TEMPUS TWO 

Chapter 6 Story time or getting to know me.

Spike sat on the sofa with his steaming hot drink and poked the Marshmallows with his spoon. �I love this stuff.�
�I know.� She said without thinking, Spike raised an eyebrow and she blushed
�Joyce told me.� She hurriedly explained and then looked down at his smirk.
Spike couldn�t help the grin, so Willow had talked to Joyce about him had she?
�So you want a story love?�
�Yes please.� She hoped the previous subject was done with.
�Ok, well it was a few decades after I was made. I don�t remember anything about before that because of the accident.�
�Accident?� she frowned and Spike stared at her
�You know, my accident?� he prompted and Willow shrugged one shoulder
*She knows this*. Spike thought
Willow interpreted his look and quickly tried to fumble for another lie, she was getting pretty good at that �Ok so I do know but pretend I don�t, I�m in the mood for a story.� she grinned sheepishly
�We were in a place in Europe, where there were riot and mobs and stuff. Brutal guards who liked the bayonet. All four of us were out hunting and came across a field of bloodthirsty guards. We figured the scourge of Europe could handle them. But the bloody sods knew about creatures of the night and had dipped their bayonets in Holy water. They wore crosses everywhere and were so soused up on something, never found out what it was like they never even felt pain. Anyway, I had two of �em and I was fighting away like the boss himself when I was distracted and one blindsided me with his consecrated spear, pierced me straight through the eyebrow into me brain.� He pointed to his scarred eyebrow �That�s where I got this.�
Willow�s heart sank further and further.
�Anyway, Angelus and Darla dragged me out of the fray and set to with the healing blood but the bayonet sliced up some of my memories, the Doc said that with Vamp healing it�s only a matter of time before the tissue regenerates and the memories come back. Like amnesia.� He sipped his drink
�Ok.� Willow nodded with a breath designed to calm her. This was so not good.
�So I can�t remember anything about me being human, although Angelus says I�m not missing much. Apparently he found me in London harbour crying over some chit who�d left.�
Really *really* not good.
�Now the soul story. Like I said it was a few decades after I was turned. We were in Romania. It was a great place, full of juicy superstitious maidens and big blokes. We were living it up, having a grand old time. Then one night we were all going out to hunt, Darla said she�d found a choice bit for Angelus� rebirth day. So we spied on the gypsy camp. The gal Darla�d got her eye on was the Princess of the camp, she had long red hair and a full hour glass figure. Right choice she was. But I always had this thing�� he paused and looked at her �About redheads.� Willow blushed
�I reckon maybe the girl I was hung up on from my human days was a redhead but whatever it was, I didn�t want to hurt the gypsy girl. So I went off on my own and came back later to find Angelus, Darla and Dru all crying over each other. Turns out the Gypsy�s took offence to having their princess drained drier than the Sahara. They cursed all three of them with Souls. It took me days to get anything coherent out of any of �em, then it was mostly babbles. I was the one they all looked after; what with my memory loss and all but now it was my turn to play Daddy. Having ta make sure they fed and it had to be animal blood, they weren�t having any human. It was a right pain, course in those days you couldn�t pop down to the local butcher.� Spike finished his drink and sat back. �After a few years things got better, they could go out and take care of themselves a bit. Darla recovered first and helped me some. She was always the strong one. Dru and Angelus took longer but eventually they were better. Then they started on me trying to get me to change and not eat humans.� He gave a small laugh �I promised not to drain them, but I wouldn�t give up human blood. Not for them.� *I�d do it for you* he thought suddenly �Anyway we were contacted by Whistler and came to the Hellmouth to help Slutty. Darla hated her on sight and so took off for parts unknown. Me, Dru and Angelus stayed to help.�
Willow�s head was pounding and she felt like her head was about to explode. This was all so wrong.
�My head hurts.� she moaned
Spike bit his lip, should he offer? �You know I was told that I did good massages.�
�Yeah?� Willow rolled her head on her shoulders �Prove it.�
Spike pulled her over and sat her in front of him on the floor, savouring the feel of her against his legs. He pulled her hair out of the way relishing the feel of it�s silkiness beneath his fingers and ran his hands over the back of her neck and her shoulders. His hands felt great against her back, all soft and cool. He started rubbing his fingers in circular patterns across her back, his thumbs pressing in deep. Willow felt herself easing under his ministrations and couldn�t help the moan that slipped from her lips at his actions.
Spike froze. �Okay pet?�
�You stop now and we are having words.� She growled and Spike felt himself react to her assertiveness.
He swallowed and continued to rub her back and shoulders. Her skin was wonderful and smooth and her hair smelled of vanilla and strawberries. He breathed in her scent and was so glad he�d offered to walk her home again.
�Why didn�t you go to LA with Angel and Dru?� she asked as her eyes closed
�I don�t like LA.� He responded simply �The Hellmouth holds some appeal for me.�
�Lots of demons to fight?� she guessed
�That too.� He grinned.
Willow was getting sleepy. �Mm Spike that is so good but if you don�t stop now, I�m gonna fall asleep on you.�
Spike fought back the image of Willow, sweaty and sated falling asleep on him. �O-� it came out a squeak �Okay, Red I�ll be off.� He stood up adjusting his duster around him.
�See you tomorrow?�
�Sure thing.� He hesitated �It�s great to have you back.�
Willow�s smile shone brightly �Thank you Spike.�

