffy�s name they can�t even remember but they call to say hi to you.�
It was Spike�s turn to grin �Must be my animal magnetism.�
�And I thought it was just you being dead that attracted the flies!� Willow erupted into giggles at the outraged look on Spike�s face. He growled menacingly
�There. Are. No. flies. On. Me.� He pronounced each word as he stalked closer to her like a hungry wolf eyeing his prey.
Willow gulped and backed away from him suddenly wary.
Spike smelled the sudden scent of fear coming from Willow in waves and stopped in his tracks > What is the chit afraid of? < �Red?�
�Goddess Spike.� Willow tried to calm her breathing �You scared me.�
Spike immediately felt bad �I never meant�,� he put his head on the side� Or good. Bloody hell pet, really?� he looked hopeful like a kid at Christmas
She nodded �I know you have the chip and you wouldn�t hurt me but for a second there I thought I was gonna be dinner.�
Spike tried not to look too pleased, the chip had robbed him of his dignity as a vampire. The being unable to frighten people had put a dent in his confidence a mile wide which he tried to hide by making with the mind-games; Angelus� tutorage coming in handy here. But it was so nice to still be thought of as threatening by the one person in the world who had nothing to fear from him.
�Well I am the big bad, even without my bite I�m a scary bloke.�
�Not scary enough.� Spike whirled to find the demon they had been �looking� for standing right behind him > bloody hell! < The demon was about six foot tall with green skin and muscles like Arnold Schwartzenegger, but that didn�t bother Spike. What bothered Spike was the large spear protruding from its arm and the way it looked hungrily at Willow.
�Hmm another tasty little morsel, and I can feel the magic on this one. Perhaps you�ll be good for a little fun before I eat you.� His eyes raked over her body.
Willow tried not to shudder at the sudden chill that  swept down her spine at his words. �Didn�t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food.?�
Both Spike and the demon stared in surprise at Willow�s words > Brave little chit?<  thought Spike proudly
�Sorry mate, but this one belongs to me. So if you want her it�ll hafta be through me.� he threw his cigarette on the ground and readied himself for the fight.
> I belong to Spike? < She mentally squeaked >Me? Hang 21st century in-de-pen-dent woman not belonging to Spike where he could do whatever to me� for however long� Hey impending death situation here. Pay attention now, lust after Spike later. <
The Demon roared and rushed at Spike. Spike dodged the spear and rammed his fist into the nearest body part. The demon howled his fury and backhanded Spike snapping his head back. Taking advantage of Spike�s dizziness the demon grabbed him in a headlock and attempted to pull Spike�s head off.
Willow screamed and launched herself at the demon swinging the axe and imbedding it in his neck. Blood spurted as he dropped Spike on the ground.
�Bitch!� he yelled and smacked Willow across the face, the force of the impact sending her flying back and slamming her head into a nearby tree, she fell to the floor dazed.
�Willow!� Spike screamed as he saw her motionless body. His rage boiled up allowing his demon to come to forth. He grabbed the handle of the axe buried in the demons neck and pulled it out. He pulled back and swung at the demon again catching him in the chest. Clutching at the axe in his chest the demon staggered backwards.
With the loss of his weapon Spike relied on his fist.
�NEVER.� He punched the demon across the face breaking his nose and spilling blood.
�EVER� He threw a right hook and dodged the retaliating blow
�TOUCH MY RED�  the demon whimpered as Spike continued his assault
�AGAIN!� with one swift move he pulled the axe from its chest and hacek of its head.
Spike pushed himself off the demon and rushed over to Willow � Red, pet are you ok?� he rolled her over and grimaced at the huge gash on her forehead which was bleeding. It looked like she�d have a bruised face tomorrow.
�Bloody. Stupid. Question.� She said mocking him and he laughed in relief at her use of his favourite slang. She struggled to stand and Spike helped her up
�You were dead brave pet, saved us all- very heroic� you gonna puke?�
�Maybe later.� she winced and then looked at him, he had a large slash against the front of his shirt where the spear had caught him and he�d probably have a shiner tomorrow, but his cuts were already healing thanks to Vamp powers.
�Home?� she whispered. Noticing how shaky she was Spike picked her up and carried her in his arms trying to ignore the delicious scent of warm blood inches away from his lips.

Spike kicked the front door open and sat Willow on the couch as he went into the kitchen to fetch the first aid kit and try to get his demon under control.
Willow sat on the couch thinking, she�d looked up into his eyes and saw the unmistakable glint of gold which signalled that the demon was close. > My blood must be calling him< Yet strangely she wasn�t scared.
Spike came back into the room and put down the bowl of warm water and cloth. He knelt in front of her. He went to place the cloth over the tempting wound when Willow stopped him.
�What?� He said not liking the glint in her eye, it meant she had been thinking.
�Spike, we�re friends right?� he nodded � Friends trust each other.�
�Ok.� He said warily
She took a deep breath and raising a shaky hand pulled back her hair �Y-you can lick it off if you want�
Spike stared dumbfounded �Um� pet.� He began hesitantly not sure if she meant what she was offering.
�Look I know you hate the bagged blood, really hate it and I can�t imagine what its like being around us humans filled with the stuff but I�m guessing its pretty much torture. Like sticking a starving girl in a chocolate factory and saying �no eating� it�s cruel and well� this is just going to go to waste so if you want it��
Spike took her free hand in his unable to express the words as he moved forward and placed his cool lips over her wound.
Will closed her eyes as she felt his cool, rough tongue sweep across her forehead licking up the sweet blood running down her face. He nipped at her cheeks with his teeth before returning to the wound and gently sucking.
Spike was in heaven. This sweet, innocent girl had offered her blood to him. It was sweet and delicious coating his mouth and tongue and soothing his throat. It was warm and human tasting of strawberries and Vanilla and something uniquely Willow, magic and her virginity completed the intoxicating taste of the heady mixture. Spike moaned deep in his throat.
Willow was In heaven, the feel of Spike�s soft cool mouth against her hot skin was incredibly sensual, the way he�d licked the blood off her face like a lovers caress and now he sucked gently at her forehead she was overwhelmed with the sensation. > OK dizzy now< the abstract thought entered into her head and she groaned.
Spike reluctantly pulled away licking away the last few drops off his lips. She stared with heavy lidded eyes.
�Sleep now?� she said curling into a ball.
Spike sat besides her on the couch and pulled her head into his lap and began stroking her hair.
�Sleep now, pet.� Spike watched her as she slept thinking about the marvellous capacity for caring that this girl had- even for him, a cold blooded killer who had even tried to kill her on occasion. > I love you < the words sounded strange in his head- having not said them for a while, fearful of rejection. He�d even stopped saying them to Dru when she laughed and talked about Daddy�s love being better. No he wouldn�t tell her yet, but one day, he vowed as she sighed in her sleep, she would be his- forever.
pain and friendship 2
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