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*** Jesus will be my witness and advocate ***

Hughes Chirstensen, a Baker Hughes Inc. Company offered me the position of an Application Engineer for India. It is the Lord's doing! All praise and glory be to Jesus! I have started my second innings with BHI from 01st April 2005. I am at Mumbai.

My favorite quote would be, "Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the great twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

About me?!! :)...To put it in a nutshell, I am a caring fellow.....I am fun loving and crazy at times...I like adventure, wild animals, nature, tennis, etc etc...I adore pets!....I like to travel, especially when I drive...I can drive for hours and won't get tired.....and I drive pretty fast....I have raced with people on the highways....its thrilling as long as you don't get caught by the cops...I love playing tennis and chess.....won't forget my tennis games with Soo and Ananth....Soo did manage to beat me twice -)....actually I was sick both times -)....Ananth, we will meet some day buddy!....will give you a chance to win! ;)

I guess, the first time I went to Church willingly since my birth on the 02nd of September 1978, was on the 14th of November 2004 -)....I quit INTEQ, a Baker Hughes Inc. Company, USA on the 06th of December 2004...I quit because, it was hard for me to work as a Field engineer and to be Spiritual, during the early stages of my walk with God.....Miraculously God opened a new door in the form of 'Application Engineer with Hughes Christensen' the very next day (07th December 2005).

My life was fun....I enjoyed my college days...I had lots of friends.....I joined Texas A&M University in Aug '99....I never thought I would earn my Masters degree -)......worked hard on it for 4 solid months, day and night.....just to get into BHI in Dec '01....which I missed becasue of a hiring freeze!...and by a mighty miracle of God, made it in Jul '02.....I wasted lots and lots of my dad's money..........there was a time, when I had 60 dollars in my bank account....and there were times when I had thousands of dollars....It was irresistible! I could have very well stayed as Field Engineer for BHI just for that kind of money!! It was plenty for me, but I was straying away from God!....didn't have any peace of mind.....I was constantly searching for peace, peace and peace!....I found peace in Christ!

I like to watch funny movies.....I like thrillers.....I like wrestling (WWE).....started when I was 7 years old......I spent money on pay per view shows just to enjoy wrestling....I never completed reading a single novel...other words, I don't read novels!....I have a passion for trying new things....I have a gut feeling that I can do something and be successful......I want to be a successful entrepreneur, God willing!....I am an optimistic fellow....I like to be independant....at times I would keep a low profile, other times I would make my presence felt!!.....I can crack jokes instantly....I have a very good sense of humor....I like to make others laugh to keep them in a good mood.....my dream car is Mercedes Benz, that I will get one day, God willing!......I like challenges....I like construction...I might construct a huge church in the future, God willing!...I like designing new things.....have not tried anything yet...I might design a new kind of engine or a car or a bike....something exciting!.......btw guys! giving my life to Christ doesn't necessarily mean that I am going to become a priest or something like that....I will marry a beautiful, God fearing, Church going girl on God's own timing, hopefully very soon in 2005! :)....God willing, all my dreams shall come to pass!!

I strongly believe in tithing, sowing seeds and harvesting souls for Christ....I believe in supporting ministries that harvest souls for Christ...and my vision, one day the whole World will be for Jesus only!!...I believe in keeping people around me happy and I like to avoid confrontations although I used to have those, but for the reasons I found right!...I could be wrong!....yeah! that's the crazy part -)....I am over protective of the people I love or like the most...I admire my daddy....m a very proud son of my dad....I can keep listening to him for hours, all his spiritual, official stories etc etc....my mother, who cares for me a lot...my brother, who had a life changing influence on all of us......and all those who I love true to my heart!....I get very sad if any one tries to steal their joy......and for the worst part, I have hurt their feelings myself, by my way of life!!.....I am trying to make it up to them.....I will leave the rest to God.....I have an unshakable faith in Christ and His will shall prevail, ALWAYS!! :)

^.~ Nijesh Jayakar (Niji) ~.^

Ministries I support :-

Benny Hinn

Joel Osteen

Jesse Duplantis

Meditating on God's Word :-

Triumph of the Spirit Click HERE

To get some Spiritual Healing Click HERE

How to lead your life by the Power of the Spirit ? Click HERE

How to lead your life by Humility and Faith ? Click HERE

Is God Trustworthy ? Click HERE

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