Chapter 7. Previously in this reality
The next day dawned bright and clear and Willow was feeling better than she had in a while. Okay, she wasn�t with the love of her life but Miss Calendar was alive and she had a daughter and Joyce was alive and Faith wasn�t evil and Spike was unchipped and happy. She and Spike seemed to be friends and� there was someone at her door.
�Yo Red, you gonna let me in?�
�Yeah, no one but.  C�mon Red ain�t no way you�re getting outta training that easy. Plus I got a hankering for a big ass breakfast, a hungry Slayer is a cranky Slayer.� Faith flopped on Willow�s sofa and eyed the girl. �You gonna train in your PJ�s? It might turn Blondie�s head but it ain�t doing nothing for me.� She considered for a second �Well not much anyway.� She winked at Willow.
�We train?� she had a hard time getting that through her head.
Faith frowned �Three times a week with breakfast, you haven�t been gone that long honey.�
Willow sat heavily on the sofa �yeah just gimme a sec.� she didn�t know how many more surprises she could take.
�You okay Red?� Faith said concerned leaning over to Willow and putting a hand on her arm. Willow flinched involuntarily and Faith drew back hurt.
Willow felt bad when she saw that look on Faith�s face.
�Sorry Faith, but since we got back I�m a little out of it.�
�I know, Xander said that Slutty did something to ya. I could pound her head in for ya?�
Willow choked on a laugh �Thanks but not just yet.�
�So what did bitchy the vampire layer do?�
Willow was about to give the same answer that she gave to Spike but something stopped her. Faith was always honest, brutally so and had managed to keep her agenda secret from the Scooby�s for months. Maybe she wouldn�t have to bear this alone and Faith could help her with what she didn�t know.
�How long have we been friends Faith?�
�A couple of years.� Faith shrugged then grinned �Great years.�
Willow blushed �I have a secret, one that you can�t tell anyone or even mention to anyone. You probably won�t even believe me.� She muttered
�Hey babe, I always believe you.� Faith insisted �And you know you can trust me.�
�Ok.� Willow took a deep breath �Me and Buffy went back to the past.�
Faith stared at her
�I did a spell that was supposed to take us back to when Angel was human so Buffy could spend some time with him as a human. Actually she told me that she wanted to stop him being vamped so lots of people would still be alive, I believed her but it was a lie, she wanted to screw human Angel. Anyway we ended up a little out. Because she wasn�t concentrating on the right date. We ended up in London in the 1870�s. I fell in love with someone there but had to leave him and come back to the future so I didn�t change anything.�
�Oh god Red.� Faith threw her arms around the Redhead �I�ll kill her for you. Is that why you�ve been a little off recently?�
�Sort of, you see I must have changed something because all this.� She circled her finger around �Is wrong.�
�Wrong how?�
�In my reality?� Willow sighed �Well for a start Jenny is dead. Angelus killed her after he slept with Buffy.�
