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You thought it was painfull last season!!? Well that was just the #@%** Begining!!!
(JJX) Johnny Xtreme

Entrance Song:
I Can't Breath (Skrape)

Hight: 5ft 9

Wiehgt: 157 lbs


Bronx, NY

Finishing Moves:

The 11th Hour (Original)
Untitled (Original Submission)
Johnny Xtreme comes to the JRW from a federation called EWF (Extreme Wrestling Federation). Ever since he came to the JRW, he has had one hell of an Impact. He & Viper have Been Rivals and partners on and off over the years. Dominating both the Ring & Each other. Johnny Xtreme has always had one problem though. He is mentaly disturbed. He is a certified Schitsophrenic. he has a split personality who seems to go by the name of JJX. He is uncontrolable at time, and can also be called insane. Both Johnny & his alter ego have put a new name to hardcore in the JRW. They were the ones who brought the Hardcore title to the JRW. The JRW had One title in the season of 2001, and that was the world title. Johnny Xtreme was just too crazy to be catigorized as world title material. A new Title had to be made specificaky for people like Johnny. Then JJX came about, & the JRW had no Idea as to what to do. Johnny made an open challange for anyone crazy enough to face him for the new JRW Hardcore title. Believe it or not, Viper answered that challange. Viper had been Undefeated at that time for just over 3 years. Everyone thought Viper was gonna beat this rookie. Everyone thought wrong. Johnny Xtreme ended the 3 year winning streek of Viper. They have been at each other's necks since then. Johnny was missing for the most part of the 2005 season, going for theropy to take control of his alter ego JJX. now Johnny Is back to claim what is his. Is he sane or is he not? I dont think well ever know.

Johnny Xtreme's Record From 2001 - 2006:

Wins: 322

Loses: 53

Draws: 4

KO: 0

DQ: 3

Conviction: Pschitsophrenic Out Bursts

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