Chapter 12 A walk in the Park normally goes well.
Willow couldn�t figure out what Spike had said to Wood but he seemed to take delight in holding her arm and leaning close while Spike ground his teeth and chain smoked his cigarettes. Darla just shrugged at their childish attempts and walked close to Willow, chattering about what life was like in Spain at this time of year.
Just when Willow was enjoying the quiet walk home Wood stopped and sniffed the air like a predator hunting his prey.
�Wood?� Willow frowned wondering what had him like this
�Slayer.� He hissed and his eyes glowed amber. Willow took a step away from him, recalling that this flirtatious youth was in fact a dangerous Vampire; she backed straight into Spike whose arms went out to catch her as she stumbled.
�Gotcha pet.� Spike�s soft voice sent shivers down her spine that had nothing to do with fear. A dark figure stepped out from between the trees
�Hey fang gang let go of�Oh hey Spike!� Faith dropped her stake down to her side and shot them a bright smile.
�Faith.� Spike nodded
�Darlie I didn�t know you were in town.� Faith inclined her head to the elder vampire who smiled her greeting at the brunette Slayer �And who�s the stud muffin?� Faith ran her eyes over Wood.
�Wood.� He said returning the favour
�Sheesh I�ll say this for the order of Aurelius, you sure know how to pick �em!�
Willow relaxed but didn�t move out of Spike�s hands, it felt way too comfortable and familiar.  Spike felt himself relax as she didn�t move away. She felt so right there in his arms.
�So Will what cha doing with these three?� Faith said smirking at the way Spike was holding Willow
�They were walking me home,� Willow explained �You out on patrol?�
�Yeah but tonight it seems dead, no pun intended.� Faith rolled her own eyes at the lame joke.
�Well perhaps you need some company?� Wood offered with a broad grin �I�m not doing anything right now; perhaps I can offer my services as escort?�
�Yeah you do that.� Spike nodded enthusiastically at the thought of getting rid of his exasperating childe for a while and having Red to himself
�Alright darling.�
Nearly all to himself, Spike grimaced as Darla answered.
�C�mon Slayer.� Wood drawled �Let�s see what you can do.�
Willow watched in amusement as Faith stared at Wood�s ass as he walked away; she shot Willow a grin and followed him.
�A Vampire and a Slayer- now where have I heard that one?� Darla sighed in annoyance �Why is it that my family is the odd one?�
Willow giggled and stepped away from Spike, suddenly feeling the cold.
�Come on Darla, I�m tired.� She hooked here arm in with the feared Vampiress and walked towards her house.

