Listee Profiles: C - E


Cabby Chattie Cords David's Girl Dusty
Cakes Chipper Corky Daydream Earth
Calliope Cine Cotton Balls Dippy Ease
Camaderie Clatter Cowgirl Divinity Eire
Canarie Cleav Crease Dixie Elphie
Canyon Clifford Criss-Cross Dolly Emily
Cap Cola Crystal Dotz Entity
Caramel Coin Curtains Dragonfly Eunomia
Chaos Coneflower Dafty Dragonsong
Charcoal Cookie Dart Duck Pond




Nickname: Cabby

Name Origin: Well for the most part Cabby is just my list NN, but when I first became addicted I was searching EVERYWHERE for cabbie hats...and that was before they became popular in Massachusetts, so it was really hard to find them, but I still searched, so two of my friends Sarah and Krisi found me some and bought them and I wore them everywhere, so they made fun of me and called me Cabby...but that stopped.

Date Joined: the first time was 3 years ago

Location: Massachusetts

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: AbC random XyZ (AIM)

Fave Newsie: Kid Blink and Skittery

Other Info: My birthday is October 5th 1989, and I LOVE singing and acting. I get REALLY lonely when no ones around, so I try surrounding myself with people, but I'm very noisy and energetic usually so people get annoyed sometimes. One way people know I'm stressed or having a bad day is that I'm not talking much. Well anyway, thats all...CTB for life!

Welcome Message: Hey everyone, I'm Cabby. Welcome to the list, if you EVER want to talk IM me...i promise I wont bite...hard ;-)



Nickname: Cakes

Location: Colorado

Date Joined: 4/16/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: GigglyPancakes (AIM), [email protected] (MSN)

Fave Quote: Your Honor I object, on what grounds, on the grounds of Brooklyn your honor.

Fave Newsie: Snipe or Pie Eater

Other Info: i'm IN LOVE with the younger newsies, I dont think they get enough credit. Hmph!




Nickname: Calliope

Name Origin: I saw it on The Newsies Inferno, and thought immediatley that it'd be *perfect* for me. Calliope is the muse of writing...and was a character on a Disney show when I was younger. =)

Date Joined: September 16th, 2002

Location: New Jersey

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: katnewsie (AIM)

Fave Quote: When I dream, on my own, I'm alone, but I ain't lonely, for a dreamer night's the only time o'day.

Fave Newsie: Kid Blink, followed by Snoddy, Race, Dutchy and Specs

Welcome Message: Congratulations on joining the NML. It's an amazing place to meet new people and revel in the wonder that is Newsies.



Nickname: Camaderie

Name Origin: My original NN was Sniper, because of a hockey game I was playing...I later changed it to Camaderie,(pron. CAM-uh-Deary) because I love to make up my own words! Location: New Hampshire USA

Date Joined: June of 2003

Location: New Hampshire, USA

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: Curefan42159 (AIM), Racesmaxgrl (AOL), Curefan42159 (YIM)

Fave Quote: "What are we s'possed ta to to tha bums? kiss 'em?" Race track Higgins

Fave Newsie: Racetrack! Jack!

Websites: In the Foot Steps Of My Shadow-

Other Info: ...hmm....Im into 80's synth pop! I lOVEEE the Cure...and Newsies OF COURSE!!!! Im very friendly so feel free to IM or E-mail me!

Welcome Message: VELCOME!!! I hope you like all us crazy newsie freaks! dont be shy! you'll fit right in!!! :)



Nickname: Canarie

Location: CT/US

Date Joined: September 15, 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: Cellduin727 (AIM)

Fave Newsie: Pie Eater

Other Info: I'm just re-joining the list, as I became curious about how things changed.  =)



Nickname: Canyon

Location: Va, USA

Date Joined: January 5, 2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Newsie: Mush, Spot, Skittery, and Jack

Web Site:

Other Info: I'm just a girl who knows what she likes. I've liked Newsies since it came out. Yes, I know. That's a really long time. I'm a musical fan in general. My favorites are Rent, Wicked, Jersie Boys, and West Side Story.



