....      Twisted Positivity ||| Book One ||| Idiocracy       ....

Daily stuffing
Tuesday, Nov. 27th, 2007
so yeah.... this place is deader than my recently deceased aunt. may she and this site rest in the best of peace. werd.

Daily stuffing
Friday, Dec. 24th, 2004
Merry New Year!!!11
Hey, Y'all... Just wanted to let you know that My (xx)xmas(acre) won't be so great... everybody's doing cool stuff while Im stuck here. It's just my bratty sister, my mom and myself this year... again... my dad's gone to england Y_Y, My Bo's Gone to Mexico, and My grandma's In Jamaica... poor me. Ive been saying that alot... I guess I want sympathy. But then I act all too "cool" and pretend that I don't want it. Feh. Im taking alot of pictures and stuff... and I also now have a stock art account over at devaiatart... kinda empty for now... but still... check it --> nadstock. I've been doing alot of pixel art work lately... not only that, but Ive bought a paid account for livejournal *jumps for joy* now... how'm I gonna pay for it... hmmm... @.@ lol. Worry about that later. Right now, My biggest concern is getting my pixellated LJ Mood theme Done soon; I was hoping for before Jan., but Im now looking for before I go back to school-- Jan. 10th. Thats also the day my dad comes back... guh. Ech... I htink Im gonna check the fanlistings now and do some more pixelling!



Daily stuffing
Monday, Dec. 6th, 2004
Hello My Pretties!!
I don't update as much as I should. Yes... Im a horrid webmistress. Right now, it's 8.23 am... I have the day off school because I have ALOT of work to do and an orthodontist's appointment this afternoon; if I went to class, I wouldn't get as much work done, and I'd be late for my appointment. Actually.... I'd get more work done at school. Sure, it's nice to update the site, but... y'know... With only 1 week left in the semester, "dot dot dot", lmao.

Well, speaking of orthodontist... I've added a few more fanlistings, one of which is for braces. I should also link you to some outrageous pictures that I took of my braces... but thats another day.

Im also thinking of putting up the layouts that I used to make... I have alot, and some really good msPaint ones that could pass for semi-professional! lmao, not! Ah, well... if you want to see what I've been doing, go see my DA page.

Tis all for now, luvvies!

About The Layout

Pretty Basic. I decided to go with a common theme that I see alot of webmasters/mistresses... MSPaint Layouts. Every single inch of this site was made with Paint. Whee. I like simple. if any of you have been here before, then you know... simple simple SIMPLE! I cannot stress it enough. I hate making things overly-busy and complicated. Sure, there are people that have fancy sites in Frames and CSS and all that internet mumbo-jumbo. Frames and me dont mix well... Vodka on the other hand, heh heh. Let's see... the doll? Well... it's suppose to be a mini-me. I had re-coloured my streak... my mom did actually. She didn't want to leave the country (site colours are a hint as to where I went this summer, lol) with me looking like (and I swear by this) 'white trash reject'. For those who don't know, since May I've been colouring one chunk of hair on the side of my head... blue->green->red (mom); the red was burnt b/c of over-exposure to the Jamaican (OOPS! I said it, lol!) sun. SO now it's kind of some coppery colour. And she didn't do it right, so some green was still visible. And because o-- this isn't relevent. The Site. I used the Jamaican Colours, a doll I made (Base courtesy of If Looks Could Kill. LOVE this base, lol), and (Durr) MSPaint. 'Nuff Said. It's to commerate Summer, Going to Jamaica, and Thats about it! I like this, so I might keep it along time... mildly modifying it, where it needs it.

About The Site

Uhhm... This is the first time 'Twisted Positivity' Has ever been used. I hope to keep this running for a while. I came up with this name-- Well, I didn't. This chick, Kimolyn (aka Kim) in my last period art class did. I have a twisted sense of humor... a pessemistic view on life with a sarcastic twist, sprinkled with a touch of sugar. Heh Heh. No meds Needed. I made one of my many random comments, and she looked at me with this scared but amused look. Then she said that my humor was Twisted... I just said that I have a positivly twisted outlook on life. And, DA DA! Twisted positivity was born! Nice story, eh? XD

go view my site!

Large Toys
Small Toys
Daria Fanpage
DBZ/Trunks Fanpage
You Want Me?
 why hasn't nintendo created a gamegirl?! i've always wondered that...

*all material on this site is copywrite ME...
aka "NKK! & Co.",
1997 - present.
Anything adopted is copywrited their respective owners.*
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