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Marine Tool
It took a long time to clean the spill.  They say it took them about four summers.  The group included 10,000 workers, 1000 boats, and 100 airplanes and helicopters.  They say it cost about 2.1 billion to clean it up.  They used hot water, and high cold water pressure.  They were fined 5 billion dollar for this spill that would not be forgotten.  It happened on March 31, 1989. 
The Clean Up Effort
The animals that died in this effort.
They say about 35,000 birds, 1000 sea otters before they cleaned it all up.  After they cleaned it up it is 250000 birds, 2800 sea otters, 3000 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, and up to 22 killer whales. The animals are still recovering but they will be okay.
This is when they blocked the island while they were cleaning up the oil.  It was closed from start to finish.
This is the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
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