Silk Frabics

  • Silk Frabics
    Thailand is renown for its silk and silk products. Endless colors, designs and plys are available.


Thai Silk Scarves

  • Thai Silk Scarves
    These wrap-around scarves come in a variety of colors, designs and sizes. Made to Order

Thai Silk Wall Hangings

  • Thai Silk Wall Hangings

    Many Thailand Silk designs are literally works of art. These large fabric wall hangings make an ideal display piece for home or office

Thai Silk Table Runners

  • Thai Silk Table Runners

    Thailand Table Runners come in various sizes to fit long, short or round talbles. All are hemmed and bordered to add a new dimension to any table of fine dining.

64 Silom Road, Bangkok, Thailand. Tel-006622676387. [email protected]   
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