�So William when are you going to confess?� Darla asked as they stalked through the park. They had dropped Willow off and had gone looking for something to eat.
�Fess what mum?� Spike dodged the question
�Confess about your feeling for my daughter?�
Spike stopped and eyed her �Willow is your daughter?�
�So you admit its Willow.� Darla smiled smugly at getting Spike to admit it, he groaned realising his folly.
�Great so what you want to yell at me now?� he rolled his eyes �Stay away from the precious child.�
�Not at all.� Darla grinned smoothly �I think that you and my Willow will be great for each other.� Spike�s face split in an enormous grin �But she has been hurt a lot these past few weeks, William so I expect the kind of finesse that a member of Aurelius would aspire to.�
�Hurt by who?� Spike asked confused
�Whom,� Darla corrected �And she really should tell you herself.�
�So you approve then Mom?� Spike smirked
�Of course William, you are my favourite childe after all.� She smoothed his hair back from his astonished face
�At least until I change Willow.� Darla smiled at her darling boy, he was her favourite childe, he was gorgeous and sexy and had a brutal attitude tempered by a heart and a sarcastic wit that left her breathless. He was perfect and it was time he knew it.
�I thought Angel was your favourite childe?� he was stunned that his Grandmother thought he was her preferred.
�Perhaps at one time, he was. But that soul has mellowed him somewhat, I mean when he lost it, all he could think about was taking the Slayer to pieces. Honestly I thought I�d taught him better than petty revenge.� She shook her head �Although he was deliciously brutal.�
�Huh, pansy.� Spike muttered somewhat jealously and Darla hid a smile
�Not like my boy.� She purred and Spike preened at her praise.
�Speaking of childe can you smell Wood nearby?� Spike frowned as he could smell his Childe�s scent.
Darla sniffed the air delicately �Yes, it�s coming from behind that tomb.� The two Vampires edged around the crypt only to stop in shock.
Wood was standing there with Faith pushed up against the large marble tomb in lip lock, their hands all over each other.
Spike stifled a laugh and coughed none too discretely. Faith jumped and Wood stepped back lowering her to the floor.
�Hey Sire.� Wood said wiping his smirking mouth.
�Boy,� Darla looked as Faith adjusted herself �We were worried about you.�
�Oh I was just fine.� He shot Faith a smouldering look which promised that this wasn�t over and strode over to his Sire and Great Grand Sire with a cocky walk. Faith�s eyebrows rose
�Well, he could use a little practise but hey,� Spike grinned as Wood�s grin fell off his face- oh this was one who could keep his childe in line.
�I�ll show you practise.� He growled
�Whatever Junior.� Faith sassed and sauntered over to Spike running her hand down his arm �You want to show the boy how it�s done, daddy?�
Spike looked at her in surprise only to hide his own grin when he saw she was playing with him.
�Maybe later Slayer.� He smirked as he heard his childe mutter *it�s not so funny when it�s your love life being messed with now is it?* he thought amusedly.
�Oh yeah Fang, Lady G wanted me to give you a message, something about her and ol� Rupes going out and needing a sitter for the brat.�
Spike swallowed �William the bloody does not baby-sit.�
�Well Hannah hates Buffy, Xander and Anya are busy, Riley�s patrolling, I don�t do kids and Will is still getting over her vacation from hell. That leaves you.�
�Oh bloody hell.�

Chapter 13 So I sit on the baby?

Spike frowned as he reached the front door, how the hell had he been reduced to this? The feared scourge of Europe baby-sitting for the Watcher�s brat kid. He shook his head, what was the world coming to?
He pushed the door open to see Jenny walk in dressed in a sparkly short black dress and heels.
�Lady G, you look ravishing, what�s say you ditch the fusty Watcher and you and me go someplace?� he teased enjoying the flush that spread across her face. He loved flirting with the Watcher�s bird knowing that it annoyed old Rupert.
�Highly amusing Spike, but Jenny actually happens to have taste.� Giles sniped as he entered in his suit. �Hannah�s in the kitchen, she�s to go to bed at eight and no later.� He looked sternly at the Vampire �She can eat whatever for lunch but no sweets and snacks. She has a bath and brushes her teeth before bed and she likes a story.� Spike growled �But I�m sure she�ll forgo one on this occasion.� Giles added hurriedly �Numbers are on the fridge and we have��
�To go, Rupert or we�ll miss our reservations. Thanks for doing this Spike.� Jenny leaned up and gave him a swift peck on the cheek.
Then the door was shut and Spike was left alone.
�Uncle Spike!� Spike winced as his delicate Vampiric hearing was pierced.
�Jeez nibblet, tone it down would ya?� he walked into the kitchen to see Hannah sitting in her chair with her crayons in front of her.
�I�ll tell Mommy you swore in fron� of me again!� she said
�Such a shame I was going to take you for ice cream too.� He said sadly and grinned as she shot off her chair throwing her little arms around his knees
�I won� tell, I�s joking!� she peered up at him with large chocolate brown eyes �Can we go for Ice cream?�
�We�ll see.� He looked at the table �What are you drawing?�
�I�m doing a picture for Auntie Willow.� She said proudly
�Of course.� He didn�t know why he bothered asking, Hannah was always drawing pictures for Willow, she plainly idolised her. Of course Spike could understand why, he was head over heels in love with her himself. There was just something about her that drew him to her. He had been with plenty of women over the centuries but none of them had ever touched him the Willow did with just a smile.
�Pictures of what?�
Hannah smiled �You.�
Spike did a double take at the small child �Me?�
Hannah nodded �Auntie Willow really liked the picture I did of you, she said that they didn�t have any foto�s of you coz you went-� she scrunched up her nose �Invisibled. But I can see you Uncle Spike, can you go invisibled?� she looked excited
�No, I think she meant that Vampires don�t photograph.� He grinned
�Well Auntie Willow liked my picture of you, she said she was gonna stick it in her room so I�m doing her anuvver one.�
Spike�s lips curved, Willow had a picture of him in her room, now that he�d love to see. Of course he�d just love to be in her bedroom full stop. Or in her bed. He derailed that kind of thought around the brat and watched her as she went mad with the black pen.