Faith�s eyes went wide �No shit?�
�Giles then nearly killed him. Then he tried to end the world but Spike was working with Buffy and stopped him.�
�Why would Blondie not help Fang?�
�In my reality Spike hates Angel. He was in love with Drusilla and Angelus took her away from him. Only Angelus was cursed by the gypsies and he left them all alone. Spike hates him but Dru left him for a chaos demon.�
Faith rocked back on her heel �Holy crap. What else?�
�Joyce died of a brain tumour and before that Riley left Buffy.�
�I wish.� Faith muttered �When commando boy is around B is even more useless than normal.�
Willow smirked �You two didn�t get on well there either, especially after you turned evil and joined the Mayor in trying to kill us.�
Faith gaped �I did?� Willow nodded sadly �Sorry.� Then she shrugged �I guess I had a few issues.�
�That�s one way of putting it.� Willow grimaced �You do believe me, don�t you?�
�Sure thing, you�ve never lied to me Red, I know I can count on you.�
�Well there�s a tonne of stuff that is different so I�m a bit out of my depth here I keep making faux pas like when I asked Spike about Dawn.�
�Who�s Dawn?�
�Dawn is Buffy�s sister but not really. She was a ball of energy the monks made to stop Glorificus coming to open the Hellmouth.�
�Huh.� Faith was impressed �That skanky Hell god? With a witch, two slayers and three Vamps? We kicked her ass back to wherever she came from.�
�Oh in my reality we weren�t really sure how to do that bit yet.�
�Olaf�s hammer and some kick ass Wicca from you.�
�Yay me.� Willow cheered herself �So care to explain what is what in this Sunnydale?�
�Where do you want me to start?�
�So far I got Spike was turned but doesn�t remember much because of some accident. Angel, Dru and Darla were souled and came to Sunnydale, Spike and Dru aren�t in love and a whole bunch of people are alive that really shouldn�t be.� She beamed �Start from there.�
�Well B and Fang were in love and got pelvic, Angelus appeared but Dru hit him with a crowbar and locked him in a cage. They called up Darla who came and recognised Jenny from the Calderash lineage. Jenny found the curse and you three did it resouling Angel. After a while B forgave Jen and she married Giles. I kinda turned up after that. Angelus and Dru went off to LA to escape the temptation and Spike stayed behind, no one has a clue why.� Except Faith who watched them all and had figured out his crush on Willow early on but she didn�t think that the redhead was ready to hear that yet. �Since B spent so much time with Soldier boy me and you are best buddies. We train three mornings a week and you come on patrol with me, then you go to class and do the learning thing. I work at the construction site.�
�Oh boy.� Willow buried her face in her hands �I just know I�m going to screw up.�
�Nah, I�ll steer you right Red.� Faith smiled �After all what are friends for?�
Willow smiled. This was nice she actually hadn�t had a friend like Faith before. This might be fun
�Of course if this is just a ruse to get out of training I will kick your pretty little ass.�
Spoke too soon.

