Listee Profiles: N - R


Nervy Pearl Pumpkin Rae Kelly Roman
Nikky Pencil Punch Rain Rosin
Ninja Periwinkle Punky Raspberry Roulette
Nousse Pinkslip Pyro Relic Royal
Nugget Pinstripe Quills Rissa Royale Flush
One Shot Polly Quirky Riverboat Rubix
Ozz Prince Racetrack Rly_mgn Russia
Panic Prodigy Meyers Radish Robin  





Nickname: Nervy

Date Joined: 11/19/04

Location: USA

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: MitsueMarina (AIM)

Fave Newsie: Spot, Bumlets and Boots

Other Info: I am sarcastic and fidgety by nature. I enjoy such activities as reading, dancing, listening to music and laughing at inappropriate things. (But not stuff like funerals. More like ineffectual performance art. I'm not THAT disrespectful.)




Nickname: Nikky

Location: FL, USA

Date Joined: April 18 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: Anakinfan86 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "Ya like me because im a scoundrel"

Fave Newsie: Jack, Spot, Les

Websites: Punkinart LJ -

Other Info: 18 years old, star wars, christian bale, harry potter fan, who loves doing artwork and writing.



Nickname: Ninja

Location: CA,USA

Date Joined: 2-1-07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: Surferstar99 (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), [email protected] (YIM)

Fave Quote: Life Is A Movie Staring You!

Fave Newsie: Skittery & Spot

Web Site: MySpace -

Other Info: I Know A Guy Who Was In Pirates Of the Caribbean 3. I Like to Dance & Sing anywhere and everywhere. I Love Working Backstage at our local Theater. I'm a youtube Junkie. & I Love To laugh A lot Especially Upside-down



Nickname: Nousse

Location: NY

Date Joined: July 29 2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: Bananapop1223 (AIM)

Fave Quote: For a dreamer night's the only time of day

Fave Newsie: Spot/Race

Other Info: Hey my name is Marian.


Nickname: Nugget

Name Origin: Back in the day, me and and my friend Rachel gave each other nicknames off of the food menu from McDonald's. Dumb, I know! She was was Small Fry, and I was Chicken Nuggets. It got shortened to Nuggets, then just down to Nugget!

Date Joined: January 4, 2003

Location: Topeka, Kansas

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Screen Name: try to fix me (AIM)

Fave Quote: "He put an egg in his shoe...and beat it."

Fave Newsie: Pie Eater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome Message: Hey all you new newsies lovers! I'm so glad you've decided to join this awesome list- you're going to have a great time! Feel free to talk to me anytime- i love talking to newsies lovers!



Nickname: One Shot

Location: Northwest Indiania

Date Joined: November 4th

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: randomaction469 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "It's not good to do that...not healthy."

Fave Newsie: Kid Blink, Dutchy, Jake, Snoddy, Bumlets, and Racetrack

Other Info: I love to dance, sing, and mess around.  I'm quite the prankster, but I'm down to earth and serious.  I love dancing and singing to Newsies and I'm not afraid to do so!!  I'm a friendly kid and I'm ready for some Newsie fun!!  :D



Nickname: Ozz

Location: NYC

Date Joined: September 3

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: Sleamhnaigh (AIM), Purplehaze82591(AOL)

Fave Quote: "The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation!"-Mark, Rent

Fave Newsie: My favorite newsies are Snoddy, Mush and Spot but not in that order. It changes quite frequently. Right now i am in my Spot fase.

Web Site:

Other Info: Hi! My name is Molly! Um... I live in New York City and next week I am planning to scream over the edge of the brooklyn bridge! I have been obsessed with Newsies for over a year now, and I haven't taken the time to see the Horace Greerly statue, OR scream over the edge of the brooklyn bridge, let alone walk on it. I realize now that i am rambling and it is getting boring, even for me, so i will cease. Ozz




Nickname: Panic

Location: CALI

Date Joined: 27 may 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: love hangs you (AIM)



Nickname: Pearl

Date Joined: Spring 1998

Location: Alexandria, VA

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: newsieluvr (AIM)

Fave Quote: "go ahead and laugh cause it don't cost much"

Fave Newsie: MUSH!




