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OWF Rules

OWF Rules

The Deadline for Tuesday Night Terror is 12am Monday before the Show (IE 1 minute after 11:59 Sunday). No roleplays will count for Tuesday Night Terror after this time.

The Deadline for Outsider Wrestling Federation PPVs will ALWAYS be Sunday at 12am (ie 1 minute after 11:59 Saturday). The Pay Per View itself will take place on Sunday, so you have until midnight Sunday.

Segment Deadlines for Tuesday Night Terror will be Sunday at Midnight (ie 1 minute after 11:59 Saturday). Any segments sent in after this deadline will not be used.

Segment Deadlines for Pay Per Views will be Sunday 12am (ie 1 minute after 11:59 Saturday). Any segment sent in after this deadline will not be used. **Please note there are no exceptions to this rule.

Roleplay Limits
The roleplay limit for Tuesday Night Terror is 4 (four). There are no exceptions to this rule. You cannot do more than 4 (four) EVER for Tuesday Night Terror. So don't ask.

The roleplay limit for Pay Per Views is 5 (five). There is no exception to this rule. You cannot do more than 5 (five) EVER for the Pay Per View. So don't ask.

You can only do 1 (one) roleplay a day. Now, if you are about to go on vacation and you can't post anymore. OR if you don't have a computer at home and you roleplay from school, work, or whatever...then I will give an exception to this rule. HOWEVER, you MUST get permission from me before doing this. If you do not get my permission, and you post more than 1 roleplay a day, your roleplay will not count and you will be warned. 3 (three) warnings, and you're fired.

General Rules
1. The Ousider Wrestling Federation is an "Original Wrestler ONLY" fed. There will be no "Stone Cold" Steve Austins, or Rocks, or whatever. Now if you have someone named "Stone Cold" Steve Wilson, and use Steve Austin for the picture base...eh I won't say you CAN'T do that, but please use some originality.So please make sure that your characters have been thought up by you.

2. Please be original when it comes to your picture base. If you want to use Shawn Michaels for example, and someone else is using Shawn Michaels, then you can't use Shawn Michaels it's as simple as that. We won't have multiple people using the same picture base. Unless you're playing identical twins....great...now someone is going to do it.

3. The OWF is a quality over quantity roleplay judged fed. So if you do 4 roleplays to say your opponent's 2, that doesn't guarantee a victory. So please keep in mind that if you lose, and you did more roleplays than your opponent, don't come to me saying 'I did more roleplays! Why did I lose?' because this rule is in place. Quality over Quantity.

4. If you want to swear in your roleplays, go right the fuck on ahead and do so.

5. Keep racism to a COMPLETE minimum. I don't like racism personally, so I want that kept to a minimum. If you are going to use the dreaded "N" word in your roleplay, please don't have it in a racist context. Basically, if a character is black and says "nigga" even though I personally hate the word and think it should be burned from the English language, I have let it slide if it fits the character. Even though I hate the word, I myself sometimes use it in my everyday life. Now if someone is playing a character that says "I hate niggers", that's just not allowed. Do you see the difference? If not, hit me up on messenger and I'll explain it.

6. If you need a leave of absence for whatever reason, come to me and say something. I am not unreasonable, I am actually very friendly depending on how you approach me.

7. Stables will be capped at 6 members. If you have 6 guys that are roleplaying for that stable, then that's the cap. If you have NPC (Non Playable Characters) as managers, then that's ok.

8. Just have fun.

Title Shots/Defenses
Blade and myself (Tann) have our own list that we keep to ourselves to determain who is up for what title. However, if you make a challenge on the OOC board and a champion accepts, then you'll get that match UNLESS however we the staff veto it, which we are in our rights to do.

Title Shots are determained by the staff determained by how long you've been in the fed, and what title you're going for. In other words, you can't be a part of the fed for 2 weeks and start thinking you're going to get a title shot, because that's not the way it works. Here is how I am going to be running it.

World Title Shot: Minimum of 1 Month as an active roleplayer. If you've been here 1 month, then we'll consider it.

North American Title Shot: Minimum of 1 Month OR storyline pulls you in. The North American Title is our #2 belt, you won't just fly into the Upper Card/Main Event. No one will. Ask Shyne how long it took for him to get this shot.

Full Throttle Tite Shot: Minimum of 3 Weeks, or storyline pulls you in. This is our #3 Title and while it's becoming a big deal in it's own right, it's a little bit easier to get a shot.

Hardcore Title Shot: Minimum of 2 weeks, or a storyline pulls you in. This is our newest title, and it's a bit easier to get a shot at.

