Oxygen Light - Official tool for making addons.

Oxygen Viewer (aka Bulldozer) - Used to view an addon created in Oxygen Light

Binarize - Used to optimize addons.

Make PBO 1.1
- Creates .PBO file from selected directory structure. It also compress files into PBO.

PBO Decryptor 1.5

OFP Cool Studio - Includes: OFP Cool Editor 3.0 - mision editor, OFP Cool Studio PBO Utility - tool for working with pbo files, OFP Launcher - program for launching OFP, In Add-Ons Searcher - program for searching in Add-Ons, Add-On Editor - program that will help you with creating addons.

OBJ2P3P Convertor 1 - Translates .obj files to .p3d.

WrpEdit v0.9 Beta - Tool for creating islands.

CampEdit 1.0
- Used to merge missions into a campaign.

OFP Briefing/Overview Generator - The best Breifing maker out there!

HotShot's Commands - Not a tool but a word file of commands for use in the mission editor.

OFP Script Editor - A brilliant tool which can create Briefings, Overviews, Units, Custom Load out crates and then some. The site for this tool can be found here.
For more Tools for OFP, visit the OFPEC Editing Center or's Utilites page.
Made for a screen resolution of 1024x768   Users using 1280x1024 and above may experience problems.
'Webmaster' - HotShot   /   Project Director - PunkerSXDX
This is an unofficial mod for the Game Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis/Resistance, in no way are we affiliated with Boheimia Interactive Studio or Codemasters, use this information at Your own Risk, if I'm Breakin' Some Law here Please Let me Know, cause I don't have any Idea!!!
Questions, Comments, Complaints? Email us at [email protected]
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