Nickname: Pencil

Name Origin: Well, I love to draw, and I always use a pencil. And I also love to write, so it made sense. Plus, my sister says I'm "as skinny as a pencil", so it just seemed to fit.

Date Joined: August 21, 2003

Location: Kentucky, USA

Email Address(es): [email protected], [email protected]

Screen Names: HProksmysoks (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), pencil1899 (YIM)

Fave Newsie: Racetrack!!, followed by Spot and Mush. But hey, I love them all!


Other Info: Hallo! I am a lurker, even though I don't mean to be. I love lots of things, besides Newsies of course. Harry Potter is another obsession. LOrd of the Rings rocks too. I love to draw. I draw alllllll that time! And I love musicals! Actually, I love music in general. I listen to music all the time. I listen to different things, from Good Charlotte to Jesse McCartney to Blink 182 to Kelly Clarkson to Switchfoot to the Temptations! ^_^ I also play the piano, and have done for 6 years. I love anime. I love actors(I am obsessed with many of them). Some of my other favorite movies besides Newsies, HP, and LotR, are Pirates of the Carribean, Peter Pan, King Arthur, School of Rock, the Princess Diaries, Bend it Like Beckham, lots of Disney movies...umm...I'm having a brain
fart...I can't think of anything! I love fanfiction. I can't get enough of it!
And books, I love books! There are too many to name, but I shall name a few, some of my faves are Pendragon, anything by Tamora Pierce, and Artemis Fowl. I'm on the varisty track team at my school, and I also have played soccer for 7 years. And I adore British accents...hehe. Well, this is getting too long. If you want to know more about me, feel free to IM me or email me! I love meeting new people! I also rp as well! ^_^ I am a normally weird weirdly normal girl. Don't be scared! Later!

Welcome Message: HEYYA!!! WELCOME TO THE NML! IT ROCKS MY SOCKS!! I hope you love it as much as I do, and feel free to email me or IM me! Have an interesting day! ^_^



Nickname: Periwinkle

Location: Evanston, WY

Date Joined: Jan. 9

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Quote: Never fear, Brooklyn is here.

Fave Newsie: Racetrack, Spot and Snipeshooter

Other Info: My mom bought me the DVD and soundtrack for Christmas and she is really starting to regret it.



Nickname: PinkSlip

Location: Washington

Date Joined: 5/17/07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: iloceninjasansnewsies (YIM)

Fave Quote: From the Newsies? Then this one. (for I like a lot of them) Spot: I object, yer honor!
Judge: On what grounds?
Spot: On the grounds of Brooklyn, yer honor!

Fave Newsie: Race and Skittery and Mush

Other Info: I Love to Dance! Althought I can't dance at all. I swim all the time. I like to try to sing, but normally it sounds too bad and I stop. Reading is my favorite hobby next to writing and photography. I love pictures they are just as good as words to me.




Nickname: Pinstripe

Name Origin: Actually, I finally came up with it a moment ago.

Date Joined: 12/

Location: NE, USA

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Quote: "Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die today." --James Dean

Fave Newsie: David

Other Info: About me? Hmm, well, my name is Allie--that's what I've been known as for the passed (jeeze, what's it been?) two months or so. I like writing, art, acting...all that kind of stuff. Alright, I'm done now.



Nickname: Polly

Location: Canada

Date Joined: I'm going to guess December 26th

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: [email protected] (YIM), [email protected] (MSN)

Fave Quote: "This is for kids shining shoes on the street with no

Fave Newsie: Itey, Swifty, Jake and Bumlets.

Website: My Fan Fiction -

Other Info: I'd love to chat with NML-ers about Newsies. Drop me a line on my MSN e-mail (it's SO much easier to check!): [email protected].



Nickname: Prince

Location: USA

Date Joined: 7/27/07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: PrinceRWN (AIM), [email protected] (MSN)

Fave Quote: "Guess I can't be somethin' I'm not." "What a scab?" "Naw, smart."

