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TheWesternStar.com: Local | Stuart Harvey pleads guilty to breaking order relating to previous sex offences  Sunday October 12, 2008  Corner Brook, NL  1°C Wind: N/A Km/h Humidity: 69 % (view forecast) USER NAME PASSWORD Login  Forgot Password HOME ADVERTISE SUBSCRIBE OBITUARIES CLASSIFIEDS CONTACT US MAKE US YOUR HOMEPAGE! SEARCH FROM THE STAR Local Regional/Provincial National Editorial Business Sports Senior Hockey Columns Lifestyles The Arts Letters Obituaries Classifieds WEB FEATURES Election 2008 Star's Election Toolbox ECMA Coverage 2008 Summer Games History of Hockey Blogs Community Photo Gallery Lotto Numbers Celebrity Daily Today's Horoscope Su | do | ku Today's Headlines Atlantic Headlines RSS Feeds Sports Direct Privacy Policy Reader Comments Terms of Use Send a letter to the Editor Advertising Information Story Archives HOT LINKS Power Outages? LINKS Financials.com Flight Tracker Marketplace Places to go/Things to do Real Estate Transportation Submit a link TOP 10 ARTICLES Most Viewed  |  Most Discussed School accessibility; Cormack boy back in class after six-week wait Captain Morgan hoping Royals have found the right mix this season Corner Brook, Deer Lake claim Tidy Towns awards Always call 911: chief Membership supports rotating convention Summerside youth presented with bravery award Pittman healthy and ready to lead the Cataracts over the hump A.J. Whiffen hopes to take on the world What is it going to cost in the end? Motion to end rotating convention policy officially overturned Corner Brook, Deer Lake claim Tidy Towns awards Membership supports rotating convention School accessibility; Cormack boy back in class after six-week wait A.J. Whiffen hopes to take on the world What is it going to cost in the end? Politics and passion Motion to end rotating convention policy officially overturned LOCAL  View comments (28) | View latest comment |     Last updated at 1:12 AM on 07/10/08   Stuart Harvey pleads guilty to breaking order relating to previous sex offences CORNER BROOK CORY HURLEY The Western Star Stuart Leslie Harvey of Lark Harbour is awaiting sentencing on two breaches of a court order from glass sex toys previous sex-related offences. Harvey, the former principal of St. James All-Grade (1974 to 1994) in the south britney spears sex video shore community, has been on a 10-year Order of Prohibition since April 2004, film arape sex a decision issued in Ottawa provincial court. Then a resident of Montreal, he pleaded guilty to charges of Internet luring and possession of child pornography, and was sentenced to serve a total of 13 months in jail. The current deputy mayor of the tiny Bay of Islands community appeared in Corner Brook provincial court Sept. 30, and pleaded guilty to both charges. According to the Section 161 of the Criminal Code of Canada, an Order of Prohibition can be issued prohibiting an offender from “attending a public park or public swimming area where persons under the age of 16 years are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a daycare centre, schoolground, playground or community centre.” The first breach occurred as a gay oral sex result of the accused being found in a local school on two occasions between April and June of this year. As part of the court order, Crown prosecutor Jennifer Colford said Harvey is not permitted in the presence of youth under the age of 14; there were young students in his presence on both occasions. The second breach occurred at Margaret Bowater Park on June 18, when Colford said an off-duty officer saw the accused, and reported it to the local RNC detachment. The joint submission of the Crown and defence included a recommended four- to five-month conditional sentence on each count, along with two years probation and a request to attend counselling specific to sexual offences and any other type deemed beneficial. The current conditions of his prohibition do not expire until 2014. The defence included the request for Harvey to continue with his volunteer and community service work, attend church, and serve as a member of municipal council. In the court proceeding Tuesday, Judge Kymil Howe interrupted the joint submission of the Crown and defence attorneys to order a pre-sentence report, complete with an independent risk assessment of the accused. “Given the nature of the conviction that gave rise to this 10-year order, and the conditions of the order, and the circumstances of the offence here, has anyone looked into a risk assessment?” she asked. The two lawyers confirmed no assessment had been completed. Defence attorney Liam O’Brien said there have been no previous issues with the prohibition order, and Harvey was not in direct contact with persons under the age of 14 in either of the breaches. Howe, however, said the charges are significant, and the prohibition is in place for a reason. She said a risk assessment needs to be completed to protect children who are unable to protect themselves. In 2004, Harvey was the first person found guilty under Canada’s new Internet luring laws in Ottawa, and only the second in Ontario. He