Dan Green
Finish Strong Communications

Guest Speaker

Monday, March 4, 2002

     Dan Green, Founder of Finish Strong Communications
spoke to the membership of our NIU AMA chapter to generate
feedback regarding
his product idea "Finish Strong".

     Finish Strong is a Motivational Brand Idea compared to
"No Fear", as well as, "And 1". Forty AMA members attended
this event in order to gain insight regading product development
and branding, and also to give feedback about target market
segments and strategies. The presentation was very interactive
and was able to show students what marketing a product is like
outside of the classroom.

     Different logo designs and marketing strategies were presented to the members. Their feedback was sought out to ensure the proper targeting of different market segments. The presentation concluded with a raffle of prototype logo T-Shirts and two gifts of $50 for memebers who contributed feedback.

Thank you Mr. Green and good luck with Finish Strong Communications.

To learn more about Finish Strong Communications click here.


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