What is Esines???

Esines Baby!!! Yeah, damn right I had to make a page on Esines. I know by doing this I'm making all of our fans happy. Anyway, Esines consists of two people. There is me, Scotty. Then there is the Sando. Esines all began a long time ago. I'm not sure when the exact date was, but anyway. We started just messing around, doing spoofs of other peoples raps. We did have a couple of original ones too, which were by far, the greatest things ever made. 'Scally Radio' was one of the greatest and was the longest recording by Esines to this day. 'Scally Radio' was part of 'radio station' 'BMR'. Then the all time classic. The song which will stay in the history of Esines forever. 'Metal Gear Solid 2 (Remix)'. Nothing can beat that song. It was a work of art. At the moment there is one tape in the entire world containing all of the Esines material. But, it's in my bedroom somewhere and has probably been taped over or smashed. We did have everything we ever made on Sando's computer. Then, something terrible happened. Everything we had ever done, the Fart Series, the Spoofs, were all deleted when Sando formatted his computer. We forgot all about our Esines material, and would never listen to them again. Esines went from being the greatest, most gifted porn stars (Don't Ask), to being nothing more than two fuckers, fucking around. It was a very long time since all of this happened. Things were about to start looking up. Esines decided to get up from their asses and make a big come back. More bigger and better than ever. Me, the one and only Scotty, thought it would be a good idea if we brought new people into the crew. One was Chubz, the other, The Jonaconda. Both of these are from over in the U.S. After Chubz dissing me for being 'A Waste Of Time', I dropped him from the crew, also dissing him for being a 'Fat Waste Of Time'. As for The Jonaconda, well, we never really heard from him, and we didn't see any place to use him. So, Esines was back to two, which we now feel is better. Nothing is better than the original thing, right? Esines will be the same two fuckers, rapping and dissing until we want to expand. We've already started with a new collection of stuff which I will try and put up for you all to see or listen, however you want to call it. Keep checking this page to see our brand new stuff.
The Esines Two!!!
The Music

Esines would be nothing if we didn't make any music. We would just be normal people. I can't imagine that. I think we're well away from normal. I'm sure all of you guys think that to. Anyway, there is no point making music if nobody is going to hear it. So, I'll try and get music up as much as I can, if not just get my email, add me on msn, and i'll send them to you. Now, below is going to be the first ever Esines Album. I'll try and link all the songs. Anyway, we both hope you enjoy!!!
International Affair
1. Esines - Freestyle Greatness
2. Esines - Oh Greasby
3. Esines - Nobody Does It Better Than 518
4. Esines - Sponsor
5. Esines - Kimmage (Remix)
6. Esines - Only I
7. Esines - Butch Please
8. Esines - Guilty
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