Tormenting Daniel Jackson

Captions are amusing things. Things that are amusing could be captions. That is not to say that amusing things are always captions, god forbid squid should ever be captions. Captions are a type of amusing thing.

And captions are here, being amusing. Not like squid, but like captions. In their own way, not a squiddy way. Which is good, because they aren't squid.

You see, I think the Stargate is just an oversized doughnut with tempremental blue jam...

*Sees flame...touches it* ow...*touches it* ow...*touches it* ow...*touches it* ow...

But I'm sure my glasses had no glass last scene!

Brown thing: Why must I die with such a hidious creature watching!!?!

A is for apple, be is for...I've got it! Hey, guys, I found the point of origin...Banana!

*is asked to infiltrate the gua'ol base* But I dont even like their clothes!

Bye mom!

There are always bikinis.

*yells to approaching enemy* One more move and I'll blast my associate's head off!

This advanced civilisation just peed on my shoe...mmmmm...pretty


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