
Growing up is part of life, as well as the challenges that come along with it. Even though the struggles are hard, in the long run they make me stronger and a better person. My family is very important to me, especially when I need comforting, but friends are the ones I spend most of my time with growing up, and they are the ones who see me go through hard times and are always there for me. Boyfriends will come and go, but it is my girlfriends whom I share laughter, memories and secrets that will be treasured in my heart for the rest of my life. Therefore, my friends are very special for me and have a huge influence on who I am now.

One thing that I love and always will love about friends is the highhearted spirit and jokingness that comes along with it. Having a true friend means no matter where we are or what we are doing, we will be able to always have fun. For example, I share some of the funniest moments of my life with Nur Azila, one of my best friends. We are able to laugh and have fun anywhere and everywhere we go together. She brings me so much joy in the sense that when I am with her, I know that I will have a tremendous time filled with much humor.There are some of the uplifting qualities in which my friends have a major effect on me.

Over the course of my life, I have seen friends come and go. Yet I have remained close with my oldest truest friends all because of our ability to be truthful and loyal to each other. I am able to turn to different friends for different things such as laughter, motivation and even just wanting to talk. My friends are one of the most important things in my life right now and without them, I would probably be completely lost and in dire need to companionship. Yet I have a lot more to learn about growing up but one thing I know for sure is that the only way to have a true friends is to be a true friend.

Last but not least, relationships do come and go but the good ones stay and memories last forever. Friends are so important to me and I cherish everything we go through together.