Before Serge Fontaine was recorded properly we did some rough versions on a 4-track. Here's a collection of the reviews those demos recieved.

It's Not Easy (the Life of a Fool)

"Really like this tune, obviously issues with sound quality being a demo but with some good production could be a quite good track!"
Matthew Wells

"Not very well recorded, but that doesn't stop the simple fact this is a good song coming through. Accoustic folky Zep meets moody early Bowie. I really like this."
Peter Beardsley

Rollin' On

"love the intro to this track - what a great piece of guitar work - deep southern american states springing to mind. nice vocals and harmonies and some good lyrical content. wasn't as keen on what i assumed to be the middle 8 break-down (before and after the solo). the solo was very nice though. i feel that the verses are stronger than the other vocal sections by some margin. the end 'ahh' section reminded me of the beatles doing 'twist and shout' - very nice. love the guitar at the end. overall a good track."
karl hughes

"My personal favourite from what i've heard so far. Once again, great harmonies and executed extremely well."
Tim Mobbs

"I like this I can imagine myself driving along the back roads of somewhereorother on a sunny day listening to this. sunny day soundtrack music nice"
Benny the Ben

"Really liked the vocal harmonies on this track. Hint of Jack White in the lead vocals there, and a touch of the US country. I'm struggling to think of any constructive critisism. A nice simple song exacuted very well."
James Wells

Serge Fontaine

"Peter says: Isn't Trip Fontaine's father in "The Virgin Suicides" called Serge Fontaine? This is the sort of chuggsome blues rock I was brought up on, nothing too original but awesome none the less. Nice meaty solo without being pretentious."
Peter Beardsley

"A little rockier than their other songs here. I like the others better - this one sounds a bit retro. Fun though!"
Shawna Kaufman

"Lots of rock, with a traditional nod. I quite like this track, but I have to say it is a little Spinal Tap."
Band man

"Liked the guitar work but thought the whole thing could have been a bit tighter in parts. Great track though. Is your vocalist american?"
James Wells

Taking in the Sunshine

"I've heard the album version of this from Joe, and i have to say its very well done. It's a great chilled out song to listen to and every part is absolutely spot on. I have to say the vocal harmonies are superbly executed. Well done with it."
Tim Mobbs

"Not my favourite track out of their stuff. Find this song a bit dull. I like the harmonica, the sound definately fits in well with the song, but i don't think it was played that well."
James Wells

That's Life

"Think this song and this band have great vocals which leads to good songs, if anything guitar backing could be improved or maybe bring in some drums or more instruments, just needs something else then it'll be excellent."
Matthew Wells

"This is packed full of atmosphere and vocal gymnastics. It seems instinctive rather than constructed, which fits the vocal nicely but does mean there are some meandering sections in the middle which take the edge off it. Would be great to listen to as the sun went down on the beach though..."
Dead Spy No. 3

"I like these guys - the songs aren't individually that memroable (no real hooks) but this is the type of music that you could listen to all day"
Shawna Kaufman

"Oh my, I really like this. It's the kind of easygoing, melodic stuff that makes you kind of smile inside."
Victoria Jones

"I think the vocals on this track help it stand out from the bulk of man on guitar tracks. Can imagine sitting in a park with a beer listening to you strum. Nice work."
Band man

"the falsetto seems a little mnisguided, and the general thheme is very much of a certain era, but nothing harmful in it. not majorly my bag, but alright."
josh humanity

"not my cup of tea... "shelter from the storm" - nod to dylan no doubt. not sure about the falsetto parts."
Trolley Face

"Great vocals, really interesting. The more i hear of you guys the more i like you. Really nice and simple songs with some excellent vocal work. Keep churning this kind of stuff out. I agree with Shawna that this song isn't that memorable. Its a great song, but it doesn't really touch me. The only thing i can think of that i'd like ot hear is some differentiation between the different parts of the song. Maybe some playing around with tempos and volume between the start, middle and finish. Loving the vocals but maybe push them a bit more. You're definately using your voice as an instrument, and i love that, different intensities, textures etc. But it could do with a little more differentiation in a progressive way, like Ben Harper, starts and finshes singing in a very different way."
James Wells

Turn It Around

"Really like this tune, like the electric guitar that has been introduced into this one. Sound quality needs to be cleared up a bit but its obv a demo. Good dtuff tho!"
Matthew Wells

"Like this one a lot. Really like the vocals, and sounds like this song is pretty challenging, although doesn't sound it so well done! Its pouring down with rain outside and this is the perfect track to sit and watch the rest of the world get wet. Be good to get some of these tracks on my iPod so if you can turn on the downloads that would be cool. I think its great you guys have so many tracks up. Its much easier to get a feel for what you guys are like with all these songs so thanks."
James Wells

"Pretty good, nice and mellow... didn't really catch my attention though."
Shawna Kaufman

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