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BORN: Orange County, California

BIRTHDATE: October, 3, 1969

AGE: 35


CHILDHOOD HOBBIES:soccer, played the piccolo in a marching band and the swim team

MUSIC INFLUENCES: Madness, Madonna, Eric Stefani


MUSICAL EDUCATION: she practiced w/ her brother Eric

BANDS SHE LIKES: Jamiroquoi, 311, The Vandals, Blur, Everclear

FIRST RECORDS EVER BOUGHT: Journey, Supertramp, Men At Work, Shawn Cassidy

FAVO SONGS TO PERFORM: "Don't Speak", and "End It On This"

KNOW FOR: once checking into hotels under pseudonym "Daria Blue"

COLLEGE: Cal State Fullerton

FAVO FOOD: sushi

WORKSOUT: everyday! (she gotta be able to jump around on stage don't ya know!)

QUOTE: "I love being a girl. I love to wear make-up and I'm a little girly-girl... I remember when i was younger thinking that I would never be hard enough or cool enough or tough enough... you know, being a female and all." (about "Tragic Kingdom's" first single, "Just A Girl")

INSTRUMENT: drums and percussion. Lied upon trying out for the drummer in the band. He said he had being playing for like 7 years when truthfully, he had only been playing a year or 2.

BIRTHDATE: August 26, 1969

AGE: 35

INFLUENCES: Steely Dan, Police, Jimi Hendrix

MUSICAL EDUCATION: He was self-taught for most of his life, but enrolled in a class at Fullerton College



FAVO ACTIVITIES: Golf and Basketball

COLLEGE: Cal State Fullerton


QUOTE: "I think I got better quicker playing in this band b/c we've been doing so many styles. I felt like I really had to be well-rounded so I could do different stuff, rather than just straight-ahead rock drumming."


BIRTHDATE: January 11, 1968

AGE: 37

INFLUENCES: Prince, Rush, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Kiss, progressive rock bands Kansas and Yes

JOINED NO DOUBT: around 1988. he played in a rock band before and never thought he would ever be apart of the ska influenced band "no doubt"

INFORMAL TRAINING: he first played at age 12. A relative gave him a 12 stringed guitar, which he made it into a 6 string. He is very familar w/ playing classival music.

MAJOR: associate degree in music at Orange Coast College and music courses at Cal State Fullerton, but didn't earn a degree.

FORMER BANDS: heavey metal band Rising, who used to rehearse in the same complex as No Doubt. He responded to a flyer they posted up requesting a new guitar player. The first time he saw No Doubt play, he was totally hooked.

QUOTE: "I was very much into the rock guitar thing and that's the kind of bands I played in first. But i got fed up with the whole heavey metal scene in Orange County - it wasn't such an unhealthy scene, people weren't there for the music, they were there to wear tight spandex and get chicks."


BORN: India

BIRTHDATE: August 27, 1970

AGE: 34

UPBRINGING: He lived in England until he was 11

MAJOR: He's very close to receiving a psychology degree

MUSICAL EDUCATION: He played saxphone and rhen bass in high school jazz band. His best friend's brother, Dave Carpenter, played bass in the band and asked him whether he wanted to take his place Tony accepted.

INFLUENCES: Prince and funk, but later in high school: Flea, Horace from The Specials, Norwood from Fishbone

HOW HE BECAME INVOLVED: He played since their first real show. For a while, he was even the band's manager.

QUOTE: "We've been through a lot. We've been touring for 8 years, chaotic tours through joints where nobody really wanted to see us, a changed line-up, a band member died... we're still together and that says a lot, doesn't it?"

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