25/08/05 - New material from the band is currently being put together and we are planning on booking studio time soon. A new CD should be availible before the end of the year!

25/08/05 - We are pleased to announce that the Odd Ones Out have found a new drummer! Joe Nicklin (a talented drummer who also plays with the wRants), is now part of the band. Glad to have ya on board Joe!

03/06/05 - Due to outside commitments the band has decided to not play at the Bodicote Duck Race this year. Apologies to everyone who was looking forward to the gig - the band is still playing the Festival Weekend, hope to see you there!

24/04/05 - Sales of the April Demo commenced last night at the Bakers Arms. The entire band really felt it was our best performance to date and many thanks go to everyone who was there. It was a great atmosphere, cheers!

Many, many thanks go to Bob Critchley who has stepped in to drum for upcoming gigs at extremely short notice. His performance at the Bakers last night was exemplary, absolutely brilliant to have him with us.

Odd Ones Out now have an additional webpage at PureVolume, check out www.purevolume.com/oddonesout. You can listen to the first three tracks of the April 2005 Demo in full.

15/04/05 - Audio clips from each song of the April 2005 Demo have been added to the discography.

25/08/05 - Check out the progress of the band (+ pictures) recording their April 2005 Demo at Blue Moon Studios here.

08/04/05 - James Blunt and the band have parted ways after nearly a year together.

28/03/05 - The tracks to be recorded in April 2005 will be Serge Fontaine, Come Out To Play, Jungle Drums and Don't Say I've Lost Ya.

03/03/05 - Recording studio time has been booked for the 9th/10th of April. The current plans are to record three or four songs, to be confirmed 20/03/05.

20/01/05 - Live audio files added [Discography].

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