�Pretty please.�
She pouted �Please Uncle Spike.�
�No. and you can put the pouty lip away. And the damn puppy eyes, I�m not doing it.�
�Go on, please.�
�No, for the last time brat, it�s not for playing with�at least not for you.�
Her bottom lip quivered and she eyes began to tear. Spike�s resolve lasted all of two seconds
�Oh bloody-� he vamped out �There happy now?�
Hannah giggled, the tears magically vanishing and clapped her hands, she lifted her hands up and poked at Spike�s ridges.
�Bumpy!� he rolled his eyes
�You�re supposed to be scared.� He said in disgust
�Not scary, Auntie Willow isn�t scared and she thinks it�s pretty.�
�What?� his voice was kind of high pitched but the little kid just shifted on his knee and ignored his question
�Uncle Spike I�m hungry.�
�You just had some of those alphabet things.� He countered with a frown, Willow liked his vamp face?
�Not s�gettio hungry, ice cream hungry.� She said with a sly grin which took Spike a minute to react to
�No.� he said teasingly
�I bet Auntie Willow would like Ice cream too, we could take some to her.�
�That�s sneaky Bit.� He said impressed with her deviousness �Alright, I�ll tell you what, we can go see Auntie Willow and then get some Ice cream how�s that?�
�Yay!� Hannah bounced on his knee happy to get her own way, she was going for Ice cream and she got to see Auntie Willow, just one thing left to make it perfect �Can you go Grr face again?�

Willow had just finished some of her homework and was sitting at her computer typing away when she heard a knock at the door.
She opened it to reveal Spike
�Hey Red!� Spike grinned at her
�Hey Spike.� she frowned �I thought you were busy tonight?�
�Yeah.� He ducked his head �I kinda had a bit of a problem and wondered if you could help sort it.�
�Uh I�ll try.�
�Great!� he peered around �Exactly what is a Pikachu?�
Willow stared and stared until Spike raised an eyebrow
�Why on earth would you need to know that?�
�This bird I�m with keeps talking about them.�
�Oh you were on a date?� Willow�s heart sank to her feet and she swallowed hard. 
�Its me!� Hannah giggled from around his feet and poked her tongue out at Spike �I was trying to tell Uncle Spike about Pokemon but he�s being silly.�
�Help.� Spike mouthed and Willow�s face broke into a big grin. Spike wasn�t on a date.
�We was going for Ice cream. Wanna come?� Hannah asked, a huge hopeful look on her face
�Sure.� Willow ran inside and switched off her computer and grabbed her jacket.
She closed her front door and pocketed her keys.
�So, what were you up to?� Spike asked after a moment
�Just finishing up some assignments and stuff.� Willow tucked her hair behind her ears �You were babysitting?�
Spike knew that if he could he�d be blushing about now.
�Uncle Spike helped me drew you some pictures and then we had s�gettio�s and he did Grr face and now we�re going for Ice cream.� Hannah sing songed reaching up to grab Willow�s hand.
Willow held on and marvelled at the feel of Hannah�s tiny hand in her own. 

Chapter 14  Blame it on the choc chip!!