Nickname: Cap

Location: New York

Date Joined: 10/23/07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Newsie: Swifty, Skittery, Blink



Nickname: Caramel

Location: Pennsylvania

Date Joined: 5/14/07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: dancexbabyx3 (AIM), Dancechica773 (AOL)

Fave Quote: "Never feah, Brooklyn is heah!"

Fave Newsie: Racetrack

Other Info: I recently found Newsies and LOVED IT. I'm so excited to join the mailing list. On the personal side of things I'm a dancer but I also love to sing. I also like to read and write.



Nickname: Chaos

Name Origin: Basically I was casting my mind for a newsie name and Chaos came to mind. Considering how disorderly my mind is I thought it suited me. Plus it wasn't taken lol that helped a lot.

Date Joined: March 15, 2004

Location: Illinois/USA Chicago! WOOOOoot!

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Screen Name: MidnghtChaos (AOL), sugar_coated_mentiras (YIM)

Fave Quote: "My next house will have no kitchen- Just vending machines."
"Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator."
"When you open the book it's like going to the theater. First you see the curtain. Then it's pulled aside and the show begins."
"Spot: Hey yer honor, I object
Judge: On what grounds?
Spot:...On the grounds of Brooklyn, yer honor"

Fave Newsie: SPOT CONLON, Racetrack, Bumlets, Jack, Mush, Blink

Other Info: I'm a huge lurker which is why I joined IAALACCL (I Am A Lurker And Couldn't Care Less) president being Lil' Italy and am president of SOS (Spot's unOffical Stalkers). I write but I procrastinate often that's why they're slow in coming. So enjoy yourself and don't forget Pelvic Thrusts Forever!

Carryin' The Banner for Life -Chaos-

Welcome Message: Are your friends always telling you to shutup about those newsies? Well, here you can pretty much talk about them all you want! So long as you folow the rules of course. So huge welcome to all you newsie loving fans! Especially those who like Spot *melts*



Nickname: Charcoal

Location: Cleveland, OH

Date Joined: 2 August 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected], [email protected]

Screen Name: agooddayforpi (AIM)

Fave Quote: "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
--Macbeth, Act 5. Scene V

Fave Newsie: Blink, Mush, Skittery, and Race. Because I'm just that indecisive.

Websites: My lj - , and

My Xanga -

Other Info: Hi, my name used to be entropic order, but apparently now it's Charcoal. I'm a mindless drone--er, public school student--with a tendency to swear at people in a mixture of French, Italian, and German. Most of the time, I don't injure anyone too badly. Other than that... I play bass and I like shiny things. Yay!




Nickname: Chattie

Location: Michigan

Date Joined: May 12th

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: [email protected] (MSN), riah_the_bee_d (YIM)

Fave Quote: A dream is a wish your heart makes

Fave Newsie: Itey, Bumlets, Blink

Other Info: Hey, My name is Mariah. I live in a very VERY small town. I love Theatre, Movies, Music and just hanging out with friends. Ive been a newsies fan off and on for the past 10ish years, but this time its here to stay.  Tootles!




Nickname: Chipper

Name Origin: Oh I got this nickname from something I used to say alot. Instead of saying "I'm going off..." somewhere I used to always say "I'm chipping off..." somewhere. Yup simple, sad, but true lol.

Date Joined: 10/02/2007-Rejoined

Location: In the U.K

Email Address(es): [email protected]; [email protected]

Screen Names: XxPixieRayxX (AIM), RSOFTREDROSE (AOL)

Fave Quote: Jack Kelly-Yeah, yeah. Okay, you guys gotta go out and be, uh, am-bastards.

Fave Newsie: Spot Conlon, Jack Kelly, Racetrack Higgins & Kid Blink...Hail i like'em all.

