Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Marine Tools
This is how the accident happened.  They have come up to five conclusions of what actually happened.  The failure of the third partner to maneuver the vessel, or he was possibly to tired.  The master did not provide a proper navigation watch, it was due to alcohol.  The Exxon Shipping company did not supervise the master and it did not provide a rested and sufficient crew.  The U.S. Coastal Guard did not provide excessive traffic system.  They did not have a good pilot. The captain was drunk. He was seen in a bar. They found him nonguilty but they fined him 50000 dollars and 1000 community service hours in Alaska.
Some of the reasons why the accident happened.
This is a picture of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.It ended on March,23 1989.  This Exxon Valdez encountered an iceberg while it was on his way. The captain told him to go around the ice berg. They say that approximately 11 million gallons of oil spilled. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill was carrying 54 million gallons approximately.This is the biggest oil spill in the U.S. but it is not the top 50 internationally. But it is the number one of damage all around the world. It went 1300 miles of oil in Alaska. 200 miles were easily seen, and 1100 was not seen.
This one on the side is where the oil spill went through.  It says the days and the miles it went.
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