Spike couldn�t help but feel content, even his demon wanted to purr. He had his love by his side and a girl who idolised them both hanging on. He wanted the moment to last forever. He categorised each second in his mind, each sensation. The sound of Hannah�s giggles, Willow jacket rubbing against her jeans, her heeled boots clicking on the sidewalk and her soft breaths.
The smell of Vanilla that permeated Willow�s scent, her hair, the fresh leaves around them.
The faint feel of Willow�s hand brushing against arm as he moved closer.
They reached the Ice cream parlour and stepped up to choose flavours.
�I�ll have mint choc chip.� Willow decided.
�I want strawberry.� Hannah said bouncing delightedly.
�Chocolate.� Spike fished some bills from his pocket and paid for the Ice Cream.
They waked down the darkened street eating their Ice Cream and listening to Hannah babble.
Spike and Willow shared a smile as she danced in front of them. An elderly couple passed by and smiled
�Oh what a lovely family.� The old woman cooed.
Spike glanced at Willow who ducked her head and blushed. With a smirk he moved closer to her.
�You ok?� she nodded still blushing and reached her hand out to grab Hannah�s. But Hannah dodged out of the way, spying a pretty flower in front of her, and Willow found herself suddenly grasping a large cool palm instead of a small sticky one. Spike jumped at the contact and stared down at their joined hands at same time Willow did.
�Oh.� She said and went to pull it away but Spike held on tightly and shot her a sweet smile.
�I don�t mind.�  
Willow licked her lip and bought her Ice Cream to her lips.
�You�re dripping.�
�Huh?� she looked up.
Spike gestured at her cone �Your Ice Cream.�
�Oh.� She had one hand holding the Ice-cream and the other holding Spike and she didn�t want to let go of either.  �Kinda full hands.�
Spike bit his lip almost shyly and pulled her closer. Keeping his eyes locked with hers he lowered his head and licked at the errant drop of mint Ice-cream. Willow swallowed; her throat dry.
Spike licked his way around the base of the cone until he came in contact with her fingers. His cool pink tongue darted out and touched her hand.
As he felt her breathing change he lifted his head and moved it closer to Willow�s, his eyes shifting to touch her lips.
Just before they could make contact
�Auntie Willow, look!�
Willow jolted backwards pulling her hand out of Spike�s in surprise.
�W-what is it Hannah?� her voice was as shaky as her legs as she walked over to where the little girl crouched to the ground.
Spike took the time to get himself under control; he wanted to grab her and throw her to the ground, kissing her until she had no breath left, he wanted to do things to her that Hannah wouldn�t even know about until she was eighteen.
�Fuzzy bug!� Hannah squealed as it moved.
�A demon?� Spike rushed over
�Caterpillar.� Willow answered with a half smile and half blush. She ducked her head again.
Spike reached down and took her hand, making her jump.
�C�mon Li�l bit, Rupes�ll have my head if I don�t get you in bed soon.�
Willow�s head shot around to him, her mouth open. It took a second for Spike to realise what he�d said.
�I meant Hannah.� He said with a smirk. Willow swallowed.
�I know that.�
She got to her feet and grabbed Hannah�s hand and the three of them walked hand in hand back to Giles� place.

