
Empire Treasures

The Matakite Stone

Legendary Treasure

After the recovery of the stone during the Sidhe Incursions, it was returned to its traditional home; a hidden tapu glade deep within the Fiordland National Park. The stone has two powers, the first being that of prophecy. By investing a point of glamour into the stone and staring through the translucent surface, one will see visions of the future, and usually ones involving danger. In game terms, the Storyteller is free to make up visions and actually impose them into the game so that they will come true, no matter how hard the player attempts to avoid them happening.
The second power is the summoning of a Taniwha, or native dragon. Again, by investing a point of glamour into the stone the weilder can draw forth from it an ancient and powerful taniwha to fight for them. This can be used multiple times, but the weilder must make a stamina check at -1 for each additional taniwha summoned.

Maui's Fish-hook

Level 5 Treasure

Maui was the greatest of the Maori warriors, and was indeed Ponaturi Kinain, from his grandfather's side. Legend tells of how he used his own blood to bait a fish hook made from the jawbone of his grandfather and fished up the North Island of New Zealand. It is indeed possible to make such a hook from a Ponaturi jawbone, and when smeared with the blood of any fae it will strike and hook into the most powerful target in any battle causing str+9 damage. Once this is done though, the hook is firmly embeded in the flesh of the foe, and cannot be used again until after the battle is over.

Tane's Tiaha

Level 4 Treasure

A tiaha is a maori spear made entirely of wood with one end shaped into a leering face in which the potruding tongue forms the tip of the spear. It is hung with rare bird feathers about the head and sometimes feature chips of mother of pearl in the place of eyes. In combat, Tane's Tiaha is a fearsome magical weapon that allows four extra dice to be used in combat to split between actions - though the total of each action can not exceed the wielder's die pool for attacking or blocking. It is counted as a str+4 weapon that deals bashing damage.

Whalebone Patu

Level 3 Treasure

Another traditional maori weapon, the Patu is a form of club that is carved from the jawbone of a whale at the thickest point. The handle is decorated with carvings and woven with flax for grip and used to great effect for braining foes in combat. The Whalebone Patu requires a point of glamour to be activated, but once this is done it will cause agravated damage to supernatural creatures. Otherwise its stats resemble a normal club.

Moa Feather Cloak

Level 2 Treasure

The Moa was an enormous flightless bird that roamed New Zealand long before Europeans and Maori discovered the island. Due to excessive hunting, the bird has been extinct now for well over a century, but prized cloaks were made of it's downy plumage which cover a man from neck to toe. While wearing the cloak in any natural surroundings, especially dense forest, the wearer gains -2 to all stealth rolls.

Hine's Gourd

Level 1 Treasure

A common item, the Gourd is made from a large fruit, dried, then hollowed out and decorated with carvings. Hine's Gourd will always remain full, no matter how much water is consumed from it. Thus the Ponaturi were able to travel the length and breadth of the Empire without stopping to search for water.


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