had struck up a relationship in an Internet chat room with someone he thought was a 13-year-old girl. Between mid-July 2003 and his arrest in early August, he had 34 sexually explicit conversations with the “girl,” who was in fact an Ottawa police officer. The luring law to which Harvey pleaded guilty makes it a crime for anyone to use the Internet to communicate with someone he or she believes is under 14, for the purpose of initiating sexual relations, even if that person is really above the age of consent. In Harvey’s case, he convinced the “girl” to meet him at a fast-food restaurant in Ottawa. He was sentenced to 18 months, less six months for pre-trial custody, for the luring charge and 30 days consecutive for the possession charge. He was given three years probation, which was transferred to Corner Brook on March 1, 2005, as well as the 10-year prohibition. Meanwhile, Const. Sheldon Clouter of the Corner Brook RCMP confirmed the police force had received a complaint the accused was on the school property when he was not supposed to be. The officer said Harvey was not known to the RCMP at the time of the first breach, and it was the only time local RCMP officers had any involvement with him. The case will be called for a ruling Nov. 25 at 1:30 p.m. 07/10/08   Comments: This Conversation is Semi-Moderated. What is moderation? What does moderation mean? The Western Star is committed to encouraging intelligent discourse among our readers and to creating a forum where diverse views and opinions on a wide range of topics can be aired. The forum you are in now is a result of our continuing efforts to facilitate a dynamic online conversation among our readers. This is a semi-moderated or reactively moderated conversation. Once a reader follows the steps to register and submit his or her comment it goes directly to the website. A comment may be edited or deleted for reasons of content or language. All readers wishing to join a conversation must first sign in and agree to the Terms of Usage, which explain the rules of acceptable content. Random Newf from around from Newfoundland writes: Something I'm not exactly understanding here. This guy is a known sex offender, whether he did anything or not his intent was there and got caught online. So the law sends him to good old newfoundland and sticks him in a little out port to go wild. This guy needs to pack his belongings and move along, but yet his defense requested for him to continue his volunteer work, attend church, and stay active with council. Hello people of Lark Harbour, not exactly Council material, I'm sorry. Pack this guys stuff and ship him out, before he makes a wrong move and someones kid is scared for life by being offended by an elder man. And to his attorney, he did not have direct contact with the supposed 13 year old girl online either, however his intent was there and who is to say it wasn't that day at the park. This is sickining but yet a tad funny, here is a sex offender who was transferred out of one province into another and put on an alter of a church, and deemed Deputy Mayor. Need i say more. Posted 07/10/2008 at 7:47 AM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam disgusted from NL writes: This is absolututely crazy. why can't the people of Lark Harbour stand up and drive this (man convicted of sex-related offences) from their children. He had once been a high member of society there - Principal of the only school - for years and had access to every child that ever walked those roads. Makes you wonder? This convict needs to be taken somewhere else where there are no children whatsoever - away from the councils, churches, and volunteer work he does that in one way or another affects our childrens safety. They can put a petition to have cell-phone and high speed internet there but no petition to rid its community of internet lurer - or worse! interesting community Posted 07/10/2008 at 9:46 AM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Random Newf from around from Newfoundland writes: I could not agree more, I mean relocate a sex offender, and on top of that put it on a altar, come on people get this guy out of your surroundings. Time to relocate again. If i were a resident of this community I would definitely be concerned and have a petition going around to have this guy gone. Deputy Mayor, churches, Principal for 20 years, oh man thats something else. Why not nominate him Time magazines Man Of The Year. Pack up and ship out, no questions. Posted 07/10/2008 at 10:48 AM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe teen sex tgp the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam CFA from NL writes: My understanding of the article is that Stewart Harvey was a former resident of the South Shore from 1974 to 1994. While he was a resident of Montreal in 2004 he was charged with internet luring. It would seem that after serving his sentence of 18 months, his file was transferred to Corner Brook for the probation as well as the prohibition to be in the company of minors. It would seem that this person(creep) decided to move to Lark Harbour. The Law didn't move him back at