Spike sagged and dropped down on the sofa.
�Now I know why Vampires can�t have Children. Not even damn immortality and Vamp strength could put up with them, I don�t know how Lady G and Rupes manage it.�
Willow giggled from her place next to him on the leather couch.
�Aw poor Spike, did she wear you out?� her eyes twinkled with mischief.
�I still have enough strength for some things.� He raised an eyebrow at her which sent funny fluttering in her stomach.
The chattering girl had finally fallen asleep, the TV was on low, the sound just a muffled noise in the background and the only light was the table lamp beside Willow. It cast shadows on the wall that would have been scary had she been alone but with Spike here, they seemed intimate�romantic.
�W-what did she want you to do?� she asked, her throat a little dry.
�Drink of water, bedtime story, bedtime song, bathroom break, drink of water, another story.� He said wryly �I think the little minx just wanted to stay up and worship you.�
�It�s a little embarrassing.� Willow confessed.
�But understandable.� His voice lowered to a husky note �I�m sure that worshipping every inch of you would be more�pleasurable than going to bed alone or doing anything.�
His tone and soft voice sent shivers down her spine straight to her core. Her heart beat faster. He leaned closer.
�In fact I can�t think of anything I�d rather do.� He whispered and moved his head down. �Willow.� He whispered against her lips as they made contact.
It didn�t matter that the kiss was gentle, because the feeling that went through them both was electric, it sent goose bumps up Willow�s arms and made her shudder, moving her body closer to Spike.
He reached up with a hand and stroked her cheek as his soft lips moved against hers.
Her eyes had fluttered closed and all she could think about was the feel of Spike, her fist had come up to grasp his shirt, pulling him in closer, the silk soft under her fingertips.
She made a gentle sigh that opened her mouth to him letting his tongue slip in to taste her. And she tasted like heaven.
Spike used his hand to pull her closer until she was practically sitting on his lap; her hands in his shirt and his against her back holding her against him. He stroked her hair with his free hand relishing the way the strands felt through his fingers. She moaned and Spike tightened his grip on her unwilling to let her go. It was only when she pulled her head back gasping that he returned to his senses.
�Damn breathing.� He joked, his own unneeded breath ragged.
Willow fought to catch her breath and loosened her grip on his shirt. *wow* was the only thought swimming in her head. *wow he kisses just the same as-* her heart sank *William* William whom she was still very much I love with, William who had died so that this man could exist. William, who had loved her so very dearly, had asked her to marry him. Why was Spike doing this? He had never thought of her like that before, maybe she�d messed up time more than she had originally thought, maybe this incarnation of Spike was only with her because she had fallen for her Spike causing her to fall for William and he in turn with her. The thoughts spun around and around her head until she felt dizzy and-
�Uh.� She jumped off the sofa and raced to the bathroom throwing up everything she had eaten that day.
Spike frowned as she seemed lost in thought her emotions showing on her face, delight, surprise, guilt, pain and anger followed by suspicion and then when she had jumped up his heart had sunk, thinking he had lost her. When he heard the noises from the bathroom he hurried in behind her
�You okay pet?�
�No.� she said retching into the bowl.
�Stupid question.� He agreed and knelt by her side holding her head back �And I have to say that my ego didn�t need that.�
Her giggles were cut off by another bout of sickness.
Spike reached around and laid his cool palm against her forehead.
�You�re hot love.� He said concerned as Willow leaned into his touch.
�I don�t feel so good.� She answered weakly.
�You finished?� he pointed at the bowl and she nodded.
Spike picked her up and carried her back to the sofa, laying her down across his knees. He cradled her against his chest and kissed her forehead.
�You sleep, pet.�
He held her lose and hummed under his breath, rocking her slight feverish body and singing quietly.
�Spike?� she said gently after a moment, her voice heavy with sleep.
�You kiss nice.�
Spike looked down but she had already fallen asleep.

Part 15 One word -- Immunization!!

Giles looked up as the door swung open and a red haired streak raced through, then the bathroom door slammed shut.
A few seconds later Spike walked in smoking a cigarette and looking concerned.
It had been three days since Giles and Jenny had come home to find Willow and Spike snuggled up together asleep on the couch. Jenny had beamed at him and shushed him but Spike�s super sensitive hearing had caught them and he had woken up. After looking at Willow for several minutes he�d explained to them that Willow was feeling bad and he had carried her up to the spare bedroom where he had watched her until dawn came and he was chased away by the sun.
Now Spike had the same look of concern and wonder on his face.
�Watcher.� He greeted and flung himself on the couch �Where�s Lady G and nibblet?�
�They went grocery shopping.� Giles motioned to the back �I take it Willow is still feeling under the weather?�
�Yeah.� Spike sat down and crushed his cigarette in the ashtray Lady G kept for him �Poor pets having a rough time of it.�
Just then Willow emerged from the bathroom looking a little sheepish.
�Hey Giles.�
He gave her a fretful glance �How are you feeling Willow?�
�Ooky with a side of Bleugh.� She sat down next to Spike and laid her head on his shoulder
�Translation?� Giles said without looking at Spike.
�Crappy with added nausea. Kinda like being at a Westlife convention.�
�And you would know how?� Willow raised her own eyebrows.
�Nibblet wanted to play me some of their stuff the other night.� He shuddered overdramatically making Willow giggle.
Spike draped his arm over her and tucked her up close.
�Sorry you feel bad love. But at least you have medicine and doctors and crap here. Back in my day if you got sick it was a case of put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.�
�Why z�at then?� she slurred.
�Because diseases were scary back then, pet; TB, Syphilis, Diphtheria, Scarlet fever and of course Small pox were all rampant.�
Willow froze her eyes wide. �Oh�crap.� She felt sick again. SMALLPOX?? They had been back to the past, a past where all these diseases that had supposedly been eradicated now, were rife and dangerous. They hadn�t been inoculated and now she was sick. Really sick, she could feel it.
�I h-have t-t-to g-go now.�
Spike smelled the scent of her fear overwhelming him.
�Willow, what is it pet?�
�I really, really don�t feel so good.� She said, her hands shaking in fear of the thought of letting loose a plague.
�Do you want me to take you home, I�ve got the Desoto?� Spike asked stroking her hand as she fidgeted.
�Please.� She said grabbing her coat. �Bye Giles.�
Giles stared bemused at the door as it slammed behind her. That girl really was odd.

