Click me for photos!   Nikki here and I have been keeping sort of a journal of my adventures since I was adopted and moved into my Forever home that you can read below.

November 2005
My little sister Sky has arrived. And I mean she is little! So far we get along ok. Sky likes to stay in her crate all the time, but she likes to run around outside. Mom is working on a web site for her.

October 2005
Trick or Treat!! Mom dressed me up this year for Halloween. I was a Bumble Bee. Next year I would like to be a Princess or and angel.
Mom is still talking about a little sister. Now she keeps telling me that I am getting a little sister named Sky.

September 2005
Summer's over and I am sad. Now my buddy Ginger won't be able to come over and play with me that much. Mom said something about me getting a little sister. Little sister!!?

August 2005
I have been having a fun time this summer. I have met a new friend named Ginger. Ginger is Lhasa Apso and she lives in my neighborhood. She stops by every once in a while so she and I can play in the yard together. Click here to see us playing. We have lots of fun together.

July 2005
Fireworks time again!! When I hear fireworks, I feel it is my duty to protect my territory. I have to run around and bark and let those noisy things know that I am boss. While we were outside enjoying the nice weather one afternoon, the fireworks started. My Mom tried to keep me from running off the deck and barking so she put some chairs in the way of the steps. I needed to get to my work, so I just ran through the railings. I shocked everybody. I am unstoppable!

June 2005
Wow, is it HOT!! And it's only June! What happened to Spring? We skipped spring and went straight to Summer!

May 2005
Hey, I thought it was Spring!! It's been so cold and rainy here. Is it still winter? I want some warm weather.
Guess what I did again...no, I didn't eat candy again. I jumped off the bed again. This time I really, really hurt myself. I was in so much pain all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep. Since I didn't feel like walking, my Nonnie would pick me up and carry me. But my Mommy got worried about me and said to me, "if you don't get better by Monday, you will have to go to the Vet's". When I heard that I decided to start walking by myself so I wouldn't have to go to that place. I'll do anything so I don't have to go there.

April 2005
Guess what! I ate soap!! Yes, you read that right. I ate soap! One evening my family went out and left me all alone. When they leave I really miss them and get bored so I find things to do. Well, there was a bar of soap on the table. (Poppie brought it home from work because it had my Mom's name on it) So, I decided to jump up on the table to see what was so special about this soap. I ripped open the paper and gnawed on it for a while. It didn't taste good. When my family got home they saw the mess on the floor and laughed at me because I ate soap and said something about me blowing bubbles. Note to all you other Cairn's out there - soap is not a good snack.

March 2005
Is it Spring yet? I'm going to ask my Mom if we can move somewhere where it is warm all the time like Florida or Bermuda.

February 2005
Valentine's Day is just around the corner...hhhmmm, I wonder if anyone will be getting some Valentine's Day candy. Oh, well, no candy for me this year. I was good.
Wow, we got so much snow this month! Everytime it snows, Poppie has to shovel off the back deck so I can get to the yard and do my business.
One night my Mom got up in the middle of the night (I don't know where she went) so I jumped off the bed to find her. After jumping off the bed, I hurt my paw really bad. (I have hurt my paw before and even went to the Vet; she pulled and pulled my paw and I did not make a sound. The Vet said I had a sprain) Anyway, because my paw was hurting me, I held it up and ran everywhere I needed to go on my three good legs. Mom said I'm something else. My paw is all better now and Mom is making sure I don't jump off the bed anymore.

January 2005
Happy New Year!! Wow, another year has gone by. On New Years Day it was really warm out - around 60 degrees - very warm for January in Connecticut. So my family and I went for a really fun walk around Lock 12 Historical Park. We have been there before but, I don't remember when that was. Anyway, this is a really cool place with a canal, bridge, and lock. There were also so many smells to check out and other dogs to bark at. I wanted to just run and run and my Mom ran with me for a while. I hope I get to go again sometime.
Bbbrrr! It got really cold again...what happened to the warm weather? And it has been snowing a lot too. Sometimes the neighbors don't shovel their sidewalks and they get slippery and icy. One night when Mom and me and Poppie were taking a walk Mom was slipping and sliding on the ice. She was saying whoa, oh!!, so I stopped until she got settled. Mom says that I am so smart because on the way back from the walk, I stopped before the same spot where Mom was sliding around. I didn't want her to slide again and hurt herself. I am glad I'm here to watch her.

December 2004
This was a really busy month. I have so much to write. Well, we all know that when December comes, it is Christmas time again. So, that means my family puts up a tree in the living room with bright shiny lights on it and they do all their Christmas shopping. On Christmas day my family came over as usual. My cousin Stephen played with me and we had lots of fun. My Mom took a picture of us and you can see it here.
It has been so cold recently and I don't like being cold. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I scoot under the covers with Mom and sleep right next to her to get warm. Also, one night I decided to sleep with Mom on her pillow and I put my nose next to her ear so she could hear me snore. I am so thoughtful.

