under the bridge photo archives 1
For some of you, photos many be familiar. For others, this may be the first time you see where some of our brothers and sisters are forced to live.

Reminder: "judge not lest yea be judged" MT 2:7
there are many ways one may become homeless, but once out there, it takes a very long time, if ever to find affordable housing again.
Once homeless you have a few choices
new face of the homeless, family forced out by $300 rent increase with a 30 day notice according to law and greed of landlord.
a rug under a tree
"under the bridge isn't just a place, its a way of life some have to face. Cold and alone outside the fortunate; can't live life cause they can't afford it. Under the bridge isnt just a place, its a feeling you get when you are all alone, no rescue in sight and the only thing on your mind is where will you sleep tonight?
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a reclaimed mattress if you're lucky
a piece of cardboard hidden in some bushes
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