all, I am of the opinion, that he got them to agree to a relocation. Not unlike, Karla Homulka, who relocated to Montreal because of all the publicity. Having said all of that and looking at the recent abduction and sexual assault of the 7 year old girl out West by a similar person (creep), DRIVE THIS GUY OUT OF THE PROVINCE BEFORE HE OFFENDS AGAIN. Posted 07/10/2008 at 12:04 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Lark Harbour Resident BLAH BLAH from Lark Harbour, NL writes: As a resident of Lark Harbour, I could not agree with you people more. I am very ashamed that this man is still in Lark Harbour and on top of it all a part of out church. It is people like him that makes our community look bad and gives it a bad name. I fear for the children walking around everyday, who knows he is not taking pictures of them. I would be more than happy to be part of a petition against this man, but it is going to take more than me to get this on the go. It's almost sickening to go to church and have to look at that man. If there's anyone from Lark Harbour that would like to do something about this, comment. Posted 07/10/2008 at 12:10 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Former resident from NL writes: I am a resident of the of a neighbouring community of Lark Harbour and I feel very disappointed that the residents of L.H. have let this go on for so long. I have heard rumors about this man for some time and I know that there are people who go to church feel very offended that this man has committed these offences and has been convicted on one offence to date, is allowed to be a layreader, organist and a choir member in our church. I know that we are taught to forgive people for their mistakes, but I don't feel that this was a mistake. A man with is education background and community stature should know the difference and should not stoop so low as to commit an offence such as this. I have zero tolerance with people who commit offences against children. I think that they are sick individuals who need serious help, and it sickens me to think what goes through their minds when they see children. I think that this man should have to undergo some serious rehabilation for his problem to show the people of this community that he is serious about changing and that he owes the people an apology. It dosen't matter how long he has lived women having sex there, the fact of the matter is that he has broken their trust. We are a forgiving community but you have never asked for our forgiveness, instead you came back here and pretended as if nothing ever happened, when all along everyone knew the truth, but decided to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now the truth is out there for everyone to see I think it's time for you to come clean and see where that takes you. If the people decide that they don't want you there I think you should have the decency to walk away gracefully with what dignity you have left. Posted 07/10/2008 at 12:45 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam christine vivian from york harbour, nl. writes: i have to agree with the blah blah from lark harbour. i don't think he should be a part of our church. OR any other community events. i think something should be done to have him removed from all. Posted 07/10/2008 at 12:50 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam christine vivian from york harbour, nl. writes: i have to agree with the blah blah from lark harbour. i don't think he should be a part of our sex toy church. OR any other community events. free cheating wife sex stories i think something should be done to have him removed from all. Posted 07/10/2008 at 12:50 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Topcat from Bay of Islands, Newfoundland writes: It's hard not to agree with those that don't want Mr Harvey at their church. After all, what church would want a sinner? Posted 07/10/2008 at 2:48 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use forced sex movies this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam resident of Lark Harbour from NL writes: I am another resident of Lark Harbour, and i agree with all that everyone has been talking about, Mr Harvey use to be our principal. everyone trusted him, he was a well respected man. what gets my blood boiling on this is he is very active in our Church, he plays piano and sits in the choir, looking down on everyone espically the little sunday school children.so thats not saying much for our community. hopfully everyone will get together and get rid of the pervert Posted 07/10/2008 at 3:21 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Random Newf from around from Newfoundland writes: Come on with the petition, lets start signing. Not from out there but I will sign for support. Stuff like this goes unheard way too often, and a beautiful community such as Lark Harbour should not be home for a sex offender of kids. Posted 07/10/2008 at 5:05 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam resident from Lark Harbour, NL writes: Iam a resident of Lark Harbour it makes me sick to go to church and see Mr Harvey. We