Nor~Lea Shelties
Customer Comments

Sheltie Puppies

Hi Lea - I was just dropping a note to update you on Sophia Bella...She is doing well. She is growing well (about 9 -10 lbs), is very bright, potty training well, and adorable. My only complaint is that she is a very early riser (5:00 ish) which is hard when I can finally sleep during the summer, and Gianna (my daughter) sleeps in until 8:00!! One of Sophie's ears is up most of the time, and the other is down - don't know if your other pup is like that - very cute! Crate training has gone well, and she will not have accidents in it through the night, or when she is left for several hours during the day. School starts soon, which will be a challenge.

I did attach a picture of my girls - Gianna just loves her, and Sophie is very patient with her. A great match!! Thanks again for allowing us to have her.
Stay in touch.

Hi lea, I am sending some pictures of Lacey. She is a wonderful little dog and we all love her.

Dan Cragg

Hi Lea, I check out your website often to keep an eye on what puppies you have and see that you have a litter that I believe share the same mom as our Colby (Sidney). They are so adorable! If we didn't already have two dogs I would be sooo tempted to take the littlest girl. Colby is doing great down here. He is so smart and playful, we have just adored him. He will be turning two in May. Thought I would send along a couple of pictures.

Hope you are doing well up in New York!!
Kim Sobolewski
Indiana, PA

Hi Lea, Things are going very well with Sadie. She loves to play and we are having so much fun with her!! She took little naps in between playing yesterday and she's already peed and pooped outside a couple of times! Here are a couple of pictures of her playing with her new toys. She's such a sweetie and we already love her so much!! She cried a little bit at night time, but quieted down after about 10 minutes. When I got up this morning, I took her right out and she peed for a long time!! She didn't stir at all last night!


Thank you so much - we really enjoy having Sadie as a part of our family!

Lea, Just wanted to wish you Happy Holidays!! Cody is doing so well. He is really the easiest dog we have ever owned!!
He is absolutely beautiful...and sweet as can be. Such a smart dog too.
I still check your website weekly....looks like you are doing well!!
Have a great week!!

Hi Lea, I just wanted to give you an update on Grant. He is adjusting very well in his new home. Storm, my older sheltie, was a little jealous at first and gave him the cold shoulder. Now they are together all the time. I named him Rocky. He is almost house broken now that he follows storm around the yard and knows where to go. He sleeps all night, but wakes up early in the morning wanting to play. He listens very well, he knows what the word no means. I placed rawhide bones throughout the house, he has not chewed on anything but the bones, even when we are at work. He loves attention and never leaves my side. You done a great job with this puppy, and that make it much easier for us to train him. He is a wonderful puppy, as I'm sure all of your puppies are... Just wanted to thank you for everything and I will send you a picture of him when he gets older. Talk to you later. John Murray

Do not hesitate to buy a puppy from Lea.
She is wonderful... she let me know what was going on with my dog every step of the way, and she sent along some of his other baby pictures. All her dogs are beautiful, and we couldn't be happier with our puppy. Thank you Lea !!

A Wonderful Breeder
I have the best puppy from NorLea Shelties. The whole experience was absolutely wonderful. Lea kept me posted on Oreo's growth and progress and emailed me photos so I could watch him grow from 2 weeks to 8 weeks old when I picked him up. He is such a good puppy and stunningly beautiful. My vet said he is in perfect health and that he must have come from a good breeder. I highly recommend getting your sheltie puppy from Lea. I know I will be back for another puppy from her someday!

I got the best puppy ever from this breeder!
I have a pup from this litter, born 7/13/06. I've had him for 2 weeks. He is in perfect health and is wonderfully socialized. He loves to play and sleeps upside down as if the world is his oyster. He slept peacefully in my arms the whole way home (11 hours). These puppies are the best in the northeast and I shopped long and hard before choosing. They are also, by the way, beautiful and I say that with no bias whatsoever.

Exceptional Breeder
I recently purchased a male Sheltie puppy from Nor~Lea Shelties and my experience could not have been as wonderful as it was with Lea of Nor~ Lea Shelties. It was my first time ever making such a purchase over the internet. I have to admit I was a bit nervous however, I cannot tell you how wonderful and at ease Lea made me feel. She e-mailed me pictures of our beautiful Cody and let me know how he was doing on a constant basis. She told me everything we needed to know and how to prepare for his arrival. I never met such a reliable and caring individual who puts so much love and care into their line of work. With that said I highly reccomend Nor~Lea Shelties. We are now the proud owners of a sweet, fun, and loving sheltie in which we truly enjoy and is now a special part of our family.

