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Millennium MADness Pictures

These pictures were taken by Bill Roberts (Dallas) using his digital camera, Glenn Manuel (Dallas), and Neil King (Dallas), both using regular cameras. Scanning of the regular photos, digital photo editing, and captions were done by Glenn Manuel. At the end of each caption are the initials of the photographer, in square brackets [BR] [GM] [NK].

There are a total of 38 pictures. They are broken up into subject groups. Each group is on a separate page, so each page will load in a reasonable (?) abount of time. Please be patient. It might take several minutes to load all the pictures on a page.

The groups are listed below. Click on the group description to go to that group's page.

9 Pictures of people dancing

8 Pictures of the bands

6 Pictures of the Talent Show

12 Closeup Pictures of people

3 pictures of the camp itself

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