Website: MySpace -

Other Info: Well I've been a Newsie fan since i can remember. I stupidly left the list a while back but I never stopped liking Newsies. Now I'm back! I also have ALOT of other likes and hobbies which include performing and sports. If you wanna know anything else, ask!

Welcome Message: Hey there Newbies! Remember this list is devoted to Newsies, so enjoy yourself and make friends!



Nickname: Cine

Location: CT/US

Date Joined: 8-7-07

Email Address(es): [email protected], [email protected]

Other: I've got no screennames right now, as I've somehow managed to crash my PC

Fave Quote: It's bad enough we've got to eat what we don't sell!

Fave Newsie: It varies... usually Spot

Other Info: As said above, I've crashed my PC, so I'm using public kiosks right now. Other than that, I've been a Newsies fan for at least twelve years, a Newsies fandom lurker for about ten, and I've finally gotten around to joining the NML. I chose "Cine" as my nickname because I prefer movies to most everything else... media in general and film in specific is even for what I went to college.



Nickname: Clatter

Name Origin: i always wear a claughter ring, its pronounced clatter so i just used that cause its easier :p

Date Joined: January 2, 2003

Location: Massachusetts

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: newsiesfreak212 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "I'll not say, "do not weep"...Not all tears are an evil."

Fave Newsie: <3 Jack <3

Websites: xanga -

Welcome Message: i love newbies so dont be shy, talk ta me!



Nickname: Cleav

Location: Massachusetts

Date Joined: March 27, 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: XlilskaterbabieX (AIM)

Fave Quote: Whats this Jacky boy some kinda walking mouth?

Fave Newsie: KID BLINK!!

Other Info: My name is Katie, and I am 16. I know every line from the I'm not here to brag..I am just another newsieholic..




Nickname: Clifford

Name Origin: When Cotton Balls and I were dating she gave me that nickname because I love dogs and of course loved Clifford the Big Red Dog.

Date Joined: 12/26/2001

Location: NY

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: jprg4b (AIM)

Fave Quote: Soak'em for Crutchy

Fave Newsie: Crutchy



Nickname: Coin

Location: NJ

Date Joined: October 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected], [email protected]

Screen Names: Kissmythoin420 (AIM), [email protected] (MSN)

Fave Quote: We're just a bunch of angry kids with no money.

Fave Newsie: Skittery & Mush.

Web Site: Fanfic account -



Nickname: Cola

Location: New Jersey, USA

Date Joined: 7/12/2005, methinks

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: Saf11986 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night" *slaps Blink*

Fave Newsie: Skittery, Snitch, and Race

Websites: My Account -

Other Info: My brain feels a bit fried at the moment, so I'll just say HELLO! Heh.



Nickname: Coneflower/Coney

Name Origin: Coneflowers are my fave flower, and everyone calls me Coney for short :)

Date Joined: December 26, 1999

Location: Mississippi

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: NezMickPeterDavy (AIM)

Fave Quote: This will probably make no sense to anyone, but I love the way Pulitzer says this, "If we do it, Hearst and I, if we do it then the other papers will do it."

Fave Newsie: Mush, Jake, Pie Eater (Kloppman and Pulitzer)

Websites: Me Newsies Sanctuary (c)1899-

Other Info: I'm 22. I am a writer and teacher. I've been a Newsies fan since Sept. '99. Newsies will ALWAYS be my number one favorite movie! I have written over 30 Newsies fanfics. Visit my site! It's good, trust me ;)

Welcome Message: WELCOME TO THE LIST! We're like family, so don't hesitate to join in. We all love very much :)



Nickname: Cords

Location: WA, USA

Date Joined: May 17, 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: vintagespiral (AIM)

Fave Quote: "I'm standing solidly on my own two hands and going crazy."