November 2004
Turkey Day is celebrated this month and boy do I love Turkey day! My Nonnie cooks tons of food and someone will always feed me when they are not supposed to and this year was no different than last year! Until next year...

October 2004
Halloween is this month and you know what that means...candy! I ate candy again while my family was out. There was a box of candy on the kitchen table and I thought my family left it for me as a snack so I helped myself. I had to open the box of candy by myself and I ate most of what was in there. Boy, did I get in trouble!

September 2004
Do you get harassed by dogs when walking with your human? Well, I was minding my own business one day when these big dogs come charging at me! Boy, did I get made at them and to top it off my Mom picked me up so I could not get at those big dogs! The nerve. My Mom said the next time they came after me she would bonk them on the head with a stick. I still think she should let me at 'em.

August 2004
Summer is in full swing here in Connecticut. Boy it's hot. I have been having a good ole time playing in my back yard until...I got bit by a bee! I was visiting with the children next door one afternoon then all of a sudden all these things were flying around me and they hurt me. I ran to the back door where Mom saw me and she knew something was wrong. I was holding my ear out and wiping my face. Mom took a good look at my ear and found something called a stinger and pulled it out. I felt better after that.

July 2004
Can you believe it...I celebrated my one year anniversary of my Gotcha Day this month!!! I'm glad these nice people let me stay cuz I love it here. My Nonnie made me some special treats...steak and carrot cake cupcakes - yum!
Did I ever tell you that I do not like fireworks? Well, all the peoples who live around here like to shoot them off before July 4th and that is just not cool. My Mom will give me some stuff called Rescue Remedy to make me relax but I really like it when she holds me up in her arms like I am her baby. I put my paws over her shoulders and she cuddles me and I feel better. I am so happy when the 4th is over.

May 2004
It's Nikki again and I can't wait until the warm weather is here. I love to sun myself on the back deck and "pick" green beans from my Nonnie's garden. I eat them when no one is looking…please don't tell!
My Mom tells me that I am so smart. Here are some of the words that I know: go, walk, shoes (meaning - Mom is putting on shoes to go for a walk) food, eat, ready, I'm hungry, car, ride, garage. When Mom says one of those words, I will stare at her with my big brown eyes hoping she will oblige... She now has to spell the words. I'll probably learn the spelling too.
It's been thundering almost every night lately and I do not like thunder. Sometimes when it is thundering in the middle of the night, I will scoot under the covers with Mom. I feel safe there.

February 2004
My family went out for the evening one night and left me all alone. I don't know why they didn't bring me with them. Anyway, I was checking out what foods they left out and I found a box of Valentine's Day chocolates on the table next to the couch. I knocked it onto the floor and ate all the candy inside. It was delicious. But, it did give me a stomach ache and made me frow up. It also made me really thirsty...I couldn't get enough water. I don't think I'll eat candy again...at least for a long while.

January 2004
My family noticed that I had a boo-boo under my eye that was bleeding. Mom didn't know what was causing it so she took me to the nice Vet. He looked in my mouth and saw that my tooth was bad and had to be taken out...and that was the cause of the boo-boo under my eye. My tooth had abscessed and all the yucky stuff was coming out of the boo-boo under my eye. How unlady-like. The Vet took away my tooth and my eye has healed. I am back to being my beautiful self.

December 2003
I celebrated my first Christmas in my forever home. I had a great time. All my new family came over and I greeted them all with kisses and wags. Some of them gave me food because I am so cute and I let them know how good their food smelled. My Mom bought me a new toy. It is a fake fox tail with a tennis ball attached to it and I love to play with it! It even squeaks! My mom told me I was the best Christmas gift she got this year and I think she's the best too.

September 2003
Boy, does time fly when you are having fun! I always do fun stuff here such as taking walks every day, taking rides in the car, and eating lots of yummy food. I am always super good for my forever Mom. I know several tricks that I do when Mom asks me - paw, sit pretty, down, and stay. My Mom (and Nonnie and Poppie) loves me lots and gives me lots of love and skritches.
I have a funny story...one night when my Mom and I were sleeping in the bed, my Mom woke up and she felt something. She said, "why is there a clothespin in the bed?" and then she realized that she was holding my paw. Isn't she silly?

August 2003
I'm still here! I know now I will be here forever. My family is sooo good to me. I am so happy.

July 2003
What's going on here? Where am I? Who are these people? Who is this girl with hair similar to the color of mine...she keeps coming over to me and talking to me. This yard does not look like the one I was just in. Boy am I nervous. These people here seem nice so far. I wonder how long I will be here. The blonde keeps telling me, this is your new home. Should I believe her?

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