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H  O  W    T  O    O  R  D  E  R

This site is designed to be self-contained and you can order directly from it.   We are not yet able to offer on-line ordering, but we do provide a printable order form which you can complete and mail or fax to us.
Alternatively, write, telephone or e-mail for our free brochure.
Perhaps you are ready to order invitations but do not yet know the wording for your service booklet or menu.   You are welcome to deal with these items later on, either as a completely separate order (new deposit needed) or by adding them to this order with a note �details to follow�.

   B E F O R E   B E G I N N I N G

Choose your items

You may well need two separate invitations � or possibly even three, if you are having both an afternoon reception and an evening party as well as the ceremony itself.

See Formats for a description of the various items we offer and the distinction between the different types of order-of-service document.

How many of each?

When deciding how many invitations to order, remember that normally you only need one per household.   At the same time, you need to allow for some extras to cover spoilage and last-minute flashes of memory.   It is far better to order too many than too few.   If you have to come back to us later for a reprint we will have to charge a large proportion of the original price (usually 2/3), since from our viewpoint all the work of platemaking, printing and finishing has to be gone through over again.

In the case of service card and booklets we recommend giving every guest an individual copy, with a possible exception for small children.

Reference letters

Every item we produce carries a reference letter from A to X.   Some items, notably invitations, come in a range of sizes and layouts each of which has its own reference.   These letters are briefly defined in the price guide;  for fuller descriptions see the Formats page.

   O N   T H E   O R D E R   F O R M

Steps printed in green can be left for us to complete if you prefer

Address details

Please give a contact telephone number if at all possible.

The delivery address should be one where someone is available on weekdays to sign for receipt of a parcel (see Delivery for more details).

Reference letter

Circle the reference letter[s] for the item[s] required.

The first two columns

Enter the quantities required in the first column.

Work out the basic cost by

noting down the price for 10 from the price guide

deducting 10 from the total quantity required

multiplying the remainder by the + per unit price in the price guide, and adding the result to the 10 price

Enter this final figure in the second column

Luxury material

Scroll down the Materials & Inks page for the Luxury Material Price Supplement table.   Find the appropriate reference letter.   Multiply the figure by the quantity ordered.   Enter the result in this column.  


Total boxes are provided at the bottom of each column as well as to the right of each row, if you wish to use them.

   Before moving on the the bottom section, fill in the boxes to the right

�Original Design Family�

Fill in the name as given at the top of the relevant page in the brochure or in this site, such as Erin or Rennie.

�Monogram style�

Use this box if you want a pattern of monogram which is not the normal one for your chosen Family.   Enter the name of the Family from which it comes.


Tick if the typestyle you want is the one illustrated on the page for your chosen Family.   Otherwise, enter the name of the one you prefer (such as Alcuin or Post Antiqua).


Tick if you are having the recycled silk material in either White or Ivory.   For any other material, enter the name as given in bold in the table on the Materials page (e.g. Hammer, Laid, Parchment).

   Now continue with Special artwork, Alternative ink etc.

�Special artwork�

See Illustrations for the kind of work this covers.   If it applies to you, enter �20.00 for now (unless we have already quoted you a different figure).   We will adjust it if necessary when confirming the order.

�Alternative ink�

This means any colour other than the six listed in the Ink box.   If applicable, enter �10.00;   again we will adjust when confirming.

�. . . Deduct �50 here�

Note that this only applies if all the items which make up the �350+ value are going to be sent at one time.

�Express order �35�

See Timescales & Delivery.   Note that, if you are splitting your order, this charge will only cover the first round.

R E M E M B E R    T O    I N C L U D E
1   Deposit (sterling cheque or credit/debit card authorisation)
2   Wording, including address for letterheads or correspondence
cards and any message or verse required for place cards.

�So what happens next?�
Click here.

Home   -   Celtic   -   Mediæval   -   Renaissance   -   Victorian   -    Art Nouveau   -   Charles Rennie Mackintosh   -   Art Deco   -  Price guide   -   Wording & Designs  -   Materials and Inks   -   Formats   -   Monograms   -   Illustrations   -   Timescales & Delivery   -   How to Order   -   Order form   -   Quotation Request   -   Links
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