Fave Newsie: David, Dutchy

Website: My LJ -



Nickname: Corky

Location: Illinois

Date Joined: March 2002/October 2008

Email Address(es): [email protected] (or) [email protected]

Screen Name: muzicfreek1986 (YIM)

Fave Quote: It's only illegal if you get caught...luckily...I'm never caught.

Fave Newsie: Racetrack, Skittery, Spot, Dutchy

Websites: Corky's Story Lair -

Other Info: Howdy everybody! Name's Corky and yes...yes I'm back! I was a member here way back once upon a time but had to leave for sadly personal reasons (nothing to do with the group or its members though! So don't worry about that!) Anyhow...I'm 22 now, live in Illinois with my family and pets, and still totally love Newsies (in fact, I'm watching it right now! ^__^). I know there are some other newbies here who I haven't met yet...and there might even be some of my old pal's lurkin' around here somewhere. Anyways, I hope to see everyone and say hello!



Nickname: CottonBalls (CB)

Location: New York

Date Joined: July 2000

Email Address(es): [email protected]. [email protected]

Screen Name: CottonKandy03 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "Lose one friend, lose hope, lose all friends, lose yourself"

Fave Newsie: Mush

Web Site:

Other Info: I used to be on the NML way back when, and figured I was bored enough to come back and check on how everyone is.




Nickname: Cowgirl

Name Origin: My favorite newsie is Jack and his nickname is Cowboy, so my nickname is Cowgirl

Date Joined: July 1, 2000

Location: Virginia, USA

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: ManhattanAngel20 (AIM)

Fave Quote: You get your picture in the pape, your famous, you famous you get anything you want. That's what so great about NY--Racetrack

Fave Newsie: Jack and Race

Websites: King of New York -

Welcome Message: Hope you guys have fun on the NML and if you ever have a question or want to talk I'm always on line!




Nickname: CreaSe

Location: New yOrk CiTii

Date Joined: 12/31/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: IILilTimaII (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), [email protected] (YIM)

Fave Quote: "Neva Fear, BrOoklyNz Here"

Fave Newsie: SpoT

Web Site:

Other Info: I can SinG n I can DanCe. I Love SpoT!!!




Nickname: Criss-Cross

Location: Colorado

Date Joined: 1/17/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: kthorsegal (AIM), WhtWccMoon (AIM)

Fave Quote: "Nevah feah, Brooklyn is heah!" -I think y'all know where that's from...

Fave Newsie: Spot Conlon

Other Info: I'm 14 and just recently found the glory that is Newsies. It's sad that I only found it recently, cuz it's a great movie, lol, and now I'm totally obsessed with it. But can ya blame me? lol I've got a lot of really great friends, and I love just talking with people. I'm an extremely social person, though, I'm not at all mainstream, and I tend to not like what society tries to force me to be. But yeah, that's the low-down on me! ~Criss-Cross


Nickname: Crystal

Name Origin: It's not a nickname, it's my name. I use all the nicknames I come up with for characters.

Date Joined: 2000? I can't remember, and I switched email addresses, so I can't check yahoogroups.

Location: GA

Email: [email protected]

Fave Quote: "You could act like a man. *slaps Johnny* What's the matter with you? Is this what you've become, some Hollywood finnochio that cries like a woman? *mocks Johnny* Oh, Godfather, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?" ~Don Corleone

Fave Newsie: Bumlets, Spot, Snoddy, Pie Eater

Welcome Message: Welcome. Don't be a moron.




Nickname: Curtains

Name Origin: *Takes a bow* HeHe. I've always been into performing, whether it's singing, dancing, or acting. My nickname just seemed to fit! :)

Date Joined: December 31st, 2004

Location: Lewisville, Texas

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: NwSyGaL1899 (AIM, [email protected] (MSN), NwSyGaL1899 (YIM)

Fave Quote: "High times, hard times. Sometimes the livin' is sweet, and sometimes there's nothing to eat, but I always land on my feet! So when there's dry times, I wait for high times and then...I put on my best and I stick out my chest and I'm off to the races again!"