Willow sat stunned on her bed. This. Was. Not. Happening. No way could this be possible. It just wasn�t real. It was all a bad dream and any moment she was going to wake up back in her Sunnydale ready for a day with Xander and Buffy and Giles. There would be no Faith and no Simon and no Jenny and no Hannah and no Riley.
She knew Spike would be over soon. He had been her constant companion these few months, just hanging out and talking to her. She�d gone to the Doctors and had to wait anxiously these past weeks for the test results and he�d been there. He had no idea that she�d been so worried that she had gone to the doctors about it, just as he had no idea why she had been avoiding her friends just in case she infected them, but still he had come over every day and often bought tales of what they were all doing. Darla had had urgent news and had taken Simon with her to wherever it was that she had needed to go, she was due back today and Spike was coming back to take her to see them as she was still feeling weak.
She dropped her head into her hands. Three months she had been in this version of Sunnydale. Three whole months where she had been surrounded by who knows how many people with this�thing. All this time she had thought she was fine and now�all she wanted was William�s arms around her.
She looked down at the book clasped in her arms, its pages well read by now. William�s journal.
Despite how often he had been in her house, to the point where he had a key, Spike had never been in her room, and it was still her private sanctuary the only place where she could truly fall apart. She traced the familiar words in the journal and felt tears spring to her eyes.
�I need you.� she whispered and then silently, she curled around the book and wept.
Which is how Spike found her.

He had come over to take Willow to see Darla and Simon who had come back today and wanted to see her. Darla had bought them presents and wanted to play at Santa. He grinned to himself as he let himself in with the key. Who would have ever thought that William the Bloody would have been given a key to the home of the Slayers best friend? Slayer ex- best friend, he amended. He intended to fill that space himself, he was going to be Willow�s best friend. She was his best friend the one girl in all of his over 100 year history that had ever affected him� that he could remember anyway.
He walked up the stairs quietly hoping maybe to catch her undressing, it was a cheap shot but he was hoping. What he wasn�t expecting to see was the reason for his existence, the Pixie with the strength to take on the entire world crying on her bed like the world had just fought back. 
Although he had promised out of respect for her privacy not to go in her room, there was no way he could stand there and listen to those soft heart breaking sounds she was making.
�Pet?� he said concerned as he crossed the threshold of the room. But Willow, if she had even heard him in her despair, didn�t answer.
Spike sat next to her on the bed and tentatively put an arm around her shoulder.
Willow jumped at the sudden pressure and looked into Spike�s worried crystal blue eyes.
The soft tear tracks marring her cheeks caused him to groan in sympathy
�Oh Willow, love. What�s wrong? Tell me.� He stroked her cheek and ducked his head to look into her eyes �Spike�ll make it all better, I won�t let anything hurt you baby, just tell me, I promise.�
Willow clutched Spike�s hand like a life preserve.
�I�m so scared Spike.� she swallowed.
�Why?� he asked softly, in the same way one would speak to a scared kitten.
�I-I went to the doctors because I�ve not been feeling so good.�
Fear grasped Spike�s unbeating heart like a fist of ice. Dear Hell what was wrong with his sweet little witch.
�Ye-� he cleared his throat and tried again �Yeah?� he couldn�t manage more than that, his mind racing with all the things that could be wrong with her.
�I didn�t know, I�ve been in so many-� she cut herself off.
He braced himself. But nothing could have prepared him for the truth.
�I�m pregnant.�
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