cynical me

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    updated 5.12.04

  • *note* all the ones marked with an *** are my personal favorites.

    so what does life really mean, anyway?
    not blood in veins, or
    breath inside, but what is life?

    to the blue, is it torment?
    is it meaningless?
    is this cold, dark world not but a
    that we simply survive?

    to the happy, is it joy?
    is there so much in the
    world as to say
    'why yes, life is an
    apple pie!'
    a big birthday present
    every day?

    to the lover, is it her?
    is life accumulated and
    manifested into that
    one girl who is every
    pulse and breath? is
    she the reason for being?

    to each is own - something
    my mom told me in my
    ignorant youth
    what is life to me?
    i'll never tell.

    january 21, '02

    dark clouds looming,
    i can see the road from here
    driving into the void seems
    almost foolish sometimes

    the storm is coming
    and i am afraid, but i know i will survive
    this torment, this whirlwind,
    -it is only temporary-

    and i can see the sun on the other side.

    maybe i was more sensitive
    when they talked about me before
    maybe i should have grown up
    when they yelled at me
    or questioned me
    or silently whispered about me

    perhaps i should have let it slide
    when they pushed me away and i became noone
    bleeding and scarred, i let them get to me
    i thought what they thought, and i did become noone

    years later, i am someone
    i am talented and capable
    i have friends
    yet the wounds continue
    it's silly, i know, to let this bother me
    but in ignorance, even friends can open old wounds

    sticks and stones can break my bones
    but words will never hurt me

    september 30, '01

    futility ***
    a sigh, a tear, and thought of what was
    but can no longer be
    i caught the shadow of a memory, and it made me
    remember a certain set of star-shaped lights
    and a certain bed, wrapped around a certain girl
    that i can certainly not see again. i wince;
    but i sniff, and turn into the wind -alone-
    which is probably better anyway.

    february 25, '03 - 11:12 p.m
    i wrote this a week after rachel and i separated.

    twilight, secret stars, once seen shooting,
    leaves the peripheral to find it's place in creation
    and as i sit begging to follow it,
    the ghosts of she tickle at my neck,
    teasing me with that faint tingle
    that i've felt since i saw her
    i pause for a second to die a little more,
    and i test myself if i did everything right
    she was the black behind my bright,
    the shine in deep, dark night
    i thought) the reason for my being
    but i was nothing to she that was everything
    and so i sit, quietly, eagerly,
    waiting for another shooting star.

    march 29, '04 - 1:45 a.m.

    as we swing ***
    feather light
    swaying on the breeze
    that sweeps over the lake
    and through the trees of jade
    lithe and nimble
    are the strands of your hair
    flying and waving on
    the tips of the wind
    a pattern
    a puzzle
    a dance that beckons my soul
    to move inside my chest
    arhythmic motion
    sets my heart alight
    i trip over words
    meant to sway you
    as the tides of your hair
    carry me away to foolishness

    july 20, '03 - very early a.m.
    this is in regards to my friend emily, who lives in michigan. she is beautiful, and this was written nearly 3 weeks after the mentioned "swing"

    evidence ***
    dreams not left, but wanting
    thinking, toiling, squandring
    thrown as far as strength allows
    and forsaken past my memory
    tripping on whatever keeps me
    and not lingering
    missing everything i should be seeing
    and not really missing it at all
    destinations not yet pinned
    formulas not yet perfect
    shadows building, nesting, resting
    in the lofts of my perception
    darkening my sight, mind, and hope
    to a bowl of swill, a trough of shit
    a plate full of everything and nothing
    that i've worked so hard to misplace

    december 31, '03 - 1:27 a.m.
    i knew rachel and i were about to break up. even though we were together, i was alone.

    i couldn't help but notice
    how cold you've been lately
    what is wrong with you?
    such despair and confusion must be trying

    though you sit silent, i hear your thoughts
    i know why your eyes seem darker than before
    yet i know not what to say
    i've reasoned and logicated myself
    a thousand times over
    and have yet to reach pure joy

    mirror, mirror, on the wall
    you reflect a poor shadow of what could be
    you remember cold days that are due to fade
    and you deny yourself the forgiveness
    that is already forgiven

    a prisoner of remorse may soon find
    the only key for salvation is the one
    in his own hand

    september 19, '01

    i could tell you i miss you
    but i'd be inviting
    i could tell you i want you
    but i'd be dying
    i could tell you that it would be better
    but i'd be lying
    i could tell you you'd love me
    but we both know that's not right
    i could tell you that you'd want me
    but you didn't before, so why would you now?
    we could reopen our wounds and start again
    but it will all end the same again anyway
    we could do the things we used to
    but i'd rather just go alone

    july 17, '03 - 4:07 p.m.

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