Superb Breeder with Quality Dogs ! ! !
I highly recommend Lea to anyone who is interested in buying a Sheltie! I bought a dog from her and have been nothing but satisfied. She is willing to give extra information on the breed and helps in every way she can! Feel free to contact me if you want to know my buying experience!

Tommy was Great!
We live in WA so we had to have our little guy flown in and the service was great. Lea was in touch with us everyday to let us know how he was doing and sent additional pictures while we waited for his vet appointment and his fly out date. Everything went so quickly and I couldn't have asked for a better puppy. He adjusted so quickly and has become such a huge part of our family. Thank You so much.

Love my Sheltie from Norlea
I have had my perfect sheltie puppy, Oreo, from Norlea for six months now. Oreo has brought so much life and energy into our home. Every morning Oreo wakes up with such exuberance, we can't help but smile. He follows me around all day, he never leaves my side. Oreo is just the perfect size (17 pounds) - small enough to carry around, but big enough not to look like a purse! He was by the far the easiest of all my dogs to train. It only took a couple days to potty train him! I look at Oreo, and can't believe how lucky I am to have him. If you are looking for a loyal, spirited, gorgeous, easily trainable sheltie, who is good with even very young children, look no further than Norlea. Lea is the best!

Wonderful Sheltie's
We just brought home "Sidney" now renamed "Colby" from NorLea and we could not be happier with him. We were able to tour the farm and visit with the many happy sheltie's that reside there. Lea was so wonderful! You can tell how much she loves and cares for these beautiful dogs & puppies.I am so happy that we found NorLea on puppyfind and would definitely go back to get another puppy from them in the future. He is such a happy, good natured, sweet puppy. Thanks Lea. From Stan & Kim in Pennsylvania

Outstanding Breeder, Priceless Shelties...
I just had the wonderful opportunity of purchasing a sable merle male pup from Lea, and I couldn't be happier with my experience. I've only had him a day, and I think he's perfect. Within twenty minutes of being home, he was running around and chasing me like he had been here for years. He's the happiest pup I have ever seen, he's a great eater, and he'll play with anyone or anything. I've been looking for a sheltie for quite awhile, and I'm so blessed to have found Lea. She answered any questions I had, and also gave quite a few tips that will definitely be useful. All of the shelties at Nor~Lea are incredibly friendly and playful, and most of all, they are well loved and a part of the family. I would recommend Lea to anyone interested in shelties, she's wonderful.

Wonderful People, Wonderful Puppies
We've been having the wonderful experience of visiting our puppy Tully since he was 4 days old. We live 180 miles away, so trying to schedule visits can be difficult. Lea has been most accommodating to us, making the process much easier, and fun too! She is extremely knowledgeable and professional. We haven't asked a question yet that she couldn't answer, and we've asked many! It is obvious that Tully (and all the other Shelties at NorLea) have been meticulously cared for, and truly loved. All their dogs are happy, beautiful and wonderfully socialized. Lea sends us pictures between visits, and updates us often on Tully's progress. We will be taking Tully home in about 6 weeks. It's hard to wait, but we are most confident that he will be receiving lots of care and loving attention until then. Do not hesitate to use NorLea as your breeder of the healthiest, prettiest and best little friends you could ask for! Trish and John, St Lawrence River, NYS

To any person looking for the sweetest dogs alive, and also searching for the best breeder found, please read on.
I had spent many numerous days, nights and countless hours searching for a male sheltie pup. Seeming like all was lost, I found NorLea's shelties. I sent an e-mail expecting the same, "Spay or neuter contract" or even worse.... "What makes you think you can just buy a sheltie pup?"
You can.
The reply from Lea was not only quick, but extremely helpful and mostly, caring. She helped me in more ways than I ever expected. Sending me e-mails almost every day, I found my little man. A very handsome sable merle little boy. After receiving e-mails of info, and pictures we tried to figure a way to get my boy home. I live in Mass., she in upstate New York. We tried everything from sending him to me with friends, flying him, or taking a road trip. When all failed, we took a road trip, a trip to remember.
NorLeas' is a beautiful place to get your home raised pup. Very clean and you can just see in all the dogs eyes, how well cared for they are.
I could go on forever, but please, if your looking for a great sheltie pup, look seriously at NorLea.
I really can't thank Lea enough, she will forever be in our hearts for giving us such a beautiful pup.
Many thanks Lea.
Loreene Lowder

Oreo is officially 3 months old and has been with us for a whole month (time flies!). Oreo has gotten noticeably taller, gained 3 pounds and of course got even cuter. Oreo knows how to fetch and loves to do it over and over. He has also learned how to sit when asked. Yesterday, he had his first try at hamburger - he thought it was yummy. He likes to herd furniture and people. Misty and Oreo love to chase each other all over the house. I feel sorry for those "only puppies" - Oreo just loves playing with Misty and she him. This is about the age Munchkin was when we first got him - so I feel lucky to have gotten this "extra" 4 weeks of puppy time with him. I'm trying to savor every moment - and clearly taking a lot of photos to document it all!


