All right, I haven't updated this page in quite awhile, but I've been thinking that for a page that is called views maybe I should put more than just some essay I wrote 5 years ago here are a few of my views. On some big topics, I guess...if you're offended, great. I'm not saying I'm right, its just the way I feel. But don't try and change my mind, I don't work that way.

The True Face of Mankind

I wrote this in like tenth grade, so I guess it is a decent indication of how I felt at that time, and I think some of you may find some insight in it even now. Or not.

My whole life I have born silent witness to the horrible nature of mankind. Don't get me wrong, not all of life is misery, but the majority of people do not go out of their way to be nice. I don't pretend that I am a nice person, but I do try to be. Every man has a multi-faceted personality, that is basic human nature. No one wears the same face around their friends that they wear around their grandmother. Not even with different friends, people of different ages, or siblings. The point is, relationships are never the same no matter how alike people are. Some secrets are made to never be told. You may think you know everything about a friend, but you don't. And you never will. It is impossible to truly know a person. You must judge your friends on the specific attitude they convey to you. If you feel someone dislikes you, chances are you will dislike them. Sure, there are people who are open and try to be nice to everyone, but you don't know them when they are alone, when they don't have to please anyone. You don't need to impress yourself. I'm just as guilty as anyone else is, and I may have changed as a person since I've known any one of you. As I get to know people better, more clues to my true personality are dropped. And if my true personality turns you off, fuck you. I refuse to have what I do be dictated to me by anyone else. I am an individual, and plan to remain that way. Any changes I make are strictly for my own personal growth and maturity. I do things to please myself, because I feel you must please yourself as a human being before you can make others feel good about themselves. If you don't like yourself, your attitude toward others will reflect that self-loathing. I try to be honest, but also nice. However, sometimes I will get angry and say my piece. If my opinion bothers you, that's fine. Just don't try to change my opinion. A person's opinions say so much more about who they are than any other thing they say or wear or do.

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