Fave Newsie: Cowboy, Jack

Website: 1899 New York -

Other Info: I've been rping newsies since before I saw the moive (which is complicated). I'm also currently a co-admin on a newsie role play site. Though it isn't my site I'm putting it as my website. If you need to know anything else feel free to ask. Thanks!



Nickname: Prodigy Meyers
 Location: Brooklyn
 Date Joined: 9/2/05
 Email Address(es): [email protected]
 Fave Quote: "Trash Fire Next To Immigration Building Terrifies Seagulls"?
 Fave Newsie: Jack, Kid Blink, Mush, Crutchy




Nickname: Pumpkin

Location: Portland, Oregon

Date Joined: 8-22-07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: JonesGrl5 (AIM), [email protected] (YIM)

Fave Quote: Glum and dumb

Fave Newsie: Kid Blink, Specs

Other Info: I chose Pumpkin as my nickname because I'm willing to kill for pumpkin pie. :D



Nickname: Punch

Location: Seattle

Date Joined: 03.06.08

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: [email protected] (AOL), [email protected] (MSN), choiyugi (YIM)

Fave Quote: I say what you say is what I say.

Fave Newsie: Spot Conlon

Websites: deviantART gallery -

Other Info: I'm a person of various interests, but I really like to be particularly creative in fiction and art.  Ever since I discovered the Newsies from several friends, I've been hooked and have actually gone through some processes of doing some newsies-related ideas.  So far, I've only done the basic designs of the named newsies, though I'm still not too sure where I'll be going with the idea [but we'll soon see hopefully haha].



Nickname: Punky

Name Origin: eh who knows

Date Joined: summer, 2002

Location: MO (missouri)

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: wingsofXthedove (AIM), cementedxwings (AOL), xpoemtothedeadx (YIM)

Fave Newsie: Dutchy

Other Info: *sings into a hairbrush* look at this stuff, isnt it neat, wouldnt u think my collection's complete, wouldnt you think i'm the girl, the girl who has everything, look at this trove, treasures untold, how many wonders can one canvern hold, lookin around here you'd think, sure, she's got everything, i've got gadgets and gizmos a plenty, i've got whozits and whatzits galore, you want thingamabobs, i've got twenty! but who cares, no big deal, i want moooorrrrreeee.. i wanna be where the people are, i wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin, walkin around on those, whaddya call 'em? oh, feet! flippin your fins you dont get to far, legs are required for jumpin, dancin.. strollin along down a, whats that word again? sttreeeeetttt. up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun, wanderin free, wish i could be, part of that world, what would i give, if i could live, out of these waters, what would i pay, to spend a day warm on the sand, betcha on land, they understand, bet they dont repremand their daughters, bright young women, sick of swimmin, ready to staanndd.. and ready to know what the people know, ask 'em my questions and get some answers, whats a fire, and why does it, whats the word, BUUUURRRRRNNNNN whens it my turn, wouldnt i love, love to explore the shore up above, out of the sea, wish i could be, part of that.. wooorrrrlllllddddddd. *bows*

Welcome Message: i love you, you love me, we're a happy family...



Nickname: Pyro

Name Origin: I like to play with fire. Matches, lighters, you name it. I'm a pyromaniac.

Date Joined: July 2001

Location: Dartmouth, Ma

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: IrishPyro107 (AIM)

Fave Quote: Never fear, Brooklyn is here!

Fave Newsie: Spot, Race, Jack, Skittery

Welcome Message: Welcome to the woderful world of the NML! You rock just because you love Newsies!



Nickname: Quills

Date Joined: 9.11.04

Location: California, USA

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: melenator12 (AIM), basketball_rockstar (MSN), melanator12 (YIM)

Fave Newsie: Spot, Racetrack, Skittery, Specs, Mush, Blink

Website: Shakespearean Fool's Xanga Site -



Nickname: Quirky

Name Origin: Because I am very odd and I am always doing new and differnt things. I also have mood swings all the time!

