Send Casey an E-mail

Casey Parson

Casey is 25 years old. He is slowly
working his way toward a degree in art history
He is a very dedicated individual in the fact that
he has worked at the same chain of retail stores
since he was 16.
View Casey's Work:

A Painting
A Poem
Short Prose
Short Philosophic Essay

Send Jennet an E-mail

Jennet Kelly

Jennet is 24 years old. She has a major
in Japanese and a minor in English. She spent a year
in Japan teaching English to high school kids. She is
currently looking for a job while taking continuing
eduaction classes and learning web design.
View Jennet's Work:

A Poem
A Story

Send Jocelyn an E-mail

Jocelyn Hach

Jocelyn is 21 years old. She attends
community college and has not yet decided on a major.
She plays the viola in a community orchestra and
works in a beauty supply store.
View Jocelyn's Work:

A Painting

Send Adam an E-mail

Adam Gray

Adam is 25 years old. He lived in Chile
for a while, teaching English to kids. He currently attends
graduate school where he intends to get a masters degree
in teaching English as a second language. He also has a
job teaching ESL to adults. In college, he won several
awards for writing.
View Adam's Work:

Several Poems

Send Rosalind an E-mail

Rosalind Kirkpatrick

Rosalind is 22 years old. She will
be receiving a degree in business very shortly.
She is currently unemployed. As a hobby, she enjoys
spinning records.
View Rosalind's Work:

Two Short Pieces of Prose

We Will Never Grow Up!

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