South Central
Heading east, we pass Old Main, the heart and soul of campus.  We also pass the HUB, the White Building, come close to College Ave., sorrorities, Pollock Halls, and then start north...
Old Main is such a beautiful place.  As you can see, many people gather on the lawn to play games or sit and relax.
Here's the front (left) and back (right) of the HUB.  This is the "center" of campus.  Most people come here to meet their friends, study, eat, etc.  Hundreds of activities take place here, and Late Night Penn State activities are centered here.
Here's the big TV located in the HUB.  It is just out of view to the left of the left picture.  Many gather here to watch sports games or the news while they study, talk, etc.
Inside the entrance, hundreds of people walk through.  There is a huge poster sale at the beginning of every year in here, as shown in the picture.
Downstairs, there are many tables to study, talk, and eat at.  This place is packed during the day and early evening.  On the right and lower left, you can see two of the restaurants here, Panda Express and Union Street Burger (far back in picture)  There is also a Sbarro's.  Note: These places DRAIN food points...
Ahh, the Penn State Bookstore.  This is where you buy your textbooks, books, software, clothing, school supplies, and many other things for your dorm room.  As you can see, it's SUPER BUSY during the first days with people buying their books.  Take a close look, Dad, you might see your Christmas gift on the right if I get something from that section...
A distant view of College Ave.  This doesn't show very much, but it's a one-way street which has a line of stores that you can go to just off campus.  Very convenient.
Here's the entrance to the Penn State bookstore, which is to the left of the HUB entrance.  If you didn't guess, they're connected.
The White Building
Penn State made this a large exercise area like Rec Hall.  It has a lot of exercise equipment, courts, and as you can see, a pool.
This is Atherton Hall, the hall named after Penn State's President Atherton, who helped make this school what it is today.
Way in the back where the red sign is is McClanahan's.  This is the all-purpose store with items for your everyday college life.  Food, school supplies, condoms, you know, the usual. :-P
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