....      Twisted Positivity ||| Book One ||| Idiocracy       ....
This is the page for my larger dolls.... and I guess mediums and such. Link credits and such... Well, Im gonna do it by section.

Im gonna be organizing these into sections... I do alot of stuff with the bases from ILCK, and alot of other ones... I just love her bases. Links comming soon.

Hokay... the first batch is by ILCK... n-joi...the first four are not adoptable!

site layout doll--NOT ADOPTABLE!  Old style of the cora --NOT ADOPTABLE  NOT ADOPTABLE 

Gift for gaian friend --NOT ADOPTABLE

these are adoptable!

trying to do braids... I've also updated the skin colour  first one done on the midos base--LOVE THE BASE!  I think she looks like boom boom from X-Men: Evo...  cute couple on the old base  I like this one... and I dont. but I do... 
cute couple on the old base (just cora)  cute couple on the old base (just corin)  She was suppose to be one of the pair... but the guy was giving me trouble so I had to ditch it 

These bases are by Angy Chan

Inspired by catwoman... you cant see the text XD Really Big Manga Base Edit! 

The first is by Dells Dolls... and the second one I cant remember... if you know, PLEASE TELL ME!

Suppose to be of me... but eh... I only own the shoes and shirt... no more blue hair! it got messed up after I saved it... can't fix it, but still like it

Large Toys
Small Toys
Daria Fanpage
DBZ/Trunks Fanpage
You Want Me?
 why hasn't nintendo created a gamegirl?! i've always wondered that...

*all material on this site is copywrite ME...
aka "NKK! & Co.",
1997 - present.
Anything adopted is copywrited their respective owners.*
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