Chapter 8. Unexpected guests.

It was nightfall again and Willow had spent the last two days with Faith just going over the new improved History. They�d gone to Giles last night and Willow had realised that Hannah did actually think that Willow was the most amazing person ever to walk the planet. It was kinda nice.
The new gang had sat around and watched movies and pretended to research, apparently with two Slayers there really wasn�t much in the way of threats any more. To her surprise everyone was invited. Riley sat with Buffy and Buffy was in her element. After the other reality she realised that she didn�t want to lose Riley so she was doubly attentive to him, a fact which he adored. Giles sat with Jenny and Hannah insisted on being between Willow and Spike. Willow still wasn�t as comfortable with Spike as she could have been, but at least she didn�t break down and cry when he was around. Faith sat in the large chair with her legs on the furniture and threw popcorn at everyone. Occasionally Joyce joined them too, she was friends with Jenny.  Xander and Anya were as close as they had ever been, although that was another reason for contention in Willow�s book. She had gotten in a big argument with Buffy about that.
Buffy had been saying how wonderful life was and how pleased they must be that Oz and Cordy found them so Cordy made the wish bringing Anyanka to Sunnydale. There was a moment�s silence.
�What�s an Oz?� Spike wanted to know
�Oz, Daniel Osborne. Werewolf, Willow�s ex?� Buffy got quieter.
Xander looked weirdly at Buffy �Werewolf? Willow�s ex? What�s up with you recently Buff, Willow never dated a werewolf.�
�So how did Anyanka end up here?�
�Cordy found me making out with Amy Madison and wished that Amy was a rat.� He gestured to the corner where a rat sat spinning in a wheel.
�But Willow was with Oz after the whole order of Taraka thing.� She protested �When Spike and Dru�� she trailed off. They didn�t call the order because they were already with Angelus.
�What was that about the order of Taraka Buffy?� Giles sat up �Did you have a prophetic dream.�
�I bet it was too much cheese before bed right Buffy?� Willow all but growled and got up storming out.
�PMS overload?� Xander guessed
Buffy disentangled herself from Riley, got up and followed Willow out. Willow was leaning against the wall in the courtyard wither eyes tightly shut.
�Go away Buffy.� she replied annoyed
�I�m so-�
�Quit telling me you�re sorry!� Willow opened her eyes and fixed Buffy with a glare
�Excuse me.� Buffy snapped �I was trying to make things better; I don�t know why you are in such a snit anyway.�
�You have no idea do you Buffy? My life wasn�t that great in our Sunnydale but it just seems to get worse and worse, of course you wouldn�t know. Everything has come up roses for you. You have your Mom back and a great Boyfriend, someone to help with Slaying, no guilt over the Angelus thing and a devoted Watcher. I have no idea where my parents are, my best friend is too busy with her great new life, I have lost the only guy I have ever loved, have the guilt of knowing that I let him die when I could have stopped it and I don�t even have the friendship of his alter ego like I used to. Oh and now I find that I don�t even have my first boyfriend. My life isn�t even mine anymore.� She wiped away a hot tear and ignored Buffy�s mortified expression. �So just go back to fawning over how great things are and LEAVE ME ALONE.� She realised that things had gone quiet inside as she shouted and then turned, running home.
Buffy looked down at the ground where her tears were splashing on the floor. She was never going to be able to make this right. Willow hated her, and with good reason. She heard the front door open and Riley came out. He pulled her into his embrace and she stood there crying into his broad chest.
Spike stood at the window glaring in seething hatred at the blonde Slayer.

Anyway that was last night and Willow had spent all day at home trying to make the house more like a home. She had already finished all her homework and gave thanks that the classes in this reality were the same as the ones in the other Sunnydale. It would have been horrible to have to start again.
Willow had cleaned her room and decided to change the d�cor, she hadn�t liked the care bears for many years, so it really was time for a change.
Just as she sat down to make some sketches she heard the door bell ring.
She ran downstairs hoping that it wasn�t Buffy. It wasn�t.

�Hello there Willow, darling. It�s been an age.� The blonde Vampire swept inside leaving Willow gaping at the outside unable to believe what had just walked through her door. WITHOUT AN INVITE?
�Close the door precious we have much to talk about.�
Willow closed the door and walked into her lounge waiting for Darla to sit down. The tall Vampire gave Willow a soft smile, she was dressed in a long black dress and her blonde hair was down making her look softer, but the edge in her eyes made pretty clear that she wasn�t someone to mess with.
�I heard strange things while I was on my travels and then I get a call from Dru telling me that the stars are changing.� Her expression was one of disgust �That was a conversation I don�t care to repeat. However our little loon did manage to tell me that it had something to do with my little tree, before she went totally off the deep end and asked if potatoes really did have eyes. I�ll really have to talk to Angelus about that girl.� She waved her hand �I digress. Willow dearest, what happened.�
Willow sighed as she surreptitiously edged away �I don�t think you�ll believe me.�
�Absolute nonsense darling, you do remember that I am your adoptive mother and as such I will believe anything you say.�
A beat
�Figuratively of course love.�
Willow shook her head �I guess this will make more sense�oh never.�
�Tell Mommy what the problem is.�
Trying not to rationalise why the most feared Vampire was sitting on her couch talking about Willow being her daughter was actually comforting instead of terrifying Willow took a deep breath and proceeded to tell her �mother� what had happened, even the parts about William and Spike, which she kept from Faith.

