
Greetings all!

...and welcome to the first ever instalment of the Odd Ones Out blog entry - a feature that I hope will become an informal weekly contribution concerning anything and everything about the band, written by the band. I feel that there is so much to talk about that happens 'behind the scenes' - ideas, new lyrics, band ambitions and so on that it would be great to be able to write about it all and put it on the website for all to see and read. The intention and my hope is that this weekly update will change from its current form as a band website with purely informative content into a band website that is a lot more personal, and a lot more interesting. With that explanation off my chest I can get down to the blog! Hooray!!

University term is almost over (two weeks this Friday!) and that means the Odd Ones Out are soon to be gigging, practicing, song writing etc once more back in the village of Bodicote. Its exciting times for us at the moment, as we've just booked up our first ever gig in Oxford (at The Corridor, Cowley Road) and we're headlining with support from The 8 Valve Can! We've had a great run of 22 gigs in and around Bodicote, but it is always nice to play at a different venue and to play in Oxford to me is a kind of confirmation that the band is progressing nicely - a sort of personal benchmark?

It's great too because we seem to be coming up with a lot of new song ideas recently - even though we're spread out across the UK! I for one am really looking forward to recording at Blue Moon again at the end of July. The band has come a long way since last April and its going to be great to show this on the new recording.

That's about all for now guys, im looking forward to next week's entry! In the mean time do feel free to check out our Purevolume site at - if you like, you can become a fan by making a listener account and adding Odd Ones Out as one of your favourite artists!

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