This was last Halloween's hash group. No..I didn't go to this one. This is just to show you how fun it can be.  haha   Check below for a link to our official site and a brief explanation of who we are.  I will post a pic of myself soon.
Who we are....
    We are a beer/soda/juice drinkin group with a running problem.. We run on every Saturday, every other Thursday, every Okinawan or American holiday, and even every full moon.
     The most frequently asked question I hear is, where do you run? Well, we run everywhere. it always changes and is usually somewhere truly odd. This keeps up the interest in the runs because you never know where you'll end up. We've run through the capital city, through construction sites, under bridges, waded through rivers, and even ran up a waterfall.
     The second most frequently asked question is, how long are the runs? Some runs aren't even runs at all. They are runs like the one pictured above. They simply walked around from place to place (bar to bar). Some runs (if you actually run the entire thing, can last 2 hours but that would be pretty long and you usually get some sort of heads up before the run that it will be a long one. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RUN AT ALL. I have walked an entire hash in 1 hour before. People are there to have fun. This is not an exercise group, it's a social group.

     There is a hash run just about anywhere you go in the world. If you keep this in mind, you will always have friends wherever you go. The world hashes are always happy to have a visiting hasher. I've run here in Okinawa, Iwakuni/Hiroshima, and Michigan. I've seen some pretty clean hashes and some pretty wild ones. The Okinawa hash also has family hashes on some Sundays. At these hashes, the dirty/adult related songs are cut WAY down and you bring food for a pot-luck. These hash runs are baby-stroller friendly and keep to the main roads. There is frequently an alternate route for hashers who want to go off-road.

How it's done....

     We usually meet at the time listed on our website. If this site does not work, try . It should link you over to the regular site or take you directly to the hash schedule. If we meet at 3pm on Saturday, you should arrive around 2:30 and pay either $5 or 600 yen. This gets you all the beer, juice, soda or water you need and snacks at the close of the run. Stay and rub noses until the start of the run.

     At 3pm, the hares (people making the trail you will follow) will be introduced and sent on their way. The pack (the rest of us) will wait approx 10-15 minutes before starting. The hares will leave either finely shredded paper, flour, toilet paper (in the high grass and trees) or chalk marks on the ground for the pack to follow. The high grass and trees are referred to as "Shiggy". The marks are left approx every 100 yrds and are called "Chad".  DO YOU SEE WHERE THIS BECOMES FUN?? The hares may leave you 2-3 possible ways to go at an intersection where only one way is the correct way to go. If you've run 200 yds and there's no "Chad", come back to the intersection and try a different way. If you are in the rear (like I always am), the pack will leave their own "Pack marks" at intersections so you will know the right way to go.

     If an FRB or "Front Running Bastard" also called a "Jock Strapper" catches a hare, then all the hares at the end of the run will have to shotgun a beer or beverage of their choice. This includes anyone who has EVER been a hare for the Okinawa Hash. If one hare drinks, all hares drink.

     At the end of the run, when all the pack is in, everyone gathers in a circle and many topics are introduced. They will "BRING FORTH THE VIRGINS!" All virgin (first time) runners will enter the circle and be introduced to the pack. The pack will welcome them and tell them to "Bring chicks and buy a hash t-shirt". By a hashers 3rd run, they should have a hash t-shirt to run in. If they don't, they will have to do a down-down (shotgun a beer) and many times the virgins sponsor will also do one due to his/her lack of proper training of their virgin. You should also have a good wistle to blow on trail. You blow it 2 times when you see "Chad" on trail. This allows the back/slow runners to know where you are, if someone is lost, they can find trail. Also you blow 3 times when you see a "true trail arrow" (an arrow with 3 lines through it, shown below).  You will blow 4 times at an intersection. Many hashers will yell, "True trail!", "Intersection!", when they see these marks. When they see chad, they yell, "On-on!".

     Hash crashes/blood on trail may happen from time to time and this is another topic brought up when that happens. This is reccognized by having you down-down a beer.

     After your 5th run, you will be brought back into the circle and you will be reminded that after your next, 6th run, you will be getting a hash name. Hash names are usually pretty wacky or dirty so be prepared. YOU CAN NOT CHOOSE YOUR OWN NAME. My name is Cho Kon Kok. It is due to my love of Asian culture and South Park. Some other names are, Tig old Bitties, Pink Panties (this is a guy), Jewtenant Dan, Oscar the crotch, Princess poo-whole, and Smell my finger. If you truly dislike your name, on your 25th run, you may request a name change but it may just get worse so be prepared. There was a long list of members names on the hash page but it was removed.

     There is a whole lot to say about the Okinawan Hash House Harriers (OH3) but if you ask any of them, I'm sure they'll tell you all about it. I am always open to sponsor someone if they want to try it out. 
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