Prey - A poem
Photoshop page
Add about 250 to this since I had to start a new counter
[email protected]
If there's a broken link or problem with my page, please let me know in the guestbook or e-mail me. Thanks! I know that some graphics take longer to download.  If something doesn't come up, hit refresh. Also, any recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Adoration - A poem
Nightshine - A poem
The golden tear - A poem (updated)
Eric's photo page!!! Updated!!
Stuff about me - OOO! entertaining
Writings, Photoart etc etc.
Site last updated - 30 Apr 06
A friendly visit - A short story
Sister's website #1 !!!
Black and White pics
Email me @
I've written more but I have some re-writes to do first before I post them.
In Passing - A poem for Dad
Press the button!!!
A short bio:
Name: Eric L Willard

Age: 34 DOB:17 December

Location: What day is it? Right now I'm stationed out of Yuma, AZ but I am deployed to Iraq. Grew up in Pontiac and Durand, MI. Moved to IL, NC, VA, Japan, back to VA, back to Japan,Texas, Japan once again, now AZ. I plan to return to VA Beach someday.
I've also been to Thailand, Laos, S. Korea, Sumatra, Canada, Hawaii (since it's so far), Australia, Iraq, Saudia Arabia and Baharain.
Interests: I study alternate religions because I believe that you shouldn't talk about something you don't know anything about. I read about Zen, Wicca (including runes, Iching, healing energies), Haiku/poetry, Netsuke, apocrypha and I recommend for the fantasy types, 2 Neil Gaiman books (Endless Nights and The Dream Hunters). Music: mostly rock and motown but the only music I don't listen to are Black/Death Metal and rap. Also if you played something like Pink, Eminem or Christina Aguilera, I'd probably rip the cd out, stomp on it, burn it and then blow it up with an M80. (not really but you get the point)

Disinterests: Racism, immaturity in adults, foul language when it's completely unecessary, super religious people who push it in your face. Ask most Catholics what the dead sea scrolls are and you get the "Deer in the headlights" look.
YES I can be snide and condescending at times but there's a method to my madness. :) I try not to be.
A little more about me

I'm Atheist. I read more about Taoism, Wicca and Buddhism than anything else. The cycle of energy is the only truth I can believe in at this point. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, God or Devil. Only that we become a part of everything else when we pass. People who go apeshit over the difference in magic or magic(k) bug the shit out of me. If someone believes in God or some religion based on faith,
GO FOR IT. If it gets you through life, enjoy. 
I do still live my life this way. Do unto others etc, I won't lie to anyone or FOR anyone.
I'll be your best friend until you screw me over. Then it's on.
You'll never hear me telling anyone they're wrong because there's ZERO proof of a next life..
Believe what you want but don't throw it in other people's faces.

Books I'd reccomend: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Prophet, The Book of 5 rings, Neil Gaiman - The Dream Hunters, The Art of Peace and Zen Essence. Sometimes I go back and read the last 2 from time to time
Sister's website #2 !!!
Midnight's Light - Not a poem
New work in progress (Spoiler)
I started this page some time ago but now I use my Deviant Art page more than anything.
It now has over 20 million art entries so far from various artists all over the world.
I've become a member and
posted photos and writing.
Don't read unless you wanna see some of the stuff for up and coming stories.
Press this button too
Links to cool sites
Funny Animations, games mini-movies etc.
Funny Animations, games mini-movies etc.
Jewelry site that I have ordered from.
Theatrical contact lenses. A bit expensive but the lenses last a long time. I have the Lava lens.
Hey!! I made it onto someone elses site!! No not the "This pervert lives in your community" site.
Go to
Click on February 2006
Go to page 5.
I am the 5th pic, in the center.
The ring on my finger and the confused look on my face are a dead give away.
I had more photoshop stuff here but I have moved most of my stuff to my DA page. See the link above to visit them.
Some of the sample pics that I have on Deviant Art.
All pics are links to DA.
A cool page with leather masks for halloween.
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