cynical me

worth a thousand words


updated 5.12.04

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my current desktop


best page in the universe
real ultimate power
ebaum's world

i'm in gryffindor!

harry potter sites

  • j.k. rowling's site


  • bgrayway
  • hey buffalo
  • pope on a bomb


  • online guitar archive
  • i'm 22 years old now, which means the next big one is 30. i work at blockbuster video, and i am a nursing major at connors here in muskogee. not so much because i want to help people as much as it is that i really love knowing how my body does what it does.

    i drive a Buell Blast. Buell is a sport bike company developed under the Harley-Davidson company. my bike is the smallest bike Buell makes, at 492cc, which is still a healthy bike.

    i am a musician. let me categorize this as best i can.
    i play the guitar. i do fingerpicking primarily. (songs like stairway, dust in the wind, landslide, etc) i play on a washburn acoustic.
    i sing. i -really- want to be in a band, but with my crazy schedule, and you know, no writing ability, it's kinda hard to get one going.
    i listen to music. i listen to hardcore, emo, punk, alternative, classical rock, classical, opera... pretty much anything and everything except country. my fave band of all time is the smashing pumpkins, if that tells you anything.

    i am a gamer. i play video games constantly. this is probably the little kid trait that i'll carry with me to my grave. i certainly hope my forever love plays video games too.. cuz if not, she's going to suffer.

    as far as taste in movies go, my fave movies are prolly.. american beauty, kill bill, the Lord of the Rings series, the Matrix series, wayne's world, adaptation, the usual suspects, the italian job, etc.

    i am really into concerts. i'd say i go to 8 or 9 shows a year, give or take a couple, depending on who's coming through. at one time, i was a big mosh-fiend, but as that i'm an asthmatic, i can't really do that any longer. a dead tony is not a fun tony, after all.

    did i say i love music?

    i like to do webpages. duh.

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