Tag Team Titles: Minimum of 2 weeks or a storyline pulls you in. Your tag team has to be active before you're considered.

**Please note that after the minimum time has come, you are only in CONSIDERATION for a title shot. It doesn't automatically mean you'll get it. You have to earn EVERYTHING in this fed. You have to prove your dedication before you become a champion.

The World Title will be defended at every Pay Per View, and the Champion will be required to be on at least 2 cards a month in a match whether it's singles or tag. World Title Matches on TNT cards will be determained by staff by storyline. So just because you're the World Champion doesn't mean you'll sit pretty. As World Champion, you should also roleplay to keep things going. World Champ is the face of the fed, and the face of the fed needs to set the example. Show WHY you're champion. I hate inactive champions.

The North American Title will be defended at every Pay Per View, and the Champion will be required to be on at least 3 cards a month. North American Title matches on TNT cards will be determained by staff by storyline.

The Full Throttle Title will be defended at every Pay Per View, and the Champion will be required to be on at least 3 cards a month. Full Throttle Title matches on TNT cards will be frequent. This is our work horse title, and for those that hold it, it brings a chance to move into the Main Event. So think of it as practice.

The Hardcore Title will be defended at every Pay Per View, and the Champion will be required to be on at least 3 cards a month. Hardcore Title matches on TNT cards will be upon the decision of the staff. You don't want hardcore matches to get stale do you? This Title can also lead to the Main Event. Think of it as practice.

The Tag Team Titles will be defened at every Pay Per View, and the Champions will be required to be on at least 2 cards a month as a tag team. Tag Team Title matches on TNT cards will be determained upon competition, storyline, and staff.

I'm not a big fan of "Dual Champions", I never have been. If you already hold one title, I don't think you should hold another. It takes away from the competition in my opinion. So if you already hold a title, chances of you getting a chance to hold another are slim to none.

Things That Can Get You Fired
First of all, you wiill get warnings before you are fired. I am a pretty laid back person for the most until I am angry. But once I calm down, I tend to let things slide. So basically you'll get warned. Then suspended, and then fired out right.

Starting Out Of Character Board Wars - Nothing kills a fed worse than this. NOBODY wants to roleplay in a fed where people are bickering like babies over a tonka truck about something that nobody gives a damn about. So show some maturity on the Out Of Character Boards, if you start a little war on the board, it will be deleted and you will be warned. Keep it up and you're banned from the boards and you're gone. Simple as that.

Harrassment - Now this can come in a variety of ways. We have female Rpers in this fed. If you constantly harrass them over IM and they come to me, then you will be warned. While yes they can easily just block you, I know there are people that take things way too far. Harrassing the ladies can get you fired.

Harrassing anyone in the fed can get you fired. If you constantly badger someone and they tell you that they want to be left alone, and you persist that can get you fired. People should not feel annoyed by members of the fed. Use your discretion, as well as the common sense that God gave you, and your parents pounded into your head. Or, just ignore each other. Play nice children.

Constant Whining will DEFINATELY get you fired, and the ridicule of the entire fed. Including Shorty who loves to rib the shit out of people (waves to Shorty). If you disagree with a loss, you can email The Staff . Present your case calmly and without being confrontational. Because if you come off trying to be tough, you'll get told to fuck a goat. However, keep in mind that staff decisions are final, we won't go and change the results for you. We will however explain to you how we came up with our decision. But honestly, everyone losses in this game at some point or another. Take the loss in stride, and use it to improve.

Cheating - This will DEFINATELY get you kicked out of the fed. For those of us that have been doing this game for a while now you know what I mean. If you're new, you can IM me to find out what I mean.

Using Other People's Characters Without Permission - Luckily we haven't had this happen in the fed. But..it can get you in trouble. Before including people's characters in ANYTHING make sure you talk to them and make sure it's kool with them.

And Finally
In wrestling, when people do stupid things or annoying things, or plain wrong backstage, when they get to the ring, they have to pay for it. Hell Vince puts people in the ring with Hardcore Holly because Holly is a stiff working son of a bitch, and Vince will usually put people in the ring with him if they do stupid shit.

Why would I mention that? Well if you are doing something stupid, sneaky, annoying, or you basically do something that is wrong but isn't covered in the rules, then you'll pay for it in the results. Nothing overly mean, or cruel, but...your character will be made to look weak as a little "punishment". So just keep that in mind.

Just have fun. And make sure your fun doesn't ruin the fun for the entire fed.

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