
Here we go! We’ve realised what days we’ve been booked into the studio and can tell you that we’re recording from Friday the 21st to Wednesday the 26th of July inclusive. The new demo is looking like it will be a 6-8 track affair as we are planning on recording six previously unrecorded tracks and re-recording Serge Fontaine and possibly Jungle Drums if we have enough time. The track listing will therefore likely be (in no particular order):

Mr. Critic
Rollin’ On
It’s Not Easy (the Life of a Fool)
Taking in the Sunshine
Turn It Around
That’s Life
Serge Fontaine
Jungle Drums

Keep your eyes on our media section as you will be able to listen to the new demo in full after it’s loaded onto the site hopefully sometime on Thursday the 27th. After that we’ll hopefully start distributing CD’s from the website with the launch of the online shop and at gigs once we sort out the artwork and get everything duplicated and printed up.

We have just received an order of some Odd Ones Out badges! With designs either in cool black or dashing red they will eventually be available from our online shop but you will also be able to pick them up at any of our upcoming gigs!

Sadly Generation Gap have been forced to pull out of BodFest this year following an injury to their drummer - we will likely play an extended set and former Odd Ones Out band member James Blunt will be making an appearance with an acoustic set – he’s promoting some material from his new band - Living the Life of Riley - check out their MySpace page here.

Wish us luck for the studio and we’ll update you with news, pictures and the all the audio in a couple of weeks!

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