Date Joined: Spring 2002

Location: Lake Winola Pa

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: super1sara (AIM)

Fave Quote: To forget a friend is sad. Not every one has had a friend.

Websites: My LJ -

Other Info: Jake is my favorite newsie. I am an eled/sped major in college at Mansfield University!

Welcome Message: Um, Hi?




Nickname: Rae Kelly

Location: Mississippi, USA

Date Joined: 3-18-2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: sipsbelle2001 (AIM), newsieraekelly (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), raekelly2001 (YIM)

Fave Newsie: Snipes




Nickname: Racetrack

Location: NY/USA

Date Joined: Apr 6th 2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Quote: "Oh, you mean Jack Kelly. Yeah, he was here, but he put an egg in his shoe and beat it." and "Never fear, Brooklyn is here!"

Fave Newsie: Spot and Racetrack

Other Info: Hello, my name is Marian and I have been a huge Newsies fan for about a week now, and sure you are probably laughing at me and saying *humph* "and she calls herself a fan" but I'm serious I have the intire movie, script and lyrics memorized as well as most of the dances. Not to mention I have already bookmarked all pages and written to the actors. My family is already begging me to turn the music off.




Nickname: Radish

Location: Utah

Date Joined: September 7, 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: Shwaybi (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), [email protected] (YIM)

Fave Quote: "Look at this. Baby born with 2 heads; must be from brooklyn."

Fave Newsie: Spot, David, and Swifty

Web Site:

Other Info: Just a newsies fan who is dying to vent her obbsession upon someone who understands.




Nickname: Rain

Name Origin: When I was younger, my neighbor gave me the name because I love the rain. It kind of stuck after that.

Date Joined: February 28, 2003

Location: West Palm Back, Florida

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: loveandhate41 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "You always miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Fave Newsie: Snitch and Tumbler

Other Info: Uhh.....I like biscuits? Actually, I do. They're really good unless they're cheese and garlic. I took a bite of a cheese and garlic biscuit once, but it was gross so I put it back with the other biscuits and hoped no one would notice.

Welcome Message: Talk to me! I'm nice, I promise!



Nickname: Raspberry

Location: Illinois

Date Joined: April 21, 2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: SnarkyKDawn (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), k_dawnie (YIM)

Fave Quote: I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.

Fave Newsie: Jack, Race

Website: One Hep Kat -

Other Info: I used to be Snarky, a long time ago. But then I left because I am LAME... and because I was in college. Stupid college. But now I return with a new nickname. And yet, I'm still in college. TEMPTING FATE? PERHAPS.



Nickname: Relic

Name Origin: Aurora (ex-NMLer) gave it to me back in... 7th grade? Gosh, forever ago!

Date Joined: February 8th, 2001

Location: Washington, USA

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: RelicBabe (AIM), relic5_5 (YIM)

Fave Quote: Live every day as if it were your last.

Fave Newsie: Spot, Boots

Websites: Uhm and Relic's Newsie Keepsake-

NML Welcome Page-

Midtown Lodging House-

Other Info: I think you've had enough of me, haven't you? ;-)

Welcome Message: Welcome! Enjoy, and drop me a line sometime! You ll love it here!



Nickname: Rissa

Location: Stanford/CA

Date Joined: 1 Oct 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: rissaqueen (AIM)

Fave Newsie: Jack, Mush, Skittery



Nickname: Riverboat

Date Joined: October 25, 2004

Location: Massachusetts

Email: [email protected]

Fave Newsie: Racetrack, Jack, Spot

Other Info: Besides being devoted to Newsies, I also love Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean! Christian Bale is my favorite actor, and I think the guys from Newsies should do more movies so we can see more of them!



Nickname: rly_mgn

Location: MN USA

Date Joined: Feb.16 2005

Email Address(es): [email protected] [email protected]

Screen Name: rly_mgn (YIM)

Fave Quote: Never fear brooklyn's here!

Fave Newsie: Jake kelly

Other Info: I love NEWSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!




