Copyright 2005 Non-Partisan Liberty League
The Non-Partisan Liberty League (NPL2)supports individual rights, limited government and free enterprise.
We are a North Dakota based movement in the tradition of Jeffersonian liberalism and Teddy Roosevelt style Progressivism, without sacrificing principle for comprimise.

We believe every human being is endowed by nature with inherent rights to life, liberty and property that are properly secured by law. We support a strict construction of the Bill of Rights as a defense against tyranny; the expansion of those rights to all voluntary consensual conduct under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments; and the requirements of equal protection and due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.

We oppose all restrictions on free and honest expression, most critically those that infringe on political discourse. We oppose any public financing of campaigns or public political forums and any law that allows organizations to collect campaign donations against the wishes of their individual members.
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