Chapter 9 Revelation is not just the last book!
Two hours later Darla was pacing the floor. �I knew that annoying little blonde would screw up the world too, but to do it to my precious daughter.� She growled and vamped out. �I could gut her for you.�
It was a welcome change to be instantly believed about something by an adult. Darla�s first words were
�Well, this is the Hellmouth, after six hundred years I suppose I was a little naive to believe I�d heard and seen everything, time travel had to happen sometime.� She was so blas� and now she was offering to gut Buffy for her, it was�sweet.
�Faith offered to that too.�
Darla sniffed and turned back to human face �Yes well, no body does it better than a Master, although I am grateful that at least one of your friends has some modicum of loyalty.� She paused �How does William think on this?�
�I haven�t told Spike, I wasn�t sure what to say. I mean I can�t just say �Hey Spike I went back in time and fell in love with you, it�s my fault you got Vamped and died and I broke your heart. Sorry about that.� It is a little complicated Darla.�
�I know precious.� Darla sat next to her and stroked her hair. �I will protect you, you may not remember much but that I promise you.�
Although Willow was pretty certain that Darla had never done this before to her, it felt right, and she felt herself lean into the touch. Why on earth did she feel like Darla wouldn�t hurt her?
�How did we become friends Darla?�
�We got on when I first came to Sunnydale and you helped me leave, set me up with a birth certificate and papers that made my existence legal. I came back and saved you when your �mother� tried to burn you at the stake and that was when I adopted you. Not legally yet but I vowed that I would take care of you, you should have called me. Except you didn�t know it, so I�ll forgive you this once. Besides after you resouled my boy, we are linked.�
Willow couldn�t hold it in anymore; she started to cry �I can�t take it anymore. I don�t know anything about my life here and there some stuff that is just so bad, and Buffy is so happy and it seems like I have nothing, not that I had much anyway. But it hurts.�
Darla pulled her into her arms and rocked her �I know baby girl, I know. When life changes so fast and you don�t know your past it feels like you�ve lost yourself. But life isn�t all bad for you here. That little brat of the gypsy�s adores you, I know you�ve lost the wolf boy but William adores you, and although your biological parents should be hung by their entrails the Watcher has always been there for you and you will always have me. Even my boy and his crazy childe love you.�
�Angel and Dru?� Willow swiped at her eyes
Darla nodded with a smile �And of course the new Slayer.�
�I think you are wrong, Spike doesn�t like me.� Willow felt a lot better though.
�Then why is he pacing outside and has been for the last hour?�
�He is?� Willow was shocked
�I can always tell when family is about. I spent the last few months with his childe so I have news for him can I invite him in?�
�Okay, wait Spike has a childe?� a horrible thought crossed her mind �It�s not Harmony is it?�
�No it�s a darling boy. He�s in Sunnydale.� Darla stood up and opened the door �Come on in William and stop hovering it is most unbecoming of a Master Vampire.�
Spike shuffled in a little embarrassed. ��lo Mum.�
�Now is that anyway to greet your mother? You were bought up in the age of chivalry after all.�
Spike grinned and then kneeled down at her feet and kissed her hand above the knuckles.
�Welcome back to Sunnyhell mother. I hope your journey went well.�
�Very well William. I thank you. Now get up boy, you are giving me a crick in the neck.�
Spike stood up and sent a small smile Willow�s way, one that was immediately noticed by Darla.
*So my little boy has a crush?*
�William, that pesky Slayer has been upsetting my girl.�
�Yeah, I heard.� Spike looked at Willow �Are you okay love?�
Willow nodded �I- I lost my temper this afternoon, I guess I�m not feeling too hot.�
Darla felt her forehead �A little elevated, perhaps you should go to bed, my dear. Perhaps in something cool, that red silk nightgown I bought you.� Darla hid a grin as her Vampire hearing caught Spike�s moan at the visual image she presented.
�Ahh that reminds me William, I spent the last few months with your delicious Childe, teaching him how to hunt, he is coming along famously. He came along with me this time; he�s out hunting right now.�
�Great, he�s been away too long.� Spike beamed �He hasn�t met�everyone yet.� He finished quietly not looking at Willow.
�We need to talk boy.� Darla smirked �Let�s go to your apartment, I need somewhere to stay.�
�Me casa et su casa.� He shrugged �You okay Red?�
Willow nodded, feeling better than she had in a while.
�Perhaps you should come over to William�s place tomorrow and I could� reacquaint you.� Darla nodded knowingly �We could all spend the day together.� Spike looked sharply at the scheming Vampiress.
Willow blushed �Sure, if that�s okay with you Spike?�
�Nothing I�d like better.� He replied honestly �Come on Mum, we�ll find my childe and we gotta let Red get some shut eye.�
�Good night darling.� Darla air kissed Willow�s cheek as Spike looked on jealously
�Why are you so different with a soul?� Willow asked the question she�d wanted to since Darla got there.
�A soul?� Darla grinned evilly �My dear I got rid of that pesky thing a long time ago, you think Angelus is the only one who can have a moments happiness?� she left leaving Willow in open mouthed shock.