Hi, We are having so much fun with little Oreo. He has been prancing around the house, and I love the sound of his paws on the floor. He was very good in the car on the way home. He and Misty are getting to know each other. Oreo has had some food and water, and he has even peed (several times) and pooped on the papers! Can't believe he hasn't had an "accident" yet. He is so great and I thank you so much for such a wonderful puppy.

I'll keep you posted.

Hi Lea, We're good. Suki is spoiled rotten we are very attached to her. She pretty much rules the house. She loved the holidays we took her with as to the family gathering and all the family had a great time with her someone was contantly petting her or playing fetch with her. She is the perfect size large enough to be seen but small enough that you can carry her around. She right at 17 lbs and about 13 1/2-14 inch talled. She loves taking care of all she owns such as us and the cats. One of our cats died a few months ago so we got a new kitten and I think the kitten thinks he's a dog as he follows Suki everywhere and she seems to enjoy playing with him as well. She also loves going over to my sister-n-law to herd her sheep and horses. Took us a while to teach her that she must let the sheep out to the pasture to graze, she'd been keeping them herded into their pen. She is very smart we got her a new bed and some toys for the holidays and her birthday, she gathered up all her toys and put them in the bed. We'll send some photos soon..

Thanks again for our special little girl!

Just came from the vet. Duncan is in tip top shape. Everyone in Boothbay loves him. The Postmistress heard about him on the grapevine and had to come over to see him. He's the king of Boothbay. He doesn't like the fenced part of the yard. He only likes the front yard. When we got home from the vet he dashed from the car to the house, but he did stop first to pee. He's soooo good. The vet adores him too. I put the smaller crate in the office and he likes to sit in it while I'm on the computer, like now. He says hello to everyone back in New York. I love him to pieces.


Hi Lea, Just wanted to say hello and to tell you how beautiful Cody is growing. We took him to the vet, he got his first series of shots everyone is in love with him! I will send you a picture of him he is growing nicely. He really is a good puppy he has such a nice personality, he is into biting everything and everyone in sight! Talk to you soon. Regards Vikki

Hi Lea, Cody is doing very well he is growing so beautifully he is a gem! I am so very happy to have him and he is truly spoiled as you could imagine. He was so easy to train and that alone for me was i thought would be the hardest task but thank goodness he adapted very well to the wee wee pads!! He has gone to the vet and has gotten his 2 series of shots needed. I have to run out and do some errands I will talk to you soon. thanks again for giving me such a beautiful puppy we love him dearly! Best Regards, VIKKI

Hi Lea, I hope this finds you well. I did not know if you received my last e-mail a couple weeks ago, but I stated that I would like to be on your waiting list for next year with Saylor's mom again.
What a beautiful boy he is.

I've attached updated pictures of him. I will continue to do so. He loves his soft Frisbee and likes daddy's socks. LOL :o)
Thank you again for all of your help in making my family complete.
God Bless and please stay in touch.
Kimmie & Drew

A few months ago I was looking for a Sheltie puppy when I saw Lea's ad, so I emailed her. She responded right away and sent her phone number, so I called her and she told me all about herself and her puppies. I arranged to place a down payment on the little angel I'd seen. I'd never done this before so I was a little nervous, but Lea was great she helped me through it all and answered all my questions. Since I lived so far away I decide that perhaps flying Suki to me would be best, however the puppy was only 2 wks old so I'd have to wait until she was old enough to fly.

Lea was wonderful, she kept me updated on how Suki was doing with emails and pictures of my new puppy which I named Suki. Lea arranged the flight and she called to make sure that Suki arrive ok and was doing well. I couldn't have wished for a better experience. Suki is 14 weeks old now and doing wonderful, she is not only beautiful, but she has the sweetest and best personality. She's very cuddlly and bouncy, we all love her even my vet and the office staff love her. Lea still keeps in touch with me through emails and is very interested in how Suki is doing and I know that if ever I have a question or concern that Lea will be there to help. I can't thank Lea enough for bring my new little angel to me. Thank you so much, Brenda

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