Spring Has Sprung,

The Grass Has Riz,

I Wonder Where...

My Golfclubs Is ?

Author: Webster L. Sage (My Dad)

As much as Mom loved St.Patrick's Day, Dad loved Easter. Oh,how he loved Easter!

At our house, the Easter Bunny hid candy in the living room and dining room; yellow chickies,malted eggs,jelly beans and a hollow chocolate bunny. My two sisters and I would awaken Easter morning,grab our baskets and Let The Hunt Begin!

Invariably, one of those chocolate bunnies could not be found. Mom would nudge dad and say Web,help the girls find the missing bunny, they only found two of them.

Dad would reply,Well,the rules of the house are: Anything I find, I keep! In addition to that,we'd have to endure his commentary about how Clever and Cunning the Easter Bunny was. We'd grudgingly watch him "locate" the missing chocolate bunny then listen to him Gloat all day long about what a smart ol'fellow that Easter Bunny was. Clever? Cunning? This bunny was an Untouchable; a Scurrilous Scoundrel who played by his own set of rules. He was The Diabolical Easter Bunny.

One year the Diabolical Easter Bunny duct-taped one of the hollow chocolate bunnies inside the wall of the chimney! Other places have included being taped to the underside of the dining room table, or taped inside the folds of the drapes. Mom had "off-limits" areas such as her kitchen, the chandelier and the Grandfather's Clock. He even invaded these safe zones. He was The Diabolical Easter Bunny.

We grew older and wiser. By the time we were teenagers, we had developed fine strategy. The Easter Bunny Zone was divided into three quadrants; we scoured our areas twice followed by a "double-check" by Patty. We were determined to locate every dusty jelly bean in sight! We'd beat him once and for all...The Diabolical Easter Bunny.

Inevitably,one Easter we did Beat the Bunny! Not a single black jelly bean (his favorite) could be found. Ahhh! No more teasing or gloating! But as you probably guessed, We felt terrible...we had taken ALL HIS FUN away.

There were a couple more Easter Hunts before Pat went away to college but we got careless and would miss things (like black jelly beans.) The Past Master ruled once more.

NEXT: St.Patrick's Day



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