Willow sat on her bed staring at William�s journal. Darla loved her. That was weird, the last time she had seen Darla she had been about to feed on her and Jesse. Now that Vampire apparently had adopted her as her daughter, she wondered briefly if that meant that Darla would change her in the future. Okay so maybe life wasn�t so bad here as she originally had thought, so she didn�t have Buffy; apparently she had Faith, who had spent more time with her this week than Buffy had done in months before they left.
Ok so her parents were AWOL but she now had Jenny and Giles, who had invited her over for dinner, much to Hannah�s delight, and Darla. Three parents instead of two.
No Oz or William but according to Darla, Angelus and Dru were her friends and Spike liked her too. Maybe he did, she guessed she�d find out tomorrow- spending the day with them.

Chapter 10 Friends in d-icy places.

It was with trepidation that Willow found herself outside Spike�s apartment the next day. She had had to call Faith to get the address because she only knew Spike�s crypt- the other Spike�s crypt- and not his home.
But now she stood outside the front door of a very respectable apartment. She knocked and the door almost immediately swung open.
�Hey Red, c�mon in.� Spike smiled at her causing her heart rate to speed up.
�Hey Spike, I bought some hot chocolate powder and marshmallows.� She handed him the brown bag with the goodies in. �Sort of an alternative to wine.�
�Thanks.� He said oddly touched �Darla�s up and in the living room but my childe got in late last night so he�s still in bed.� He closed the door behind her �I�ll give you the grand tour when he wakes up, he gets grouchy if you disturb him.�
�Sure.� Willow was glad that he had said that, that meant that she hadn�t been here before. She took the opportunity to look around as she walked through the hall. There was no sun light -obviously- and the hall was quite dark she could make out that the walls were in a dark green with dark wood panelling, she expected the rest of the house would be more of the same dark colours. Which is why she was pleasantly surprised to find the living room done out in the exact shade of Spike�s eyes, ice blue. It was gorgeous. The walls were that rich blue, the carpet was deep and white, the ceiling was in frosty white and the furniture matched, there was a white leather sofa and the tables and units were all painted the sky blue. It was so different from what she had expected she nearly gasped aloud.
�Wow, Spike this is gorgeous.� She enthused and walked over to the wall where there were pictures. One was of a huge glacier, matching perfectly with the ice theme of the room. Another was a drawing; judging by the A in the corner it was Angelus� work, of six Vampires. Angel was on one side holding Darla, Dru sat at his feet with a doll in her lap and Spike slouched against a post with a male Vampire at his feet. There was another Male Vampire stood by Angelus.
�Who are they?� she pointed to the two unknown males
Darla came up behind her and looked �Ahh that�s Penn, Angelus� first childe, a little unhinged but perfectly bloodthirsty�was I should say, he was staked in 1912. The other one is Spike�s childe, what is it he likes to call himself now?�
�Hell if I know, Wood, I think.� Spike shrugged �I should never have turned anyone with such an imagination.�
�Why did you make a childe?� Willow was curious; her Spike had never showed any inclination of making childer
Spike looked down and Darla chuckled
�My boy went to London and found someone that looked like him, he decided that children should look like their parents and so he turned the lad.�
�I was only about 20 then.� Spike snarled to Darla for making him look like a wuss �Hardly knew a thing, besides the kid reminded me of someone.� He again cursed the damn accident for taking his memories.
Willow bit her lip, had she offended him?
Darla shook her head silently guessing what the redhead had been thinking.