the residents knew what he was and what he had done yet we let him back in our community. I for one did not belive he should have been allowed back here. let him go back to where ever he came from. our childern must be our first & main concern. It's time he was removed from our community. Posted 07/10/2008 at 6:04 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Resident From from York Harbour, NL writes: As a resident and student of St. James All Grade school, I could not agree with all of you more. He was the principal of our school for two decades! That's a little out of wack and sickening. I often go to church with my mother, and one of the first things I notice is Mr. Harvey up sitting near the choir (all women) while he plays. It's enough to turn someones stomach! He also does the BlowMeDowner in our two little outport towns. One of the things he always has included in his articles is a petite report from a female student from our school, telling of upcoming events or recently passed events in our school. Doesn't it make you wonder if he wants to know about the school for a reason? As a student and resident of the outer Bay Of Islands, I would definitely sign a petition if there were one. Not only would I sign the petition, I would be more than delighted to go from door to door to encourage people to sign! It wouldn't be the first time that I've done it. Something needs to be done and soon! Fellow residents and students who read this, lets step into gear and get this thing going! Lets make a change in our small community and proctect our children now, and possibly in the future. Posted 07/10/2008 at 6:08 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Rachel from Alberta writes: Former resident of Lark Harbour, NF Why are we waiting? For this man to devastate yet another young child!! He is not from Lark Harbour; oh ya not even from NF!! Get him out of our Church,and our community!! I have forgiveness; I was raised to respect and forgive!! But there is no forgiveness for what this man has done and will continue to do. Posted 07/10/2008 at 6:54 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us lesbian anal sex know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam lark Harbour Native from NL writes: I agree with all these comments. I have no feelings for him but I do feel sad for his 3 children- what they are going through must be pure torment.I have known this excuse of a human being all my life and although I have never seen this side of him, it is obviously there. People do not develop this sickness overnight so you have to wonder how long this has been going on and with the position he had in our community and the access, I shiver at the thought of what might have happened or did in fact happen in the past. I feel that he needs alot of help that our community can not give him. If he was truly wanting to change he would live somewhere where he knows he is being monitored. Lark Harbour is an hour away from RCMP/RNC- it's a hiding place for someone like him and it is the children that live there that will pay the price if something should happen AGAIN. I respect what the church is trying to do- teach forgiveness and acceptance of all but at what price??The church is turning away people that may otherwise be there. Maybe your numbers will not increase drastically but I for one will not Demonic Sex Sex With Demons go to church with hate in my heart. To look up to and listen to him at the altar would be pure hipocracy!! we have accepted him into the community more than once- how many second chances does one person get? As for being on the council- he must have got there because no one else tried for the position which needless to say, is Shamefull. You would have been better off not having anyone!when I come to Lark harbour with my children they will be taught to stay fat sex away from him but it would be wonderful to not have to worry at all about him- we have anough now to worry about with our kids. People have to stop talking about it and come together as a united community to get this man out. He is not from anime sex videos there- he has no tries there and has no reason to stay!!!A petition is a great place to start!! Posted 07/10/2008 at 7:26 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam RESIDENT from LARK HARBOUR, NL. writes: I have know this man, since he came here to live in our beautiful little town of Lark Harbour.What i don't understand is when he got out of jail in Montreal. He came right back here.We all knew what he was & still is.but milf sex videos only so many people welcomed him back here & in the church. I can see why people gave up going.Who in their right mind would want to go to hot sex scenes church & listen to a sex offender preaching.Not me for sure. As for MR. He's no MR. He is just stuart sex offender.I do feel for his 3 kid's. He need's to be put away & not allowed back here in lark harbour ever again.Let's all get together & have something done about this. enough is enough. Posted 07/10/2008 at 8:11 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this Sex Personals Carthage South Dakota reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam resident of lark harbour. from Larkharbour, Nl writes: i agree with blah, blah. get this pervert OUT of our town. we dont need something so ugly in our little town. regarding our church he should not be aloud in it ( probally looking at little children) sick-o.you cant forgive anyone who hurts little children. he needs ALOT OF SERIOUS HELP!!!!!!! I HOPE STUART YOU ARE READING THIS YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!! Posted 07/10/2008 at 9:41 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Resident of Lark Harbour from NL writes: I am a resident of Lark Harbour and a mother of small children, I am completely disgusted with this person who some people call a man, he is nothing only a pervert who needs to be behind bars. I am also disappointed with our community, I feel we have let done our children by giving him another chance and welcoming him into our community, our council and Sex Clip Singapore most of all our church. I for one have never forgot what he did and I don't think I ever let down my gaurd when it came to him! but like everyone else I didn't act on my doubts and did nothing. But the silence is over if this sex offender thinks he will reside in Lark Harbour think again!!! I would say to him leave quietly and with dignity but obviously he don't know the meaning of the word dignity. So as a promise to all the innocent kids of Lark Harbour I promise you will not have to worry about walking the streets of our beautiful community. Posted 07/10/2008 at 9:43 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam resident from Lark harbour, NL writes: i agree with everyone else that has wrote to this story. we have to stick together before something bad happends to a little child ( this child might not be so lucky) this sick man needs to be behind bars FOREVER!!!!! next time he goes to chruch someone should GRAB him by the scruff of the neck and it dont matter if he is on the piano or not pitch him out on the side walk.and tell him take the hint and keep on moving bud! this is a WARNING keep on trucking you perv.!!! Posted 07/10/2008 at 9:58 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam resident from Lark harbour, NL writes: To Stuart Harvey, i hope you sexy sex are reading this you should be ashamed of yourself for what you have done and still doing. if you have any respect for your family you would get some help MOVE out of Lark Harbour and never return men like you should burn in HELL! but i guess that would be to easy for you. you sit in the house of god and have no remorse for what you are doing. when your time come's you have to face the allmighty GOD HIMSELF! and i am glad i am not you. because he will give you a fright and you would wish you never were BORN! how could you sleep at night knowing the thoughts going through your mind about children. the day is coming sooner than you think you will leave lark harbour. on your own or the community will throw you out... our children will finally be safe from a pervert like you.... hit the road jack and dont come back. Posted 07/10/2008 at 10:11 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam helen joyce from alberta writes: Former resident People of Lark Harbour Please wake up and have more pride in your community and get that sex offender out of your church and community before he hurts a child please hurry before its to late Posted 07/10/2008 at 10:16 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Little Port Road from Lark harbour, NL writes: Hey people lets get this sex offender out of our community. Bring that petition to my door I will sign it Great Resume Stuart Atheist to christian and sex tips and tricks also pervert Please people of our community let's do our children a great favor and get this Pervert out of our town Posted 07/10/2008 at 10:25 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment T Pain Sex And Candy breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is denis the menace cartoon sex offensive Comment is advertising/spam sharon from lark harbour, nfld writes: mrs harvey where do she come in how could Sex Video Amateurs she not know WHYwould she stay with him (edited)...he should be ran out of lark harbour go back where he came from or did he ran out of england also,HOPE is get years for what he did Posted 07/10/2008 at 10:41 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam the voice from Corner Brook, NL writes: Question: from what I can understand, laws are not morals or ethics. Yet, I understand that laws are developed around the consensus of the people and what is acceptable by the people in any given community (provincal, federal etc). So, if people are so disgusted by sex offenders and their perversions, why are the sentences for sex offenders so elastic and other criminal offences so stiff???? Maybe Harvey is not as big an issue as the corrupted justice system. According to much of the research I have read on sex offenders, there is little chance that the offenders will NOT reoffend. So what becomes of the offender? Do we keep him or her in jail forever or do we release