Nickname: Robin

Location: Wabash, IN

Date Joined: October, 2004

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: lbrittany84 (AIM)

Fave Quote: "I guess I can't be somethin' I ain't"

Fave Newsie: Jack, Racetrack, Kid Blink

Other Info: My name is Lauren, I'm 20 and a junior in College :)



Nickname: Roman

Location: USA

Date Joined: 2008

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Fave Quote: "I say, that what you say...Is what I say."

Fave Newsie: Racetrack

Websites: SPOT 'EM -

Other Info: My name is Becca, but I really like the nickname Roman (I'm obessed with Western Europe), so I'd like people to call me that. xD Umm, I'm a new newsies fan whose just looking for some friends! (I hope I haven't got on the newsies train too late!)



Nickname: Rosin

Date Joined: November 21, 2004

Location: Virginia

Email: [email protected]

Screen Name: curlysuecutie620 (AIM)

Fave Newsie: Crutchy and Jack Kelly

Other Info: 18 years old, go to Liberty University, play the violin, love muscials especially newsies, love to knit, love to sing, watch movies, and hang out with my friends



Nickname: Roulette

Location: Pennsylvania

Date Joined: March 24, 2007

Email Address(es): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Screen Names: MinisterMinister (AIM), [email protected] (MSN), the_joker_laughs_at_you (YIM), Thresawt (Skype_

Fave Quote: Racetrack: We ain't got five bucks! We don't even got five cents! Your Honor, how 'bout I roll ya for it, double or nuttin'?

Fave Newsie: Spot, Racetrack and Dutchy.

Website: LiveJournal -

Other Info: It's always great to meet new Newsies fans! My area of PA is somewhat lacking in them. Well, that I can meet. ;)




Nickname: Royal

Location: Arizona, USA

Date Joined: 3/28/07

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Names: Wyldcitychick (AIM), RockRoyalty006 (AOL)

Fave Quote: "I object..On the grounds of Brooklyn your Honor"

Fave Newsie: Jack




Nickname: Royale Flush

Location: Alabama

Date Joined: 4/29/2007

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: blueyedAquarius9 (AIM)

Fave Quote: " Five bucks? We ain't even got five cents! HEy ya honor how bout I roll ya for it? Double or Nuthin?" ~Racetrack Higgins

Fave Newsie: Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon, Racetrack Higgins



Nickname: Rubix

Name Origin: Rubix Cubes are really confusing and hard to figure out. So am I.

Date Joined: April 2nd 2004

Location: Missouri, USA

Email Address(es): [email protected]

AIM: deathtorubixcube

Fave Quote: Sometimes all it takes is a voice, one voice that becomes a hundred, then a thousand, unless it's silenced.

Fave Newsie: David

Welcome Message:: hey! i'm Rubix. I love newsies (duh) and most other musicals. I am a theatre junkie and adore talking about shows and tech work and just about everything.




Nickname: Russia

Name Origin: I'm a loser, obsessed with Russian languange, culture, literature and the like. It's a little insane, yeah but what-ev. When I was about nine and my little sister and I first watched Newsies, we made a game of it and played 'Newsies' all the time. I don't know why. Our Barbies were like our newsie dancers and we had this one ballerina doll with these purple shoes who was always Spot and that really doesn't matter but I just remember that, and my character when we played was always a Russian girl with some generic name like Svetlana or Olga, and I had this really gross accent I used and it's really embarassing to think of now. Anyway, we bought the DVD a few years ago and reminisced and my sister started calling me 'Russia' 'cause of my old alter ego and it stuck.

Date Joined: September 1, 2006

Location: New York

Email Address(es): [email protected]

Screen Name: dansandeflicka (AIM)

Fave Newsie: Snoddy and Jack.

Other Info: I know this is totally random, but am I the only one whose kept a really scratched up copy of the DVD? 'Cause I watch it whenever I feel like really crappy. It freezes a lot and the facial expressions that it captures are freakin' hysterical. It's great. Almost as good as watching the good copy.

Welcome Message: Sup yo.






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