�My dear boy, you have your fathers temper.� She scolded mildly and inclined her head to where Willow stared sadly at the wall. Spike swore at himself for upsetting Willow and walked over to her.
�Hey none o� that Red.� He smiled into her upturned face and fought the urge to kiss her. �Didn�t mean to snap.�
Willow took a step back before she caved in and begged him to kiss her.
�S�okay Spike.�
�Now precious, we need to talk.� Darla patted the seat next to her.
�Didn�t we do that yesterday?� Willow asked quietly not wanting Spike to know why she was so off.
�Not about that.� Darla stroked Willow�s hair again.
�About what?� Spike asked curiously
�William-� Willow�s breath caught at the name and as both Vampire�s looked at her she turned it into a cough. Darla winced at her mistake.
�Dear boy, I�m sure Willow is parched.�
�Right.� Spike said flatly not believing it, but it was his mother. So he went into the kitchen. Trying to eavesdrop on the conversation held between the woman he was in love with and the one that had practically raised him.
�I think we about talked that to death, and I should know.� Darla said softly.
�I guess.� Willow�s reply was hesitant at best.
�What is it child?�
�I like talking to you, in the other� I never got a chance; you tried to kill me and my best friends and then were gone.�
Spike gaped from his position behind the door *when did Darla try to kill Red?*
�Well I obviously benefit from superior intelligence this way.� Darla grinned �What I wanted to say was regarding the future.�
Willow looked up in interest.
�I can�t imagine it being easy being around here with-� she nodded to the kitchen �And that Slayer.� Her voice clearly showed her distaste on that subject.
�Gee Darla anyone would think you don�t like Buffy.� Willow teased and Darla grimaced.
�What her mother was thinking.� She shook her head and returned to the seriousness of the conversation �I�ve missed you my love. Perhaps now would be the time to readdress the idea of travelling with me.�
�Leave this god-awful place and come with me, I�ll show you the world, everywhere. Paris, London, Venice, Japan, Europe, Romany all of it.� Darla leaned forward �Come away with me.�
*No.* Spike begged, he didn�t want Willow to leave just when he was ready to make his move. Sort of.
�Leave Sunnydale?� Willow was struck, did she want to leave the only home she had ever known, even if it wasn�t home anymore.
Sensing her thoughts Darla smiled serenely �They haven�t been treating my baby well, and I just want you to come with me. We could get reacquainted.�
Spike decided it was time to make a move. He clattered the tray as he bought in a drinks tray. �Here you go love, tea for you, bloody Mary for mother and one for my childe who is just waking up.� He listened for the telltale footsteps from down the hall. 
Willow looked up eager to meet Spike�s childe.
�Hey. Oh take out.� The guy grinned as he saw Willow.
�Oh no you don�t boy.� Spike growled and the kid rolled his eyes
�Lemme guess, you�d be Red?�
Willow nodded and stared at the childe of Spike. He was right, he did look like him, he had blonde hair almost as light as Spike�s was but totally natural and blue eyes. His frame was lean and he had adopted Spike�s smirk. There was something about him that nagged at Willow and she was certain that she�d seen him in her Sunnydale. 
�Grandmother�s told me all about you.� He regarded her with his amused expression �And daddy too, of course.� He moved forward and sat next to her flinging an arm over the back of the sofa and coincidently her shoulder
�I�m Wood.� He used his other hand to raise hers to his lips and kiss it above the knuckles �Pleased to make your acquaintance.�
�Willow.� She replied with a grin at his easy flirtatious manner
�Really?� he raised an eyebrow �I knew a Willow way back when. She was a redhead too.�
�I think she was a seer, she knew about me meeting Angelus and Darla before it actually happened.�
Willow wondered where that sinking feeling came from �Really?�
�Yeah she was my Princess.�
Oh. Bloody. Hell.