Fave Newsie: Kid Blink!!! &lt;3

Other Info: I am really friendly and I love getting to know new people. Most of the time I'm just a big goof and I love to make people laugh. I'm a really loyal friend, and I'll do anything for the ones I love.

Welcome Message: Welcome Newbies! Glad you decided to join us and Carry The Banner!



Nickname: Daft Mel or "Dafty"

Location: California, USA

Date Joined: 6/10/08

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: melenator12 (AIM), melanator12 (YIM)

Fave Quote: "I say, that what you say, is what I say."

Fave Newsie: Spot, Racetrack, and Jack.


Other Info: I've been a fan of Newsies for years, and I just rekindled my love for it recently.



Nickname: Dart

Location: Arizona, USA

Date Joined: 7/12/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: nychrt3 (AIM), littlemissarak (AOL)

Fave Quote: "For a Dreamer Night's the only time of day"

Fave Newsie: Jack/Race



Nickname: David's Girl

Location: New Jersey

Date Joined: 6/22/07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: brasscatcher15 (AIM)

Fave Quote: Why'da come back? Well I guess I couldn't be somethin I ain't. What, a scab? No, smart

Fave Newsie: David, Crutchy

Other Info: I'm just that cool :)



Nickname: Daydream

Date Joined: September 30, 2004

Location: North Carolina

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: dayishappy (AIM), [email protected] (MSN)

Fave Newsie: Racetrack, Itey, Spot

Other Info: Hi, feel free to call me Day, every else does. ^_^ I'm 16 and I love humor! Plus alot of other stuff including Race! ^_~ I like to write fanfiction and daydream constantly, hence nickname!




Nickname: Dippy

Date Joined: September 20, 2004

Location: New Jersey

Email: [email protected]

Fave Newsie: Spot

Other Info: I am sixteen and a junior in high school. I have been a Newsies fan for a little over a year and, as I mentioned above, my favorite is Spot because he is the all-around best newsie there is. I love to read and write.



Nickname: Divinity

Name Origin: Mostly 'cause I'm always the good girl, don't get into trouble, that sort of thing.

Date Joined: June 2003

Location: PA

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: icthyus girl (AIM)

Fave Quote: "There are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots."

Fave Newsie: Spot Conlon!

Web Site: My Xanga...yeah, I'm outdated. -

Other Info: Um...I'm kinda random, kinda moody, and usually pretty busy, so I'm not very active on the NML, but I'd love to hear from you!

Welcome Message: Newbies, beware!! ...just kidding. You've found a rockin' awesome group. =)



Nickname: Dixie, or Jo

Location: Alaska

Date Joined: 03/06/08

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: JodothaGOA (AIM), jodotha @ (MSN), jodotha (YIM)

Fave Quote: .....

Fave Newsie: probably Kid Blink

Other Info: Been roleplaying Newsies years than I can guess.  How did I miss this list?




Nickname: Dolly

Location: Massachusetts

Date Joined: 11.16.07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: stargazer3813 (AIM)

Fave Quote: the only thing that hurts more than love is love its self.

Fave Newsie: spot, race, les, snipeshooter, and really all of them.

Other Info: hi!




Nickname: Dotz

Location: Idaho

Email Address(es): [email protected] or [email protected]

Screen Name: [email protected] (MSN)

Fave Quote: "It's not good to do that. Not healthy."

Fave Newsie: All Of Them!

Other Info: I LOVE Newsies! I also love dancing, acting, and singing!



Nickname: Dragonfly

Date Joined: 07/21/02

Location: NJ

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: morelikefictionx (AIM)

Fave Quote: "All this for one sip of beer?"

Fave Newsie: Racetrack





Nickname: Dragonsong

Location: NC

Date Joined: 7/27/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Quote: "Tell 'em Jack!"

Fave Newsie: Kid Blink!!!