them in the community and hope for the best or Free Sex Pphotos do we start a colony for sex offenders? Any suggestions??? Posted 07/10/2008 at 11:15 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam former resident of lark harbour from alberta writes: Its funny how everyone is sickened by this man, but yet I think everyone knew what he was like when he first came back to lark harbour back a couple of years ago. My question is why you people have let him come back in the first place,and why was he on the council. I realize that you can't keep him from the church, nor can you physically remove him from the community.However removing him from council and not participating in any community function that he is involved in, including church, is something that you can do. Posted 08/10/2008 at 12:05 AM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Donna from Alberta writes: Today is the funeral of a family friend in Lark Harbour and I was wishing I could be there, I then had a second thought that I wouldn't want to look at Stuart Harvey. As a former resident of Lark Harbour, I previously had great respect for the man until his arrest in Montreal. While I understand that sinners should be allowed in church, my work with young sex offenders and degree in psychology have taught me that sex offenders should not be coddled. Stuart Harvey should be volunteering to clean the church and very actively attending rehab for sexual offenders or even other addictions counselling. Often forgiveness comes from the hard work of the offender and a strong wish not to reoffend, people can understand and learn to respect that. It appears that Harvey was forced upon the parishoners of Lark Harbour with an expectation by the church that he should be forgiven by all. Did Mr. Harvey do more than sing or play the organ to help parishioners with this process? I think not as he looks to be well on his way to reoffend-he needs to do the work required and even then may never be cured. The community must stay vigilant in supervising this man. Posted 08/10/2008 at 12:27 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe orgasim denial phone sex the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam mike from corner brook, nl writes: way to go stewie. you've done it again. you must be so proud of yourself. For the life of me , I cannot understand how anyone can waste $0.50- $1.00 worth of gas or however much it costs to drive their vehicles to the House of the Lord and find it occupied by the devil and voluntarily sit by him( yes , that would be you stewie) and say nothing.When you walk through the doors of God's house on a sunday morning or evening, you are supposed to feel good about yourself and even better when you leave. So free amature sex if YOU , the CONGREGATION have something you want to get off your chest about this fiasco then open your mouths and let him have it. believe me you'll feel a whole lot better afterwards. To you Stewie/ councillor- If you need something to occupy your time, why don't you give that pig sty you call a home a face lift. That orange paint on your house must be marine paint because free celebrity sex that's the only colour I ever remember on your place. It held up pretty good. This is one day that I would like to give you a good crack on your knuckles with that leather strap that used to hang on your office wall.P.S I feel sorry for your family. Posted 08/10/2008 at 10:08 PM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, free sex vidoes threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam Louis from Alberta writes: As a previous school principal, current deputy mayor and churchgoer, Stuart Harvey clearly sees himself as some sort of civic leader. As such, Stuart should lead by example and suggest that the justice system amputate the organs from all sex offenders with a miniature guillotine. (Very miniature I suspect.) After all, nobody is all bad, so why not just cut off the bad parts. Amputation would ensure that Stuart would never re-offend. And the threat of amputation would seriously turn off any other potential sex offenders. Posted 09/10/2008 at 1:59 AM | Alert an Editor | Link to comment ALERT US ABOUT THIS COMMENT Please let us know if this reader's comment breaks the rules explained in the Terms of Usage and is obscene, abusive, threatening, unlawful, harassing, defamatory, profane or racially offensive by selecting the appropriate option to describe the problem. Do not use this to complain about comments that don't break the rules, for example those comments that you disagree with or contain spelling errors or multiple postings. Comment is inflammatory Comment is offensive Comment is advertising/spam NOTE The management of this site emphasizes that it is in no way liable for persons, physical or legal, who are hosted here. Moreover, the managers of this site may not be held liable for errors and omissions that may slip into the information displayed in these reader comments. Everyone who submits a comment should read, understand and agree to the Terms of Usage for this section. 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