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All Rights ReservedPolice officer faces jail after having sex with a woman he met attending a 999 call | Mail Online Skip to main navigation Skip to main content Skip to search news Home     News Sport TV&Showbiz Femail Health Science&Tech Money Debate Coffee Break You mag Live mag News Home World news Headlines Pictures Most read News Board Horoscopes Travel My Stories Logout Login Motors Jobs Property Dating Wine Feedback E-editions Sunday, Oct 12 2008 This Evening  13°C   Tomorrow Morning 18°C   5-Day Forecast Police officer faces jail after having sex with a woman he met attending a 999 call By Sophie Borland Last updated at 8:47 AM on 08th October 2008 Comments (37) Add to My Stories PC Gary Bayldon regularly joined women for sex while he was on duty A police officer was facing jail last night after tranny sex admitting having sex with a woman he first met on a 999 call. PC Gary Bayldon, 48, regularly joined Donna Cacutt for sex while he was on duty Swinging Group Sex Pics and supposed to be working late shifts. He also admitted propositioning another female suspect he had arrested. Bayldon, who served with Hampshire Constabulary for 16 years, has been suspended from duty and will face an internal inquiry. The married policeman could be jailed for up to 12 months after admitting three counts of wilful misconduct while in public office. At earlier hearings, Bayldon had also faced allegations that he had sex with women in the back of his patrol car and that he kissed a woman who was a witness at a trial. He was also accused of befriending another woman while on duty and giving her money to buy underwear. It was alleged he then took her to some woods and asked her to perform a sex act on him. These charges, which he denied, were not proceeded with as the prosecution did not have enough evidence. Kingston Crown Court heard the officer, who was based on the Isle of Wight, met Miss Cacutt to have sex between August 2003 and August 2004 when he was supposed to be working late shifts. He also admitted visiting her for sex while on late shifts between September 2004 and January 2005. Ten months later, in October 2005, he propositioned another woman, Suzanne Dunkling, whom he had arrested while attending a domestic dispute. The court heard that he had stroked her hand while he was questioning her and told her she was 'gorgeous'. Once she had been released from custody Bayldon drove her home where he kissed her and asked her out. The court heard how he told her that her 'children would be all right' if she went out with him. Judge Charles Tilling remanded Bayldon on bail and warned him that he could face up to 12 months in prison. Bayldon, who lives in Brighstone, on the Isle of Wight, was suspended from duty in February 2007 and has been on full pay ever since. He now faces an internal inquiry by Hampshire Constabulary at which he is likely to be banned from serving as a police officer for the rest of his life. Detective Inspector Victoria Dennis, from the force's professional standards department, said Bayldon's behaviour 'fell far short of the high standards that the force exacts from its staff and that the public deserve'. 'His actions are highly untypical and do not represent the vast majority of police officers who serve Hampshire and the Isle of Wight,' she said. In March 2005, two policemen based lesbo sex in Guildford, Surrey, were jailed for 15 months for having sex with a woman they met while attending a 999 call outside a club.   Print this sex and the city article Read later Email to a friend Share this article: Digg it Reddit Newsvine Nowpublic Facebook MySpace Fark View all Add your comments Comments (37) Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below?         And there's the teachers union trying to say it isn't wrong for teachers to have affairs with school CHILDREN! - Karen, ex pat USA, 07/10/2008 20:14         Andy, Surrey - youve hit the nail on the head there. If he gets 12 months for having sex on duty, what vaginal sex should prescott get ? Oh I know - Increased sales of his book. Sums this country up. Disgraceful - Peter Roberts, Oxon, 07/10/2008 19:46         I tend to agree with T Frock. I have no love for the police but this is not right! - Rod Wadham, ST Brieuc, France, 07/10/2008 19:33         **yourComments** - **name**, **townAndCountry**, **creationDate** View all Add your comment         Name:  Email:    Your email address will not be published Town & Country:    Your comments:    Make text area bigger You have 1000 characters left. Remember me - this will save you having to type out your name, location and email address when you next leave a comment. 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sex and in-laws, Web dating married women looking for sex company finds By Georgina Prodhan Mon Oct 6, 9:18 AM ET LONDON (Reuters) - Being too tired for sex is less of a problem for married Britons than for U.S. or Australian couples, and Brits place more importance on agreeing on how to handle their in-laws, online dating company eHarmony has found. U.S.-based eHarmony, Female Bodybuilders Have Sex which boasts 118 marriages every day in the United States and launches in Britain this week, says married people in Britain are also more satisfied with how they share household chores and how much time they spend together. "Brits tend to be more consensual," eHarmony Chief Executive Gregory Waldorf told Reuters in an interview. He said the company's researchers had found that stereotypes of uptight Britons sleeping in separate beds were outdated. "Research indicates that British people have moved beyond that." Happy U.S. couples tend to laugh together, exchange ideas and confide paris hilton sex scene in each other more and kiss more frequently. They also have more arguments, get on each others' nerves more and sex fantasies talk about divorce more frequently, Sex Partners In Kaylor South Dakota eHarmony found. Australians report most overall happiness with their marriages and tend to work on projects together more frequently than their British or U.S. counterparts. They also report the least big cock sex concern that their spouse does not show them love often enough. EHarmony specializes in matching heterosexual singles for long-term relationships and marriage, based on answers members give to more than 200 questions about their personality it asks them to answer when they register. Unlike other online dating sites, users are not able to browse photos and profiles of other members and contact them at will, but are matched by eHarmony using algorithms the company has developed and refined over years. Members can specify a few parameters, such as their views on the same sex marriages drinking and smoking habits and the religion and ethnicity of potential matches. They can also elect not to be matched with people who already have children. "Religion as a self-select is much less important in the UK than the U.S.," said Sean Cornwell, head of the company's international business. NO MARRIEDS EHarmony does not accept members who are already married, have been married more than three times, or those it judges to be emotionally unfit to enter a relationship, such as the severely clinically depressed. Waldorf said the company would consider starting a service for homosexuals looking for long-term relationships -- "We are always looking for new market opportunities" -- but had no current plans to do so. Users must become paying members before they can see photos or communicate with their matches. In Britain, the service will cost 34.95 pounds ($61.78) for a month, or 14.95 pounds per month for a six-month period after a seven-day free trial. "EHarmony tends to attract people who stay longer," Waldorf said. He declined to say how long, on average, it took until members found a long-term partner. Privately held eHarmony was launched in the girls having sex with animals United States in 2000 by young sex pics Neil Clark Warren, a clinical psychologist with more than 35 years of experience in marriage counseling. With a team of researchers, he spent three years finding out which personal characteristics make for compatibility between couples before the lesbian sex cartoon sex launch. Before going live in Britain, eHarmony spent about a year working with researchers at mexican girls having sex England's Oxford Internet Institute to Free Teen Sex Video Chat Room gather compatibility characteristics unique to Britain by interviewing married couples. The company also offers online dating services in Canada, and said it would likely start in other European countries outside Britain next year. But finding the right research partner is as essential for eHarmony as it enters new markets as it is for singles seeking love, said Waldorf, who is still married to his first wife -- a friend of a cousin whom he met on a blind date. "We can't move forward until we've found the right partner." 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