Rosalind Kirkpatrick


The monitor eating my eyebits for snuggles. Tony Hawk the skateboarder graceful in the rain fretting rusted bearings. Losing bearings in inner self, stripping away perceived environment.

In the subconscious not allowing oneself to awaken even to the thought of I must awake if this is a dream, and pinching and leg tensing. Then later, in the midst of being unable to control those around him, the girl and Tony are faced with a knock at the door it is her mother. Tony yanks the covers to bury his nakedness but not swath fully discloses her rich white skin. He is tormented by his loneliness.

For Another Story By Rosalind

Casey Parson

"This Dream"

i had this dream that i am deep under water and i am looking up. the water is changing blue green to light as my eyes move to the light. seldom do i dream in color, and if i do, it is usually one color. and im down here thinking that my god i cant fucking breathe. my chest grips tight. but it occurs to me how beautiful this view is. to be with the sea, to see the waves distort the light. to have the comfort of the water touching every part of your skin. to have the support of the pressure this water brings. to be a part of the sea. i think of pictures of ophelia. water running across her face, with a slight dissidence in the flow where her lips barely surface, creating rings. i think of magritte's mother. the strong current drifted her body down the river with all her body bare except her head, which the clothes wrapped around and knotted. i am below the dark waters all around.

Jennet Kelly

"The Most Incredible Prize" or

"Never Wake Up Early"

In a large forest outside of a small town outside of a big city, there lived a woodland elf by the name of Xrpetant. He lived in a clandestine tree-dwelling elf community which forbade passing beyond the boundaries of their tree-top territory due to the horrors that had been inflicted on their ancestors by more brutal inhabitants of the earth, and also to protect the secrecy of their society and its location within the forest. However, since these regulations had been made, the crueler inhabitants had long abandoned the forest for towns and cities and the stories of their existence had become something along the lines of myths and fairy tales for the elves, though they continued to abide by the ancient commandments.

Xrpetant especially was an unbeliever in the old stories, and being rebellious in nature was sure that there was something exciting and worth seeing outside the elfen boundaries. So he made practice of waking up every morning before the others and exploring the surrounding woods. This was not particularly hard for him because since elves are magical creatures, they are extremely lazy and sleep until at least noon because they need not do any work as they can conjure up anything they like. Thus, they tend to stay up until early morning partying every night.

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