Chapter 11. Get out of that one if you can.

The blonde�s eyebrow�s shot up to his hairline
�Yeah, Simon Hardwood. I go by Wood now.�
Oh shit. Willow tried to reconcile the sweet little boy that had crawled into her bed in London to talk about King Angelus and Queen Buffy to this handsome�deadly, vampire sitting smirking in front of her. Actually looking very confused right now.
�Hey Red, how�d you know what my name was.�
�D-Darla must have mentioned it.�
Darla gave her an odd look before adding
�Of course I told her all about you.� She lied smoothly �You know how proud I am of my little Grandchilde.�
�Aw shucks Mom.� Simon beamed
�You okay pet?� Spike asked concerned as he saw Willow�s hands shake when she picked up her tea. She looked down at her drink.
�Do you have anything stronger?�
�Got some bourbon, whisky, vodka, scotch.� He offered
�Vodka�s great.� Willow rubbed her head
�Gal after my own heart.� Simon leered down her top� no it was Wood now.
�Hah.� Willow chuckled weakly. And gratefully took the drink off Spike and downed it in one go. �Needed that.�
�I know, I�m gonna go out on a limb and say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, excepting Grandmum, of course,� he bowed in deference to Darla and flashed Willow a devastating grin.
�Of course.� Darla smiled and then watched Willow worriedly �Are you quite alright?�
�Yeah fine.� Willow shook her head determined to stop being such a wimp and get over it. She smiled brightly at Wood.
�So where have you been for the past few years?�

Willow knew the meaning of the term �time flies�, quite literally actually having spent most of the last month in the past, but sitting in the most gorgeous living room having the undivided attention of not one, but three Master Vampires on her, she found that when having fun, time does indeed fly.
Wood had reduced her to hysterics with his constant flirting and teasing- a fact which seemed to both annoy and amuse Spike. Darla managed to update Willow of anything that she may have missed under the pretext of informing Wood. And Spike sat and watched and moved closer giving her smiles and touching her whenever he could.
It was getting late and the sun had gone down when they decided to call it a day
�Oh beauteous Red, may I walk you home?� Wood grinned lasciviously and stroked her cheek
�No.� Spike growled and cuffed his childe around the back of his head �You have no idea where she lives.� He said with a satisfying smirk. �Stay here with Mom and I�ll walk Red home.�
Willow blushed �I�m sure I could go myself.�
�No way.� Spike said adamantly and Darla agreed
�Dearest it�s far too far and not all of the vampires around here are as fond of you as we.�
�But I want to walk Red home.� Wood pouted and shot her a teasing look
�I need the fresh air.� Darla mocked �Lets all go.�
�Yay, my own entourage!� Willow giggled and went to get her coat.

Spike made sure Willow wasn�t watching and then grabbed his childe by the ear pulling him into the hallway
�Hands off!� he snarled
Wood looked surprised �What?�
�Red.� Spike elaborated �Hands off, she�s mine.�
�I don�t see a claim or a mark.� Wood scoffed �Fair game.�
Spike clenched his fist and grabbed hold of Wood�s t-shirt. �She is mine. You touch her and I stake you.�
Wood�s eyes widened as he realised that his Sire was serious �Do you love her Sire?�
Spike�s jaw tightened and he looked down the hall to where Willow was laughing with Darla about something; her head tilted backwards, eyes bright with joy and mischief. She was perfect and she would be his.
�Just back off boy.�
�Sure thing pops.� Wood straightened �Just let Grandmother know too, I think she has a prior claim.� He sauntered off leaving Spike to collect his thoughts. 

To the next part of Tempus Two....
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