Visionary Herbs

From a visionary point of view and seeing the many ramifications, from conscious and unconscious choices, we have made, both personally and collectively, one is left to ponder, years and lifetimes of, what Now appears, to have been dreaming.
Somehow, all the so-called conscious days of our lives may have been found, to be, not so conscious after all.

Many unconscious aspects of oneself, from which we have been unable to access, are very subtle and deep, if one resists or accepts their influence, it will facilitate the process in keeping one, in a state of discursive thinking, intertwined with imagination fueled by emotions, attachment, and fears.

Such is the state as, seeing everything through our own projections, an illusion, our co-creation, our own version of what we think is going on.
However unconscious one may be, of one's being in its true essence, the inspiration and fact remains, that pristine awareness, is our deathless nature

Every culture has had  shamans, medicine men and women, and we find that the methods used, were largely based, on the conditions and circumstances of their time and environments.

Here in North America, it is rare to find a Native Shaman, who will not only speak, to one who seeks liberation via shamanic plants, but one who understands, that the white man also, is a man without a culture, a culture to turn to, when he or she is ready, for the Vision Quest, to experience The True Heart!

There is a wide global belief and understanding that the need to expand our awareness of, and with shamanic plants, many of which are legal,  based on real needs, and real methods of transcendence, that assists us, in re-connecting and re-discovering, that which is, and has always been here all along, is something worth considering, for the sincere seeker, particularly in these uncertain times.

It is usually one who has never had the experience with shamanic plants, or one who was unprepared for the experience, who boldly states that there are no shortcuts to awakening, The same people on the other hand, believe in past lives, claiming we have had hundreds, perhaps thousands of past lives. Assuming past lives are a fact, I fail to see a short cut to awakening.

Visionary herbs have been used for countless centuries for a variety of reasons; Vision Quests, Awakening, Stream Entry, Artistic Inspiration, Philosophical Musings, Healings (psychological and physical) etc…

On our links page, you will find actual sources and information of a variety of Visionary Herbs along with other links where much free literature is available. I cannot Over Emphasize that these herbs are not just for fun or for recreational use! Preparation and understanding  is a must! 

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