
Afternoon! Ness here, I'm at uni at the moment sat on my bed "doing revision" (actually doing anything but revision...hence the blog!). Can't wait for term to end, only two weeks to go! It will be great to get exams and all that out of the way and get on with band stuff. I really miss it when I'm here, plonking away on my bass in my room on my own isn't quite the same!

Really looking forward to the Oxford gig; however it goes it will be great to play there as it will be our first city gig! Don't know what the venue is like yet, never been before, but I think I'm going tonight (EDIT: last Monday), probably going to meet up with Aaron and possibly Joe too in Oxford and go to the Corridor so we can introduce ourselves and check out the stage space etc. - should be a good night!

One thing that's going to be strange is the lack of The Plough. It's become a bit of a band pub; we've had three gigs in there and is our choice local, but is closed at the moment - it has changed hands and is being refurbished. I'm really hoping it re-opens before I head back to uni. It would be great to do a re-opening gig in there, don't know how likely that is just yet though, not sure if they're planning on having bands in or not.

Can't wait to get on with new songs, it feels great when we make a song and it sounds good to other people, like when we played "Mr Critic" to Ben (next door!!) and he loved it... that feels wicked! Hopefully we'll get more responses like that over Easter, so we've got some top stuff for the studio. I'm really looking forward to recording, as I think I've improved quite a lot since the first time. Also, it will be great to record with Joe - he might be a bit of a funny one, but he's a great drummer - honestly!!

Right, better scoot - Neighbours is on!

Bye bye!! x x x

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