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As a homeless empowerment project we have contact with people in the street and in the shelters. We do some street feeding and peer outreach. We are often amazed and disgusted when we find our brothers and sisters who are not getting services when the state of NH and the federal goverment agencies are paying providers to do the work.

The Dance of Outreach
Outreach is primarily directed toward finding homeless people who might not use services due to lack of awareness or active avoidance and who would otherwise be ignored or underserved.
Outreach is viewed as a process rather than an outcome, with a focus on establishing rapport and a goal of eventually engaging people in the services they will accept.
Outreach is first and foremost a process of relationship building and that is where the dance begins...
Outreach by peers, as in Under The Bridge, is an essential connection for the ignored, abused or otherwise sheltered and unsheltered and the formerly homeless.
Outreach connects us to one another, places care and humanity into our own hands and builds community amongst us.
Outreach with our peers is non-judgmental. It builds understanding it values programs that work and steers clear of those that don't.
Outreach by peers doesn’t waste time. It doesn't pass out bus tickets to other towns and it doesn't let people starve because of their "inappropriate behavior" which may have put them out of shelters, nor do they freeze in bad weather.
Outreach by peers, allows baby steps and coaxes when appropriate the step toward the hospital, the rehab, the shelter, and mental health. It doesn’t side step real issues and, can confront when needed because as they say on the street, "you cant con a con". Our “been there done that” street education is essential and valued.
And Outreach is to dance with grace, when the stakes are high as the challenge for all of us.

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