Other Info: Hey! I'm fifteen, and love everyone! Especially the newsies! Other than that, I love HP, Young Wizards, reading in general, playing and listening to music, and lots of junk like that. ^_^



Nickname: Duckpond

Location: Canada

Date Joined: Jan. 18 2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: [email protected] (MSN), [email protected] (Google talk)

Fave Quote: "It's a Rigged deck! They've got all the Marbles!"

Fave Newsie: Race, Blink

Other Info: I've been a fan of newsies since January 2005, and love slash.




Nickname: Dusty

Location: MN

Date Joined: 3/26/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: GluM n DuM1899 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "For a Dreamer nights the only time of day."

Fave Newsie: skittery&lt;3 mush race jack

Websites: NYdreamin1899 -

Other Info: Hiya my feller newsies! I luv newsie with a passion and i wish i could be one sumtimes! lol Skittery is my favorite! and its not true that hes always is a bad mood! Well i guess my new newsie nickname is dusty so ill ttyl  *spitshakes* Dusty &lt;3



Nickname: Earth

Location: Texas

Date Joined: 10/8/05

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: moderngrrrrl (AIM)

Fave Quote: " much does a healthy H/Hr fan with good teeth go for these days?"

Fave Newsie: Mush

Web Site:



Nickname: Ease

Name Origin: I'm a very relaxed, unstressed person, so the word 'ease' just came to mind.

Date Joined: August 17, 2002

Location: Virginia

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: rockerbayb05 (AIM), mushgoil05 (YIM)

Fave Quote: "I spent a month there one night!"

Fave Newsie: Mush, Blink, Boots, Skitts

Websites: journal -

Other Info: Musicals are way cool!

Welcome Message: Welcome Newbies! Carryin' the banner!!!! Spread the newsie love!



Nickname: Eire

Location: California

Date Joined: 1/17/2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: eire1899 (AIM)



Nickname: Elphie

Location: CT, USA

Date Joined: January 12, 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: savvyme123 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "A Saturday night with the mayor's daughter!"

Fave Newsie: Skittery, Kid Blink, Spot

Websites: For Good - My LJ -

Other Info: I've been a Newsies fan for about 4/5 years! I'm a huge Musical Theater freak (hence, my Newsies name) so why wouldn't I love a musial starring Christian Bale and a chorus of other teenage boys?! Along with Newsies and Musicals I love Josh Groban and you.




Nickname: Emily

Location: Berkeley, CA

Date Joined: Feb. 22, 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Quote: When I get a little money, I buy books. And if there is any left over, I buy food. - Deciderius Erasmus

Fave Newsie: David! Jack! Javid!

Other Info: so. I'm a college student at UC Berkeley (SO!), saw Newsies for the first time ever last week (don't you love dorm life?) and am addicted! I also like the West Wing and goat cheese.



Nickname: Entity (NT)

Name Origin: I had a necklace with a NeckTie so I thought, NT, which sounded like Entity, just something random

Date Joined: February 15, 2003

Location: MA

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: IvyNeckTie, YummyDutchThing (AIM)

Fave Quote: �I spent a month there one night.�

Fave Newsie: Dutchy

Other Info: I love the music, the actors, and pretty much everything about Newsies, but I especially love the history behind it. I find Pulitzer and Hearst's period of yellow journalism fascinating, not to mention the fact that the entire strike was organized by a bunch of kids. It's amazing!

Welcome Message: Nice to have you here! The list is really great. Everyone here is so different, but we all, obviously, have one very important thing in common- We all love Newsies!



Nickname: Eunomia

Location: New York

Date Joined: 1st Time: 1998, 2nd Time: 01.2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: Halfshady13 (AIM)

Fave Quote: Welcome to NY

Fave Newsie: Spot

Other Info: I'm really an oldie in disguise as a newbie. I'm also in law school and currently hate life. (just kidding...kind of.)




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