East Side
From here we move east and northeast where we are led through the sorrorities, Pollock Halls, some sports facilities, East Halls, and the coveted Bryce-Jordan Center and Beaver Stadium.
Simmons Dining Hall
Mentioned as one of the best dining halls on campus.
On the top floor, you can see three triangles in the windows (well, it's easier when the pics are big :-P).  That's Delta Delta Delta, one of the many sorrorities here at Penn State.  This is where they're located on campus.
Pollock Halls
Close to the HUB, College Ave., and the center of campus, these halls have a great location.
Look at the skills of these two jugglers throwing those bowling pins (I'm sure they have a technical term, but that's what they look like :-P) back and forth to each other.  What talent here at PSU.
The left picture is Pollock Commons, the main area in Pollock Halls.  On the right, you can see Nittany Apartments, which are the apartments on campus with their own parking, etc.
Here you can see some of the sports facilities.  On the left are two hockey rinks for roller and street hockey.  On the right you can see where the swim and diving teams practice.  Look how high that top one is, dad.  I'm sure you'd love diving off of it.  I bet it wouldn't be the same as the roof of a house, though, huh? ;)
IM Building
This building has a gym and many courts.  It's home of the IM sports (Fun stuff for non-professionals), and is great for any physical activity.
Ahh, East Halls.  Freshmanville. :-P J/K.  This is where all of the Freshman get placed.  It's crowded, high, and always noisy.  But hey, it gets you talking to people and having fun.
The Shields Building
Where you're supposed to go for all of your registering and financial needs.  Unfortunately, no one is ever there or can even help you, anyway.  HA HA!!!  J/K.
Here they are, the big guns.  After all of these pictures, we get to the two places that make big names for PSU.  Beaver Stadium and the Bryce-Jordan Center.  Beaver Stadium can fit 70,000 Nittany Lions fans and is a force to be reckoned with.  The BJC hosts many shows, including concerts, basketball games, wrestling events, and if you can read the board, comedy shows.
One Final Turn...
Finally, we make a final trip west and make a couple of stops around the central area to finish things off...
Just to let you know, Penn State has a secret.  You know how our research is cited in hundreds of periodicals?  It's all from this dish where we get the information from the aliens...  Mwah, ha, ha!!!
Over here you can see where they grow the marijuana plants---I mean where they do environmental science stuff.
This is the Ritenour building.  This is where all the sick or "sick" people go for help.  I never need to go, I'm a lean, mean, healthy machine. :-D
Well, that's the end of my Penn State tour.  I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed taking the pictures for it. :) Here is a silly picture of me in my dorm trying to look cool so you could see the mug of the crazy guy who made this.  This site is for you, Dad!!! :)
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