
The Ponaturi

Maori legend and mythology speaks sevral times of a race of capricious fairies that have harrased them throughout their time in New Zealand, and were given the name Ponaturi. In Maori legend, they were said to have dwelled offshore either on a secret island or under the waves and would only emerge at night to beguile the hapless natives. Their one great weakness though was their inability to tollerate the rays of the rising sun, for it would instantly kill them if they suffered its orange glow.
Today the Ponaturi have been forced to adopt the changeling way, much as the other kiths, though comparatively late compared to all the other kiths. It was only the settling of white man or Pakeha (white pig) in the empire that brought sufficient degrees of banality to warrant the change. The Ponaturi are inseperably linked to Maori culture, and as such, only chrysalise in those of Maori heritage - the chrysalis itself is interesting, for the fledgeling Ponaturi will develop an insatiable wanderlust and 'go bush' for several weeks or months, vanishing into the hills and returning with their hair cast a coppery colour as a physical manifestation of their inward changes.
In appearance, the Ponaturi appear deeply bronze skinned and sport a mane of coppery hair that is often braided or pinned into an elaborate top-knot with bone or greenstone (jade). Their dress tends towards woven skirts of flax or grass and little else save some similarly bone or greenstone jewelery hung about the neck. Ponaturi treasures and arms tend towards traditional maori weaponry which are once again whalebone or greenstone. Childings and wilders are wiry, athletic and strong, whilst the grumps tend towards plumpness. All ages wear elaborate tattooes upon their faces that are carved into the skin with slivers of bone.
Ponaturi are a coastal kith, keeping near their ancestral home, the ocean, as much as possible and quite tribal, emphasising the importance of family and mana (social standing/power).

Birthright: While underwater the Ponaturi are completely invisible to mortal and fae eyes alike. They can only be detected by an appropriate art or supernatural ability at difficulty 9. Tricksters equal to the Pooka in some respects, the Ponaturi can never botch a subterfuge roll.

Frailty: Though not slain by the rays of the rising sun as they were before undergoing the Changeling Way, Ponaturi are still greatly harmed by it. If caught outdoors and witnessing sunrise, the hapless Ponaturi will be immediately driven into their mortal seeming for an ammount of time dictated by the mists chart. In additition, if a Ponaturi spends more than a week away from the coast (beyond 5 kilometers [2 miles]) then they will gain a point of temporary banality for each day away after this.

Affinity: Nature.

Ponaturi share many similarities with the Hawaiian and Nunnehi fae, and may use the same Arts. Totems should be based on New Zealand flora and fauna.


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