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*copyright sign* Katie, 2006. This layout was made by me. The picture of Umeda is not owned by me, but is from the manga Hanakimi by someone I'll find out soon. The lyrics are from the song You could have it so much better by Franz Ferdinand


Far far away in a land of computers, two bored ladies decided that one day, they will become the unthinkable, the Flaxen Fiend and the Pocky Pilferer *er er er*. They would forever be known as....

The Ponder Pals.

Upon becoming this dynamic duo, the Ponder Pals invented cool sky signals and a catch phrase they said o-too-often...


Yes, random, but that's how they loved life.

Anyway, glomping sexy men as they went along, the ponder pals couldnt be separated.


One day, while righting wrongs, contemplating string, voicing new synonyms nobody ever knew about, glomping gorgeous guys, and, of course, pilfering pocky.....

They came across a new villain so horrible, so evil, that he did not have a name.

They called him...



Villain knew the only weakness of the Ponder Pals.


Lots of men.

Lots of scantily clad men.

Each time they encountered one another, the Ponder Pals and Villain clashed in such a fierce battle that the Ponder Pals had to narrowly escape in the PonderMobile, and hibernate in the Ponder Palace for days watching anime, drinking sake, eating pocky, and discovering new words before they could reemerge healthy and happy.

After reemerging healty and happy for the 541st time, The Flaxen Fiend and the Pocky Pilferer *er er er* had had enough.

They were going to defeat Villain once and for all!

How they will go about doing it, however, will not be as easy as it sounds.

To find out how the Ponder Pals defeat Villain, tune in next time on.....The Chronicles of the Ponder Pals!

The Ponder Pals Signal

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