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Millennium MADness People Pictures

These pictures were taken by Bill Roberts (Dallas) using his digital camera, Glenn Manuel (Dallas), and Neil King (Dallas), both using regular cameras. Scanning of the regular photos, digital photo editing, and captions were done by Glenn Manuel (Dallas). At the end of each caption are the initials of the photographer, in square brackets [BR] [GM] [NK].

Names of people are roughly in order from left to right as they appear in the picture. Home cities of the people are typically "rounded off" to the nearest large city (e.g. Dallas used for Richardson and Plano, Austin used for Round Rock, etc.). Most of the pictures are in the range of 25K to 45K in size. Please be patient. It might take several minutes to load all the pictures.

If anyone is mis-named or you know the name of one of the unknown people, please send a correction.

You can download any picture by clicking the mouse right button on it and selecting the proper item in the popup menu (Netscape: Save Image As..., Microsoft Internet Explorer: Save Picture As...)

br_0005.jpg,38K Delores Goodrich (Austin) and Bill Budell (Houston) having a serious discussion [BR]

br_0009.jpg,26K Jenny Streit, caller and dancer from Denton, TX. [BR]

br_0011.jpg,33K Duelling skirts: Linda Mahony (Dallas) and Cheryl Joyal (Houston) [BR]

Julia Miller (Austin), Abe Moshkovski (Kansas, etc.), and Delores Goodrich (Austin) trying to break the camera with their smiles. [BR]

br_0024.jpg,59K Breakfast: Jodie Moore (Austin) ???, Jenny Streit (Denton, TX), Steve Horn (Denton, TX), Peter (or Brian ?) Horn (Denton, TX), and Rick Piel (Austin). [BR]

gm_004.jpg,29K Millennium MADness organizer Mimi Rogers (Dallas) laying down the law to everyone. Band in the background: Marilyn Cooper (Houston), Eric Linke (Golden, CO), Marynell Young (Houston) [GM]

gm_005.jpg,30K Linda Mrosko and Patti Plemons (both Dallas) dressed to kill [GM]

gm_006.jpg,21K Jane Lorenzen and Glenn Manuel (both Dallas) celebrating the New Year [GM]

gm_007.jpg,33K Jane Wyatt (Kansas, etc.), Seesee Haskell (Austin), and Betty Gross (Austin) [GM]

gm_010.jpg,31K Neia Izen (Dallas), William Watson (Austin), Peter Lamborghini (Dallas) and wife Ruth Riegel-Lamborthini (Dallas) [GM]

nk_007.jpg,23K Dallasites Patti Plemons, Joe Barziza, and Gary Blankenship [NK]

nk_015.jpg,19K Rick Piel (Austin) and Jodie Moore (Austin) ??? [NK]

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